Dude poison lmao
Dude poison lmao
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git gud use fire
Giving me flashbacks to defiled Amygdala, Jesus Christ.
>all those nights pushing to beat the little shit to death
I beat Blood-Starved Beast on my first try and this is my first soulsborne game. I did die about 25 times while first learning how to play in Central Yarnham though.
I summoned Alfred and he distracted the BSB a ton, so I was free to just hack away at its ass for much of the time. I only ended up using three antidotes and a handful of potions
why do they call it "slow poison?" it seems to kill you pretty fucking fast
Because it could kill you in seconds otherwise
There's fast poison
>kill amygala
>cannot feel joy because I have to deal with this guy next
does the faster poison really make you die from full health that much faster, or is your vitality / HP usually high enough by the time you first encounter it that it just kills you at about the same speed?
If you ever played the souls games, the difference is almost identical to poison/toxic. Fast poisoning just does a lot more dps.
To answer your question, it depends on your health stat. Fast poisoning is pretty fucking fast, at really any health. Luckily you can use regular antidotes to counteract it, unlike the previous games where you need a specific antidote to counteract stronger poison.
>that encounter with a BSB in the Hunter's Nightmare
Not bad famalam, good miniboss.
Should have had more minibosses in the base game.
Literally just parry it. It's almost impossible to get hit if you parry it, and if you do take damage you'll heal it all back with the visceral.
You did get the blunderbuss didn't you?
Thanks. This is my first one and I am enjoying it, though I made some retarded mistakes like selling all my coldblood dews instead of consuming them.
What's the deal with insight? I read that lots of enemies change their behavior and gain new abilities once you get around 15 insight, is this true?
..I don't want that. I'm scared
>tfw 14 insight from taking madmans skulls before I heard this
>I read that lots of enemies change their behavior and gain new abilities once you get around 15 insight, is this true?
Like one enemy gets one new attack. And it's still piss-easy, just a slow projectile.
It's like two enemies and it's not big deal. Don't worry about accruing insight.
There's a trick to BSB: dodge to your left. All his attacks guide him forward and all his swipes originate with HIS left, so if you dodge to YOUR left he will almost never hit you.
>I beat Blood-Starved Beast on my first try
Is blood starved beast considered difficult, I beat it my first try too
Tip for BSB: Don't suck and don't be a pussy.
I'm level 30 and why should I ever bother investing stat points in Skill, Arcane or Bloodtinge over Strength, Endurance and Vitality if my character is a melee fighter?
Do any of these stats make parrying easier? I mostly just use the two handed axe anyway but I've got a blunderbuss with the kirkhammer sword for when I want to mess with parrying
From googling the boss, I got the impression that most people thought BSB was really hard
I suck dick at Bloodbourne and Souls games, and I managed to beat BSB.
It only took me 32 tries and yes I kept count. If I can beat it then I believe anyone can beat it, because I'm super fucking bad at games like this.
I seriously hope you guys don't summon on your first run
Arcane gives you access to Arcane tools which are fun, it's always worth putting 15 points into imo.
Skill will give you access to more weapons and increases your visceral attack damage. It's usually only worth putting points into this or Strength, not both, so you should probably ignore it.
Bloodtinge also has a couple of weapons associated with it and lets you get some damage out of your guns. I only level this if I know I want to use one of the few weapons it works with though.
Don't bother.
Yeah, gives you extra damage scaling.
"Tertiary" skills that let you deal either decent damage with firearms or use Hunter's Tools, fun to mess with but not necessary.
No skills help parrying. Well, Arcane gives you the Zone's Fetish summon skill that lets you backstab, but other than that.
>two handed hunter axe
Insight won't make the game more difficult. It's like a currency you don't lose after death; spend it at the messenger bath near the workshop's side door. You can only buy certain items or sets of armor with Insight. You also use it to summon co-operators, both NPCs and players. Keep in mind that some enemies later in the game will drain your insight if they catch you, so it's best not to carry too much on you.
Also if you're using the beast claws to build up beasthood, higher Insight makes your beasthood build more slowly.
BSB is the first really fast, really vicious boss and the first boss with a status effect. Cleric Beast is slower and only really difficult because it takes up so much of the screen. Gascoigne is slower and even he isn't as aggressive. BSB is a non-stop assault and that can be tough for new players.
Also most players won't figure out how to summon Alfred if they truly need help with BSB.
They don't make parrying easier. Certain weapons scale with these stats: notably the threaded cane scales with skill, your firearms scale with bloodtinge (this includes the reiterpallasch and rifle spear) and some weapons have some arcane scaling.
Arcane's major use is gating hunter tools, if you don't have enough arcane you'll be locked out of useful items like the beast roar, empty shell, executioner's gauntlets, etc.
Opinion discarded.
>Gascoigne is slower and even he isn't as aggressive
I felt like he was hyper aggressive but I guess BSB is more ya. The hunter under the machine gun tower and the machine gun tower hunter guy I thought were harder personally.
I think its interesting how people have trouble with different shit
In my opinion it's easier to put some distance between yourself and Papa G if you understand his attacks, whereas BSB is in your face the entire fight.
I will never not just see a Residetn Evil game over screen when someone posts souls.
>not being up in THEIR face
hey I thought he was going to be really really hard based on the millions of youtube "guides" people have created on how to beat him. I play better than a lot of these people and I am brand new to this whole genre of game
I didnt summon Father Gascan for fighting Cleric Beast, though, because I had already wasted him by accident. I didn't know wtf I was doing or why I had summoned him and I fell through the floor into the sewers so he just disappeared.
next time I wont summon
Good strategy if you know the fight, not a good strategy if you're trying to learn it.
Weren't the hunters meant to be minibosses? The only one I struggle with was the cane one in nightmare frontier
Literally one of the easiest bosses in the game
thanks guys
Why shouldn't I bother with endurance? Isn't your stamina pretty important?
also the axe makes me feel safe
Is Dark Souls III PvP any good? How about the fashion souls?
These two are make or break for me
Stamina is important, but consumption is so low in Bloodborne that base stamina is enough. Feel free to put some points into it, but they would probably be better spend somewhere else. Of course with the heavy weapons you're using maybe you would like more though, so it's your choice. I wouldn't go higher than 20 though.
Bloodborne is a lot like poker: you gotta know when to hold and know when to fold, and you gotta know when to go all in. Relying on too much stamina will prevent you from learning when to retreat and relying on the axe will bite you later when you find bosses that easily outmaneuver it.
I'm just saying, you really can't compare the difficulty of a boss with summons to the same boss without. Some bosses have summons in front of them that just trash the boss on their own. Other times you get shit like Mildred. And sometimes simply not having a summon to distract the boss is just a ton more harder.
I suppose, but their AI is so bad and they fall for every trick in the book so you just end up cornerfucking them.
Or you just play ring around the rosy in the case of Gatling Gun nigga or that one gun spam one near the Cathedral Ward.
>Isn't your stamina pretty important?
You can chain 8-12 dashes off the bat, nothing but the retarded heavy weapons consume stamina at all, and it regenerates in a second. Not to mention that there's no actual combos, only frame traps, so it isn't even useful in PvP.
Choosing the Waste of Skin and sticking to the default 8 END doesn't hamper you at all.
Kys fucking nigger, you suck at games.
>relying on the axe will bite you later when you find bosses that easily outmaneuver it.
Am I fucked if I am leveling it? I just killed BSB
>relying on the axe will bite you later
Axe 1h is GOAT.
Axe 2h is No.
No, you'll have plenty of shards/twin shards. It's a starter weapon for a reason and truth be told all weapons are more or less viable, you're just going to have a hard time later if you never learn anything besides the axe. Later in the game the enemies are much faster and more agile.
Tip: Saw Cleaver is one of, if not the, best weapons in the game.
Saw Cleaver/Spear's damage scaling is pretty lame compared to Axe, and its not much faster than the Axe's 1h form while being a fair bit weaker.
here, and the main reason I like the axe as a 2-handed weapon is because it's got such long reach and high damage.
I can still switch to my equally-leveled kirkhammer and totally-unleveled blunderbuss if I need to fight someone who's fast
I can't beat Maria by just parrying. What's the best cheese way to kill her? I just want to move on.
Having to grind for blood echos every time I exhaust my Blood Vial and Quicksilver Bullets is a fucking drag.
You're fine. When you decide to get serious with a weapon, past +6 is pretty expensive to level. So long as your not using chunks, I'd feel free to experiment and see what you like.
is the kirkhammer a good alternative to learn?
A lot of bosses have resistance to blunt damage so its kinda shit. Its a neat looking weapon though.
answer me you faggots
wait the kirkhammer is still considered blunt even in its 1H form? It's obviously a sharp and pointy sword
the axe is completely fine
The saw weapons are serrated though and do extra damage against beasts but the real strength of them is in their gross ability to stunlock the shit out of a lot of things. Scaling isn't really that big of a deal. Gems end up accounting for most of your damage anyways in the end.
There is no stunlocking in this game. You can "stunlock" just fine with the Hunter's Axe, aka hit fast enough that the AI decides to just eat it and not leave.
And scaling/serrated sort of equal out in extra damage, only regular scaling helps with ayys. Also all the gems are percentage based so you want a pretty big base to build them off so you can Defile Amy a little harder.
I wish the Whirligig's untricked form wasn't a stupid club. I kinda hate the weapons that are just "hooks into shit that goes on your back", the back thing clips with everything and upsets my autism.
They'll never hit you if you keep moving.
If you go backwards during that one bit in the Nightmare Frontier you can thin them out. As in run through, turn around, and go back through again. Same applies with the leadup to the Cathedral Bored in the Mons Pubis Nightmare.
They de-aggro hard they're not facing you and can't shoot upstream so well.
saw cleaver is objectively the best weapon for amygdala and everything else
the transformed r1 makes it very easy to hit the head
Hey good hunter, do you even parry? BSB can be riposted throughout the fight at any time. Also there are some tools in your inventory that might help you greatly like pungent coctail, fire paper, oil urns and molotovs - lot's of shit at your disposal.
And yet here you are whining about absolutely trivial entry-level boss on a taiwanese cooking forums
The only objectively good weapon for Defiled Amy is patience.
By that point you'll have like every weapon in the game +9 anyway since the fucking Chalice Dungeons pay out bigtime in insight, if nothing else.
>Arcane build
>Tonitrus +10
>Fire Saw cleaver +10
Feels good fucking shit up.
>after 40 tries beat defiled amygdala
>beat that pushover after 5
>BLT build
>Lost Chikage+10 with BLT gems
>nothing has blood resistance
Feels good oneshotting shit up
what's the best way to farm chunks?
If I wanted to use that I'd play an easier game.
Hes not so fun at lvl 43 when his throw attack can one shot you if you are hit in any part of its animation.
Amygala is a little different because you are fucked at most lvls anyway when hit.
Currently trying to co-op Amelia at level 43 but it's so quiet, I miss when this game was populated.
What's the maximum amount of blood echoes you are willing to carry on yourself before going back to the hunter's dream to spend them? Like enough to level up two or three times? I lost quite a few of them through stupid double-deaths, so I get nervous carrying around a lot of them. But I don't want to have to clear out the map again unless I have to
You're better off doing him solo, no lie.
Just wear the black church set. It has super high poison resistence and you can pretty much mostly tank through his poison aura on the third phase with an occasional antidote. Trust me the black church set makes a HUGE difference on the bsb fight.
Gargoyles at Cainhurst or werewolves in the upper Cathedral ward or co-op for 20 insight.
Good luck.
here's your (you) you've been waiting for desu fampai :^)
No, I'm the helper user.
I want to help slap that pitch around.
not chalices?
Ignore this liar.
What you're meant to do is to go naked and fuck it right in its big meaty vagina flaps.
I got summoned against her in under a minute repeatedly like a week ago at level 38
maybe it's just not a good time
I've had 2 bites in the last hour, it hurts.
>he didn't buy and platinum the game before the DLC
>he didn't experience bloodborne for the first time in its completion and full glory
Post more Micolash Cage
Its not like the DLC was integrated well into the game at all.
You really have the same experience just loading up an old save and doing it as post game content.
>not placing the DLC where it fits into the game right before the nightmare of mensis
your bloodborne experience was crippled
>Do the dlc 30 seconds before the end or right at the end
>Making a difference
Nah, they really put no effort into carving out a proper spot for the DLC to fall into.
Hell, they give you the key for it after Amelia, basically saying "Yeah we have no idea where to put this, figure it out for yourselves".
Really a shame when you compare it to the integration of the other souls dlc.
the other souls games did it exactly the same way
>30 seconds before the end
>implying one of the largest zones is 30 seconds long
>not doing upper cathedral ward after nightmare of mensis
wow, you really played bloodborne wrong, it was probably not even half as fun for you as it was for me... I'm so sorry
I remember on every playthrough, no matter how many hours I've played I'll have trouble with this cunt.
Then I start attacking his back, EZ PZ
>cathedral ward after nightmare of mensis
>Wanting to steam plough through a souls area
You're an odd one.
>being so bad that your level matters
Amygdala is the easiest boss fight. You're doing something wrong if you don't know how to fight it.
>defiled Amygdala is the easiest boss fight.
>Defiled Amy
BSB gave me trouble and I came from DaS1/2. I could dodge all his attacks except his grab which always got me at one point in the fight and killed me.
She is weak to the pizza cutter or really any weapon that swings as fast as the tonitrus or faster
The sword is fine but in all honesty the Holy Blase is just a better weapon. It has more versatile damage, longer range, and about the same raw damage. It's just the better weapon, really. I still use the Kirk though
You do know Amy's AI is one of the most exploitable in the game, right? You can bait it into doing a jumping attack by staying near its tail and then hitting with a fully charged R2 to the head when it lands. Rinse and repeat.
I usually just stay to the sides and hit the arms. It likes to do the awful stomp attack that just leaves it open
and one small mistake will kill you