It's ok.
Heroes of the Storm
You're doing a very lazy job shilling.
Yeah, it's okay. Kinda boring. Comfy though. I enjoy it because I love Blizzard games despite myself.
I get paid either way.
I like it. Dota 2 is superior but I personally prefer this.
It's okay!!! Play now!!!
>Dota 2 is superior
Not really.
Well, mechanically speaking.
Not really. The talent system in Heroes is much more refined.
I like how there's pretty much constant team battles. Reminds me of like how smash is to fighting games and this is to mobas
Dota may have more going on, but it isnt fun to actually play. What's the point?
Favorite Hero Sup Forums? I like Sgt. Hammer.
that's an entirely subjective statement. that said i still prefer hots to dota, but lets not delude ourselves into thinking that simpler is "streamlined" or "refined" or "actually more complex"
Its ok
The talent system is weird as fuck though
Also heroes aren't free
currently enjoying alarak a lot, but he's really hard to fit into a comp
It's an objective fact that HoTs is the best MOBA of all time.
I legitimately enjoy heroes of the storm and this is a stupid comment.
Every single hero bogs down into two builds and a ton of heroes need tweaks to their kits because they havent had attention given to them in competitive play.
lt. guldan skin when?
Deputy Valla is objectively the best skin of all time.
Arthas aesthetically because I'm a HUGE fag for warcraft but gameplay-wise Tyrael.
>Tfw no good guldan skins
It's a shame really he is hands down my favorite hero too pick.
>Log in
>See Skill-Ming still exists
>Log Out
>He can't dodge
Sup Forums wasn't lying to me when they said this was the smash bros of mobas. and yeah its just "ok".
Genderflipped Diablo 3 hero skins when?
Particularly pic related.
It's never about whether you can dodge, it's about whether the 4 cockgobblers on your team can. (they can't)
And that's why HOTS is shit
>Ragnaros is coming
All I need is Deckard Cain and Mengsk and my wish list is complete.
Illidan he is just like me
Cho'gall. Most fun I've had in a MOBA.
>Wanting a second Abathur in Deckard cain
Fuck no
Sure, they say its "ok"
Sup Forums is like sure what ever
Then the shill says "kinda good"
Sup Forums is like sure I guess so
Then the shill says "its good try this Sup Forums"\
What could Deckard Cain possibly do? Talk to enemy to sleep? Identify them?
Yeah haha it's just ok.. I'm absolutely not a massive Blizzard fan at all, hahaha..
>only 57 as specialist
Do you hate fun?
Raynor was pretty easy to play as. Had some success playing Zarya. Want to play Lost Vikings.
Diablo and Leoric seem good but only when there's a healer around.
How's this Dehaka guy? I wanna play him just based off his voice.
His rap skills are undefeated.
ah, you're in silver. I understand. don't worry, it gets more bearable at platinum. your teammates start actually being good in diamond
Imagine a Defensive Abathur mixed with Medivh.
>Played for the oni genji skin
>Had a good time
This guy and his ring of zombies, man
while it may be shit is has some of the most unique characters in a moba
you will never see shit like lost vikings in any other one
>implying a silver player can possibly reach platinum ever
>artanis is one of my most played
diablo is shit, generally. leoric doesn't need a healer if you spec him right. dehaka is really, REALLY good on large maps when you have an aggressive comp based on ganking and skirmishing. if he has to solo tank in a game that is all teamfights, he wont do so well. think of dehaka as being kinda like spirit breaker in his role.
Provining my point lad.
I care way more often about how much you win vs what you play.
I carried myself with raynor last season, its all about dive now so play tracer instead.
Dehaka is stupidly good with a ballzy team after you get essence on takedown.
do YOU hate fun?
no in all seriousness, i'm not good at lane heavy/pushers. unless it's sylvanas, she's fun.
i mainly play bruisers and melee divers. 170 games as sonya awh yeh.
The game is pretty boring, but it has a certain appeal when you're in the mood for it. I like being able to constantly push and throw ults into entire bases to melt them down.
yeah, its fucking impossible. I play with a couple silver friends and oh my god, the people we get matched with are just beyond bad. i accidentally placed myself into silver in unranked draft by playing in a 5man stack of bads and jesus christ has it been hard to lift myself out.
lmao what? just walk away before it goes off
I legitimately want to know how many games did you lose to get placed there?
is there porn of lili and/or brightwing
Artanis is great.
i win a fair amount given it was my first MOBA at the beginning I would say. 58.4% winrate ain't too shabby.
i just don't play ranked, though. i enjoy my dumb wackymatch. i become too much of a competitive buttmunch in ranked.
I liked playing as him
My last post is me doing my placements because I wait till the end on purpose to play ranked. I dont enjoy seeing the same things over and over and have no friends that enjoy hots at all.
it was right when they released unranked draft, so they had the uncertainty of MMR raised at the time. went from like 2400 mmr to 2060 in 11 games, of which i lost 9 of them lol. to be fair, i was fuckign around and picking medivh and shit. little did I know that they used unranked draft MMR to place you for initial hero league placement matches, so i got placed into plat 3 even though i was diamond 3 last season. been able to pull myself up a bit, but i dont have the time to go as high as i would like.
>Log in after 8 months
>Try a new hero in Try mode
>Wow that's cool
>Lemme buy him
>Oh fuck I don't have enough gold
>Close game
I was really obsessed before they came out with GM rank and all that getting my mmr up i was around 3200 but after they reset the mmr I honestly just got so apathetic to get it again for a stupid picture.
I know how good I am already, it sounds like im full of myself a bit but I honestly dont know how else to say it.
Either way ladder climbing to me has been a huge waste of time. I dont have anyone to wave my rank at anyone for being good so it doesnt matter, and I dont have an aspiration to become a mlg streamer.
3200 is really good man, you can make master off that. I just want to be good for myself. also, ive noticed that when playing with others, having a high rank affords you some level of clout. they'll listen to you if you have the ranking to back it up. this applies mainly to playing with friends of friends, but also to even using your high level portrait. what was the highest rank you hit?
Zeratul and Nova
>dont play game so dont have ingame currency
>surprised when you cant buy thing
Its like trying to buy a chair without going to work
Why not give incentive to return to the game? Why the fuck is every hero since wizard 10,000g?
>purchasing heroes
All heroes are free in Paragon
Every new hero is 10,000. After some time the price drops. It's bullshit but whatever.
The Lost Vikings.
It doesn't matter if you're doing Hero League or Quick Match, no one encounters them enough to know how to deal with a competent player. Even when I got to platinum, Vikings still shit all over the competition.
I'm at a 81% winrate with them. Most of my losses are from baddy teammates throwing the game at the beginning.
They really wont listen to you at all. Anything over 3k was masters rank before the patch.
Being high rank is worse because the game balances it against you a ton if your rank is higher by giving you a really bad player. At least it does in QM which everyone claims I have tin foil hat on but I can tell when the games over 4 minutes in.
Every reddit thread will give you this stay positive bullshit and tell people nicely how to do X or Y but seriously if you say anything to anyone they immediately get shitty and sperg about how they are having fun and dont care how poorly they play. Its probably the worst feeling in the world to work harder to get a good rank only to have the matchmaking make my games worse to try to get my winrate closer to 50 50
I just use the lunar chen/lili picture because nobody seems to have it.
I really hope at some point in time Blizzard realizes how much they fucked up paywalling heroes.
I just bought Varian with 15000 gold and I already have another 15000 from the brawl quests and the stimpack they gave us for the genji/cross promo event.
I myself cannot micro but if I could I would be doing the same thing.
haha... same here user haha
The just charging for skins model seems pretty good
holy shit, I really thought Sup Forums being retarded brain dead casual was a meme
My favorite part of running Vikings comes at level 16+. Before that, I'm just soaking, getting us all a generous lead. At 7 I break from the rest of the Viking players and go with Norse Force!, Play Again at 10, Nordic Attack Squad at 13, and then Impatience is a Virtue at 16.
When that level rolls around, they become the best roaming gank squad in the game. I've 100%'d Cho'galls easy, and they're usually the equal of any two assassins in a 1v2. The fact that Nordic Attack Squad does percentage based bonus damage INDIVIDUALLY on each Viking's attacks you'd think would make it more commonly picked.
It's the best system but because of LoL's success almost nobody uses it.
Dotafag, go back to your dead game and beg other users to make some content because you know the devs aren't going to.
Impatience is a Virtue is like the only talent in the game that still lowers your ultimate's cooldown, right?
Illidan's basic attacks lower his ult's cooldown, but talentwise, yeah, I think all the others got reworked to only work on basic abilities. TLV's is doubly good because it applies individually off of all their attacks.
So much in their kit is crazy OP. I'm really glad no one else plays the character. If they were just a little more popular, they'd get nerfed like crazy.
TLV, Azmodan, Abathur, Nezeebo
If not being able to dodge high damage easy to avoid skillshots is your problem, be glad you quit before Chromie showed up. She does even more damage and from even easier to dodge skillshots.
butthurt blizzdrone
>mfw Nova, Tychus and Vala rework
>It's ok.
It's ok for real. I've quitted MOBAs for 2 years, and now I have this urge to play them. I decided to pickup HotS again and it became so fucking good.
>tons of new characters
>3 new maps
>QoL changes everywhere
>5+ heroes for free
Maybe LoL/DotA are better games but all this stuff is so fucking comfy
I suck ass at vikings because running 3 lanes is hard because Im used to just the one hero and not 3 squishy heroes.
Could never really work Meepo either in Dota.
Name one dota character with the complexity of the Lost Vikings. Or the unique gameplay mechanics of Cho'gall. Go on, I'll wait.
I like HotS more than League (which is trash) if I were going to play a real ASSFAGGOT, I would play Dota.
tfw no friends to play with
Vikings is basically Meepo but you dont have to micro all 3 vikings since they run off the same bar.
Cho'gall is unique and fun as is Abathur.
Its going to be whatever Dota has for Ophelia that steals jungle camp minions, he has to micro like 5 things and they all have 3 different abilities each.
Ophelia is from Heroes of Newerth IDK any dota heroes just hero concepts which are usually familiar.
Meepo is like a shittier version of the Vikings. Like, if you sucked all the fun and complexity out of the Vikings, you get Meepo.
Hence why no one plays or likes Geomancer.
Abathur by a mile. Fear the slug.
Ragnaros looks like a neat idea, shame his model is so cartoonishly bad.
Also wish Blizzard could balance their newly released heroes better and not just have them OP as hell for a few weeks before getting the nerf bat. I get its a sales tactic, but its still stupid.
I fucking love Anub'Arak. I'm sad he's terrible right now. He needs a rework in my opinion since he's the squishiest tank ever.
Right now I'm enjoying myself with Leorid and Varian, I feel bad for playing Varian though, he's too good on the right hands, it does not even feel like a fair match to your opponent.
Azmodan. I only play casually, but unless there's another competent Azmodan I feel like the side has to be fairly incompetent to lose. Azmodunk is fun, but lately playing laser build and using demonic invasion on the lane furthest away from the objective just as it begins is pretty fun too. They're either a man short as someone deals with the lane or it's 5v5 on the objective as their lane gets stomped. I'm guessing it's not so easy at higher levels.
Nova with snipe master is fun in QM.
This. I wouldn't argue that Meepo is as complex as the Vikings, but the fact that they did such a pisspoor job making him definitely makes him harder.
While the Vikings can be used to strategically sacrifice one, knowing you can either instantly resurrect him or just wait out his timer and then each Viking has their own abilities and attacks, Meepo just has a bunch of untalented clones that if one dies, everything dies.
I almost wouldn't even compare the heroes. TLV is one of the best and most complicated /rewarding heroes any MOBA has ever had. Meepo is an unthought out abortion that was poorly designed and no one likes.
This. When can I use my husbando?
>mfw you get Guldan for free when you buy the warcraft movie
I always declare a win if we have the ultimate being that is Pajamathur.
Also still waiting on Garrosh because the demo of him looked solid.
I was really disappointed they didn't use the male Crusader. I'd turn fag for Gideon Emery's voice.