Has there ever been a likable female NPC in a western videogame?
Has there ever been a likable female NPC in a western videogame?
Imoen was alright imo
only because she put out the whole "sister that took responsibility for your boners" vibe
>"sister that took responsibility for your boners" vibe
Xana from dark messiah
>he didn't have an older sister who gave him handjobs as a kid
I have a save file just when she's exiting Hrotgharrrsdg so I can shout her ass off the mountain.
this, Malik was bro tier
Any one from Vampire Bloodlines.
Has there ever been a female NPC in an eastern game that wasn't a grossly exaggerated caricature of one of the big anime stereotypes?
she was tolerable at best
Yup. She's not in the new game and it makes me sad.
Whiny space gypsy who would vomit on your cock the moment you put it in her mouth? More concerned about 'muh pilgrimage' than saving the galaxy and giving you a cheeky tug behind the mess hall? No thanks.
soda waifu
Max, sure. Chloe is fucking garbage
This. Fuck Chloe.
based Hale
>every single one bar 'liz looks butch as fuck and hideous.
>even 'liz is only just passable at certain angles
Nevermind likeable has there ever been an attractive western vidya girl?
Max doesn't qualify because she's not an NPC.
Liara is better.
You're joking, right user?
>Not Jack
shit taste m8
I did still pick her in the last game anyways
>attractive western vidya girl
Probably some Asari from Mass Effect. I'd say Overwatch, but they're not NPCs. European NPC females seem to be better than North American ones.
Good taste.
Cassandra from Inquisition was pretty based while also being a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN
Her disgusted noises were great and perfectly timed.
>North American
I can't believe I'm the first one to post her you should all be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.
I like how the light hits her left leg at an angle and makes it look like she has a huge horse dick
She's a succubus, there's a very good chance she does
Fuck no
Best gril coming through
>Has there ever been a female NPC in an eastern game that wasn't a grossly exaggerated caricature of one of the big anime stereotypes?
The Boss?
She ded.
Not if you project your autistic misanthropy onto every woman you meet
play some actual vidya and youll find her
I thought of her, but Sup Forums is too mean.
name 'some actual vidya' pls
just decided to share this tummy
The lack of Kat is disturbing
Thank you.
I'll never forget her speaking to you at the end decision point after learning about her past. Goddamn I need to replay this game.
Bonnie MacFarlane
What the fuck man
Hot != likeable.
fine too
Go home anthony
>Former PC
That pretty borderline.
I liked this leathery old cocksucker.
I gotchu, homeslice
>total cunt in BL2
>instigates jack's antagonistic behavior
>tries to kill athena because muh roland
>we serve the dragon born. It is a our sworn duty
>we won't help you unless so kill a dragon who has been a pacifist for hundreds of years.
Fuck that bitch and let her order die
Syreen are better than Asari.
so wonderfully insane
so unavailable...
I appreciate your efforts to support the Research team, Commander. I've already put the new recruits to work in the lab!
There is not a single western character in this thread that surpasses the medium of japanese game characters. That is because western devs make woman trying to reflect then on real people behavior, while japanese make then to reflect the consumer desires.
None girl in this thread will ever surpass the one in my pic, for example. Her loyalty surpasses racionality.
probably a sikh
>medium of japanese game characters.
like who?
NPC until next game of course.
anyone have the dr vahlen pasta?
you know the ones.
I'm a Liarafag and even I know this is completely true, Tali spends the entire first game a walking encyclopedia for a species that doesn't exist outside of just her. You literally never see another Quarian until ME2, then she grows a personality. Also only jailbaitfags like Tali because she's not an "adult" by ME1. "M-Muh she's in her 20s" she's a fucking alien who knows what age is mature for them. It's made very clear the pilgrimage is something you do when you do as a right of passage INTO adulthood, meaning that Tali is barely legal from ME2 onwards.
I've never played Overwatch so I can only assume the lack of Overwatch sluts ITT means they aren't likable
They're not NPCs
Its because the waifus arent npcs idiot!
>Implying Imoen didn't pimp out your boners to the other girls
What, you thought all those Elves were coming onto you for your personality?
Morrigan is keira knightley perfected
Morrigan is a confused compilation of characters, professions, moods and desires
Where did it go so wrong
Absolutely terrible. I hated her more and more as the game went on, up until she threatened me with a Tornado. Couldn't possibly hate her more than that.
If the game let you actually kill her to blow off steam it would have been much more tolerable.
>only two seconds with a succubus
Also Shield Knight and every knight once R63 mode is out.
It's painful