Do you think he regrets shitting on FF15 now that this may hurt his career?
Do you think he regrets shitting on FF15 now that this may hurt his career?
All memeing aside I wonder if Conan even remembers the name of the game or what he said in that segment.
How many weebs do you think watch Conan?
>Shit game gets called shit.
Why's this bad again?
>200,000 viewers
It couldn't get any worse. Chat shows survive by posting clickbait videos on yt now.
Jesus fuck, every single day with this retardation. Grow up, children.
Lol, hurt his career? No one cares except this autistic board, kys mate
>It's like a Beckett play
Never bothered with these before, but this is pretty funny.
Thanks OP.
Wonder if he'll ever find that game that sparks his interest in vidja.
But I guess that wont happen as they only feed him the worst AAA garbage.
If anything it's helping his career since autists on this board keep memeing him over a 30 minute comedy segment.
>this may hurt his career
He was a literally who before that, congratulations on spreading the word about him Sup Forums
Witcher 3 did for all the same reasons it interests anyone else
I know this is bait but I don't care. Literally no one outside of this board and a few very small groups of people care. That segment was just one Part of a recurring segment on the show, and the normies watching were probably thinking "what the fuck is this nerd shit?". The entire world doesn't revolve around you, grow up.
Did they seriously get him on 60 minutes because of this? Jesus Christ just kill me...
Dude is old and plays one vidya. Rates it bad for comedy when in reality really doesn't really care about vidya he's here for money.
Why the hell is Conan relevant here?
It was pretty funny and Square's not going to do shit
Square can sue now that reviews are out. It's clear he hurt their brand with his bs.
>board about toys
>half of the board pop are autists
>the other half are manchilds
>the third half are autists manchilds
>"grow up"
Woooah..... so this is...... the power of....... weebs.....
>-next time on 60 minutes-
>"at the top of his game, he was the funniest man in the business; one of the hit writers behind the emmy award winning series 'the simpsons'. but after a five minute skit on his late night show, involving one of the world's most popular video games, this funny man... is no longer laughing"
>"could this be the end of the late night host career? did he cross the line when he spoke negatively about the acclaimed 'final fantasy' series? the yakuza and an online community of millions think so"
He shit on a game for having all of the inane shit that FF fans love. In doing so he showcased the stuff that will make them love the game.
Squeenix is not rustled, it's just a few weebs that are upset that esoteric tastes are esoteric.
>may hurt his career
>involving one of the world's most popular video games
ha, maybe if you're a weeb
The plural of child is children.
Grammar matters on the internet, please think of the childs.
>esoteric tastes
more like gay taste as fuck taste
this is never going to hurt his career
Hahaha, that's the dumbest line of text I have ever read.
I was being polite.
>>calls vidya "toys" on a vidya board
>>uses "pop" instead of "population"
>>does not know how plurals or fractions works
>>criticises others for having common sense in a desperate attempt to be edgy
Fuck, you are retarded.
Yes. This is expected and the reason every fucking game company wants their game to be featured in his segments.
>third half
Holy fuck, literal underage cunt. Get the fuck out.
Why would it hurt his career?
>Butthurt weebfags
why the fuck do people care?
im a big final fantasy fanboy and i thought it was funny.
its for comedy. i dont doubt if he played games it wouldnt be for him and he genuinely would rather play a more action heavy game and exaggerrated it for the show, but why get mad about it?
how are you people so fucking butthurt over nothing
Is this the ConanTANIC ive been waiting for? Im addicted to happenings because they get my blood pressure up (but none will as exciting as my first happening) and I need another TORTANIC in my life or I succumb to withdrawels
>There are people ITT that waited 10 years for a 10 hour long game
>They waited 10 years to play a game with a sub 95 average score
lmaoing@yo life fucking squeenix weebs
>may hurt his career
Is this a joke?
He probably sold half a million copies of the game just by appearing on his show. A lot of people who buy video games don't go to review websites and don't care about the whole drama surrounding Sup Forums. For most people, the Conan show was the first time they'd even heard that Final Fantasy XV is coming out. And for a lot of people who owned PS4s, they either said "Hey, Final Fantasy, I remember that. There's a new one out? Cool." or they just thought it looked a heck of a lot better than their yearly Madden and decided to check it out.
Just because a TV program triggered your autism doesn't mean that everyone is weeping in their beds because some late night talk show host made a joke about something.
>being that stupid
>Normies thinking you needed to be a weeb to enjoy the best Final Fantasy titles
Please off yourself.
>"I didn't know what I was doing. I thought it would just be a normal segment... Then I got the letters, the various packages containing sticky action figures and anime pillows. Ellijah called me in a panic before abruptly getting cut off. I haven't slept a full night since Trump won."
>not a member of the alt-right movement
>three halves make a whole
Wolves don't fucking eat watermelon.
>Conan O'Brien
>literally who
Greentext aside, I never knew he reviewed video games.
Clearly that one does you fucking faggot
You guys do know shitposts are more effective if theres some truth to them right?
>Insanely popular talk show host
>Calls a shit game shit on a segment that's purpose is LITERALLY to make fun of vidya and vidya culture
Yeah, nah. Square might not play ball again, though.
>not a member of the IRA
Wait what happened? I watched the segment, it was pretty funny and validated everything I thought was going to be shit about 15. Other than that I only really remember Elijah Wood saying "I wanna ride the chicken".
Get in the fucking boat Huey.
Nigger he hosted the Tonight Show
Career? His LIFE is on the line. Yakuza are heavily involved in square enix and were expecting a large return on their investments.
As soon as the conan segment hit youtube, preorders dropped dramatically. Doesn't take a genius to know that conan has got. to. go.
Weren't you wondering why he has been in hiding lately? He has been airing re-runs lately.
For less than a year.
Huey did nothing wrong
>teen faggot thinks his YT is what keeps TV shows on the air.
Kys you fucking idiot kid. Really, the way you fucking idiots think is sad.
Which then led to a successful documentary and a whole new show which is praised over the Tonight Show and The Late Show consistently
Now fuck off.
Oh wow he hosted a show that only people above the age of 60 watch.
Good for him?
>not hurting their own brand by putting out an embarrassing game
You redo your hair every couple hours like the faggot characters do right?
Is Conan the only cool guy left on television?
>calls other people teenagers
>still uses 'kys'
you are a mature 16 year old adult
he bet it all on destroying JRPG
and he failed
How's the 6th grade these days?
What career?
If you don't think the yakuza has its fingers in all of the major pies of japanese corporations, you are either japan-illiterate or just a massive weeb who won't admit the truth.
This is like six different layers of meta trolling
>being a 3rd world nigger
Some people strive to have intellectual conversations on Sup Forums. Scary, I know.
Take your troll nonsense elsewhere, the complexities of the situation are clearly too much for you.
Come back when FFXV is released so "experts" can confirm what the Sup Forums elite have known for weeks.
So does Jimmy Fallon. It doesn't mean anything.
nigger I'm still mad about leno buttfucking him on that
Leno did nothing wrong
Why is everyone shitting on Conan?
He didn't say anything about the game that is wrong or inaccurate. Clearly it is a bad game. I've seen like a dozen of his gaming segments but this is the first time I've seen him actually get angry and start screaming because the game was so unbearable. It's a shitty game
He hates the game, he wants nothing to do with, and so he doesn't associate himself with it. FFXV is an abomination, and Conan knows better than to make everyone understand why it's bad. That's why he left his criticism on a more "fun" show.
Conan could, if he wanted to, ruin FFXV. He has plenty of devoted fans at his side who could inform everyone over why FFXV is bad. He chooses not to, meaning that people "thinking" FFXV is good (they aren't really thinking) doesn't actually impact his career.
Fuck off FFXV shills, fuck you.
>Conan O motherfucking Brian
>a literally who
What rock did you crawl out from?
Fuck Conan. Hes dead to me now.
>Clueless gamer reviews a game
>Does so cluelessly
Why "fuck Conan"? Conan didn't spend 10 years making a game about pushing a broken car down the road
this, why the fuck would he care what it scores? he doesnt play games, I dont see why him shitting on something is such a big fucking deal, I dont see why everyone took it so seriously. these threads are worse then e-celeb bullshit
>He has been airing re-runs lately.
No he hasn't.
because asshurt weebs don't like that he shat on their "gawd tier jarrpeegee". fuck those delusional neofags.
t. weeaboo
He will regret everything he did and said.
I think they ran reruns last week
granted that's because it was fucking thanksgiving week, but don't expect shitposters to use their brains and figure that out
He probably doesn't even remember it.
But he was absolutely correct. Did you not see the fucking abysmal 84 score on Metacritic? A AAA game with guaranteed paid reviews getting an 84 is like a game in the 90s getting a 44. Conan was correct, as was the guy posting leaks of the """gameplay""" and the final """boss""". The only people unironically trying to defend this shitpile are the Final Fantasy shit eaters who have been strung along for a literal decade and would've bought the game even if the only gameplay was dressing up Cloud as a girl or shaving Lightning's armpits.
he will continue making money regardless of what some weeaboo faggot says about him on the internet. FTFY
>FFXV kun actually thinks his kind is in the demographic for conan.
Yes, I'm positive poking fun at a single game for 5 minutes that turned out to review and sell well wil deal a big blow to his career. He'll be blacklisted from every major network, for sure!
Hes a vindictive piece if shit. Every game review he did was a joke but you could tell there was actual malicious intent behind FF XV. What goes around comes around Conan.
They can not comprehend that a segment called "clueless gamer" implies itself.
Instead of laughing along with him at the perceived absurdities like the wedding dress bashing, they go full defensive.
He may have gone a bit over the top in this one but really, it's his job to embellish for the sake of entertainment.
>thinking some weeaboo faggotry will even touch his career
>t. autistic weeb
>a-user, could you spare some change?
>after that FF XV review, I lost everything
>my wife left me and I lost my house
>please help
america pls
Weeb butthurt in a nutshell.
t. asshurt weeb faggots.
>clueless gamer review
>is clueless
how fucking profoundly out of touch would you have to be to think a shitty irrelevant japanese flop of a game is going to affect the career of conan, fuckin what.
>let me tell you the story about how a nip game caused my entire career to implode