What is the best physical version of this to get?

What is the best physical version of this to get?

These days there are so many versions of games it's hard to figure out which comes with what. I just want the best possible one I can buy that comes with the most shit (preferably including whatever gay season pass I know I'll end up paying for down the line anyway).

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One would argue the deluxe version, comes with an outfit, a sword, a copy of kingslaive but I had already bought that and just pre-ordered. Day one edition still came with the masamune sword and a king's tale so fuck it.

I'm looking at some pre-order guide online and every retailer comes with some different set of bonuses and I have no idea what any of these things are worth.

I guess they wouldn't be doing this if it didn't net them profit, but it's the kind of thing that personally dissuades me from even buying a game.

Quick question if you're still here:

So are all these retailer specific bonuses just for the standard "day one" edition? The deluxe version is the same no matter where you buy it?

Well given that it was a pre-order exclusive, you may have missed out on getting "A King's Tale" and such like that. If you live in NA that was only available as a pre-order at gamestop.

There -is- a season pass if I am not mistaken but I think it's only available for digital downloaders, I'm not sure. I'm abit autistic with wanting to get everything story related so I might just have to look that up on a youtube stream if other people got it.

there's only the regular edition which is also the day one edition for pre-orders. It just came with the masamune sword as a weapon to use and with A King's Tale.

Then you had the deluxe edition which came with a steel book for the casing, the masamune sword, an outfit for customizing's sake and a copy of Kingsglaive. I think it mentioned something for the car too but I can't be certain. I mean, the deluxe cost like nintey dollars in comparison to the regular's sixty so make of that what you will.

>What is the best physical version of this to get?
Look inside your toilet, you'll find it there.

I just see a reflection of myself

Like I said, that depends on where you bought it.

Here in America, A King's Tale, a 2D action rpg, was released on september 30th, but only gamestop was giving the coding for the game.

You may have missed out on grabbing that if they decide not to sell it separately in north america.

The deluxe however is supposed to be the same.

Ok I'm actually glad I missed out on pre-order bonuses since I can just forget that shit altogether.

So now I'm guessing it doesn't matter where I get it from.

Do any versions even come with the season pass besides the digital deluxe? At this point is it even worth it to get anything besides the day 1 edition?

I am googling all this shit, but I'm having to piece it all together from various clickbait half-assed articles.

Also, I see now, looking on the site that there was a collector's edition but it looks like that was just for the square enix store and it cost's about 269 plus.

That came with everything I just mentioned ( except King's Tale, once again, Gamestop only) including Brotherhood, the little anime short they came out with, Kingsglaive, and the soundtrack and artbook.

Yeah, thanks to the price and availability, I can forget about that one too.

Yeah I wouldn't spend money on that shit. I love art books myself but not for the price of a system. Perhaps it will go on sale separately one day.

The soundtrack you can rip

brotherhood you can watch anywhere

kingsglaive you can watch anywhere

So, depends on what you're interested in. You might do just fine with day one if you get it, but I do recommend Kingsglaive as for a FF CGI movie, it was a bit better than some of us were expecting.

No, that's shit, you forgot to flush.

Thanks for your input. As for the DVDs and all that stuff, yeah I don't care to pay for that stuff up front since I can just watch that whenever.

It would be nice to have the season pass up front, but it seems the only physical version that contains that is the Best Buy edition.

The Deluxe edition steelbook is nice too, but seemingly no season pass.

Really, the most important thing for me is that it's a physical version, that I get the season pass, and as for the BB edition, that the box art isn't marred forever by a big "BEST BUY EDITION BEANIE" ad right on the front.

fantastic. Either way I hope you get an edition that's fun for you, I too will be looking out for the season pass but as of right now it looks like I would have to buy a completely separate purchase of final fantasy xv to get that.



Anyway no problem, man. I figure it would be easier to get answers in a separate thread other than the ten others that are gonna crop up defending or bashing it.

It seems to be available on Best Buy's website even though everyone says you can't buy it on its own.

Are we sure that the physical deluxe edition doesn't come with the season pass? I may just get day one + season pass if that's the case.

If it doesn't, you've done more detective work than I. Infact, ironic as it is, the square enix store, NOT EVEN THE COLLECTOR'S EDITION, mind you...made note of there coming a season pass.

And when I bought it from gamestop, it made sure to mention what bonuses you were getting for the versions they had available. None of them made mention of the season pass.

Like you i place value on the physical, too, and I wasn't willing to fill up my storage space just so I could get access to it.

wait wait wait


I take it back. It exists separately.

God, I'm so frustrated by this it's insane.

Everything on the internet is such bullshit. I can go on and on forever, but most recently I try to check the reviews on BB for their physical deluxe edition to see if anyone mentions the season pass, and of course the reviews are from before the game even comes out.


I'm just going to be pissed if it turns out the Deluxe edition came with the season pass. If I could get the steelbook and the sp in one shot I'd pull the trigger right now.

This is for gamestop but as far as I can see, they would have made note.


also here


From gamestop and from square enix respectively. Neither make mention of the season pass. I don't think you're getting rused, here. If anything, you're pretty much paying for Kingsglaive and the Steelbook


It may be looking like Day One + Season Pass for me then.

Yeah, I might have to make another purchase myself if the season pass is readily available. I didn't know this.

>4 am on a tuesday
>balmung is still not accepting new characters
how many fucking people could possibly be makign characters at this time

It's been like this for a while man, the trick doesn't work any more like it used to. Not even when it's undergoing maintenence.

Which I assume it is nearing the end of? If so, time to download that patch.

I eventually gave up and bought my way in. Funny, I originally went to RP but I haven't touched a single person since joining.

>Unironically buying this pure fucking garbage

As someone who's played the game, I'd suggest not buying it yet. It's really bad.

I mean really bad.

Ask me why and I'm post spoiler tags. I'll try not to spoil anything major.

Well I dunno about OP but it's too late for me. I already got the game coming by air mail, knowing good and well it's probably gonna sit in the backlog.

I think I just wanted it for King's tale.