Can a video game be good AND bad at the same time? I'm not talking about mediocre, I'm talking about a video game being good AND bad AT THE SAME TIME
Can a video game be good AND bad at the same time? I'm not talking about mediocre...
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mgsV, witcher 3
Dark Souls 2.
Its incredibly in depth combat shitting on anything meleecombat in any game ever, weighted down by mostly anything else. Its so good I cri evertyime for it being so shit.
Dragon's dogma
Every Elder Scrolls game, and easily qualify.
Yeah its not uncommon. Sometimes a game will have only one part of it done well enough to want people to keep playing, but the rest could be handled terribly. Examples being any game that has really good gameplay but a laughable story, or an interesting story but terrible gameplay.
nope thats not it
Pokemon sun and moon.
So many things wrong, yet so many things new and refreshing to the franchise.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
The most retarded and somehow genius game
its related however
Some parts of it can be good and some bad. Also, it may be enjoyable to varying degrees to different types of players. For example, the best things about Dark Souls seem like insults or gross design oversights to some players.
Dragon's Dogma probably. I love the game as much as I hate the bad shit about it.
Elder Scrolls
World of Warcraft
League of Legends
Deadly Premonition.
No, it's impossible. Videogame quality assessment terms like "good" and "bad" are objective, absolute, and perfectly mutually exclusive. It's literally inconcievable that one would could ever describe a game as both "Good" and "Bad" terms means perfect opposites and there is absolutely no space for obfuscation or lack of clarity, individual interpretation etc...
Games are either good, or bad. No other possibility. A game being good and bad at the same time is quite literary contradictio in terminis. How could you ever even think of such a stupid notion?
What are you guys talking about?
fuck off autismo
The Witness
Uncharted series
What a dumb thread
Certainly not dumber than your face.
More like Alively Premonition get it
A medium can embody many contrasts.
Ever heard of a figure of speech : Its so bad its good?
Ever heard of the concept of "irony"?
Ever heard the concept of "kill yourself"?
You are biting your own tail here
You are a really sad piece of shit, aren't you?
Literally Skyrim
haha my man irony you are so above it all I cant even i just want to suck a log of shit out of your asshole to become a part of you dipfuck
>I w-was merely being s-sarcastic!!
God hand
Drakengard. Can't deny combat and shit being ass but it's entertaining.
Yes, just like everything else.
It happens by a game massively excelling in a few areas and being sub par or dissapointing in others.
Kind of like if a book has great structure and pacing but bland plot, or a movie that has great cinematography but kinda flat conceptually.
if only ideas weren't physical facts that happened
Dragons Dogma. Each individual facet of the game is actually rather bad if you separate them.
>quests are super simple and very straightforward, almost MMO like
>combat is simplistic
>characters lack development
>graphics are complete garbage
>designs in general are forgettable
>world is uninspired
>story is typical jap fantasy #4456
But the game is the sum of its parts, everything combined makes it unusually great and better than other games than are trying to be more out there.
DD was the biggest meme game ever. It's a bad version of MH, and MH was already a shit game. I've never been more disappointed by a "hidden gem".
>>I w-was merely being s-sarcastic!!
Yeah, the "it's literally impossible to say that something might be good and bad at the same time" and "good and bad are objective and absolute" parts should have tipped you off you fucking idiot.
Seriously: do you people even fucking understand the words you are using? I assume you people are native speakers: do you not fucking understand the meanings of the words in your own native language?
Thats retarded
you are assuming that what you can conceive is all there is
>Xray dont exist cause i can't perceive them
So? Let me be retarded
>meme game
Can you communicate why something is bad without resorting to meme, reddit, cuck or SJW as descriptives? Because those words as an insult are so empty at this point that its like leaving a blank space. WHY is it a meme game, define what that means.
Why can't you cont to 5?
Came here for this, not disappointed. Perfect example.
Most games today are nu-fun ""experiences"".
>an interesting story but terrible gameplay.
t. every turn-based game ever
Drakengard 1 and 3.
I'd say Nier but at least its combat wasn't as terrible.
>you are assuming that what you can conceive is all there is
I'm honestly and entirely confused about what you mean by that.
Thanks for your irrelevant input, nu-frog
It means "I did not enjoy a game that other people did".
that you can't think about it doesn't mean that it doesnt exist it just means you can't think about it
What is it so hard to understand?
Logic is causal because the laws of physics are causal and we obey the laws of physics but then didn't physics move beyond that?
>What is it so hard to understand?
I'm struggling to understand what that does have anything to do with what I said earlier.
>defending trash
you have to go back.
Not the user you responded to but arent quantum physics beyond logic and physics?
Good and bad are more a spectrum than binary values, hence we get the extremes on either end which is responsible for such widely regarded and accepted terms as 'so bad it's good'
Alpha Protocol
>deep combat
I knew that frogposters are dumb, but at least I thought they can read
Postal 2.
It has so many flaws
>awful graphics (even for the time of release)
>glitchy as fuck
>kinda awkward floaty gameplay
>ridiculously unbalanced weapons
>shitty plot
But it also has so much good stuff in it
>ridiculous and original features you don't see in any other game (peeing on people as distraction, some features encourage the player to use the glitches for their own advantage etc.)
>doesn't take itself too seriously, the devs know it's a shitty game and they have fun with it
>lots and lots and LOTS of easter eggs, secrets, references etc. new things and weapons you'll be discovering after years of playing it
>amazing support from the devs, they still actively update the game
It's a shitty game on pretty much every merit, but it's so good. It's kinda like reading a really shitty erotic novel; the writing and everything that makes a book great is shit tier, but also: a boner.
>quantum physics beyond logic and physics?
Quantum physics are beyond logic and physics.
Dude, think about what you are saying there.
That post was a joke. Mocking the stupidity of OP's question.
What happened before them was that the emotion and observation room of the two founded under the rules of the game so to speak ended up in a quantum
>Never put a reasonable amount of tiem to compare each souls entry to each other
shesh go away, this place is normie FREE
Was going to post this.
Definitely Elder Scrolls. No other game does open world sandbox even nearly as well, but the combat is so fucking bad in every single game and it ends up a chore to play. Imagine how amazing TES would be on a modern engine with fun combat.
I'd really like to see a TES clone that's a third person shooter with abilities, like Mass Effect. I'm surprised no one has really tried to make a TES clone on a better engine.
who knows right?
That quantum physics are above our understanding of logic and physic
shall i spell it for you?
but does that make them logical and lawful?
Alpha protocol, i don't even know where to start but fuck me if it's not a flawed gem.
The two Sonic Adventure games, arguably
False. A game can be analyzed in many separated parts. It could have "good gameplay and music" and "bad artstyle and story". Like what I think of every God of War after the first.
Oh, sorry I thought you were going full Henry on us. Next time I'll note that you were just pretending for comic effect.
If you play on Easy it becomes less of a grindy chore. It's still pretty brainless but at least you can just enjoy the insanity with less hassle.
Man I wanted to finish this game but the clunkyness and awful follow missions stopped me. I enjoyed the 5-6 hours I did put in though but after reading the plot online I am glad I didn't finish because I think I would have been angry. I know it's probably something that is better watched than read but it sounded like a fucking mess.
Also was York real? I had this semi spoiled for me but I didn't quite know the details and this was something I was looking forward to finding out.
Xenogears disc 1 and 2
What about this
>That quantum physics are above our understanding of logic and physic
They are called "quantum PHYSICS". They are SUBJECT OF PHYSICS. They have been discovered and described (actually, in majority they were SPECULATED, MODELED, CALCULATED and proven theoretically before any empirical evidence confirming them was provided) by PHYSICIST.
Please, please think again about what you are saying.
No shit, that was kinda the point.
This, as long as you don't try to 100% it.
Once you figure out the path system and just go through whatever missions you actually like playing, this game isn't all that bad - and the absolutely ridiculous tone and writing just make the whole thing a wonderful trainwreck once you know what to skip out on.
Final Fantasy X-2.
The positive elements are still done bad and the bad elements are bad enough that they're good.
prove consciousness exist
> can something be black and white at the same time I just don't understand guys
It has easily the best of any Dark Souls.
Great Combat, Classes and atmosphere.
Terrible story, pawn system and quests
What happened before them was that the emotion and observation room of the two founded under the rules of the game so to speak ended up in a quantum
I really really wanted to get into this but starting this game with no nostaligia in the year 2015 is.. Hard.
Well, you're stupid. That black and white look is vintage.
>consciousness observed conciosuness
>therefore it exist
o waw
>it sounded like a fucking mess
Yes, but a hilarious mess.
Both Zach and York are real, though the main personality was Zach, while York was his creation.
Final Fantasy 13. It is an extremely well made game with excellent production values, but it is a terrible, terrible game.
EYE is objectively a bad game that is badly balanced, poorly translated and only exists to prove that man isn't up to understanding anything written by 12 French dudes, but it's honestly a good game with a complex plot, heavy themes and fun gameplay.
I like the two sequels, if nothing else. I can't imagine anyone asked for sequels to the fucking thing, but I was pleasantly surprised.
What happened before them was that the emotion and observation room of the two founded under the rules of the game so to speak ended up in a quantum
People have been saying those things with a straight face before. Please look up Poe's Law before making attempts at sarcasm.
I read it all and didn't get the point
Can someone explain desription in pic?
Am I suppose to feel impressed by this?
What happened before them was that the emotion and observation room of the two founded under the rules of the game so to speak ended up in a quantum
Yeah I don't get it much either.
It's a very lonely atom.
Think of a fat nigger.
If you can, then that's it.
is it bad that i read this in herzogs voice?
Whether you like the pacing of the game or not, it does have an usually large amount of tech for a Souls game.