Why is SH4 not as fondly remembered as 2 and 3?
It is on par with them after all
Why is SH4 not as fondly remembered as 2 and 3?
It is on par with them after all
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It doesn't help that the first level is the worst the game has to offer and it did the dreaded mirror levels thing to pad out gameplay.
>It is on par with them after all
it isn't
and that's why
i enjoyed it, its not even remotely scary tho.
i like the whole haunted apartment thing, thats cool as fuck
SH 4 is twice as long as it needed to be. Also no 3D controls + fixed camera with constant camera changes is pretty annoying.
And most of the enemy designs aren't that good.
And ghosts suck.
And Henry is the worst SH protagonist.
And having to go back and forth from the room to manage inventory is pretty annoying
people wanting/ expecting more of the same and getting something completely different and while being stuck in that mindset you're not realizing that it is, in fact, pretty fucking good
>second half of the game is an escort mission with mirrored levels from the first half
>you're chased by immortal ghosts all the while
It's literally the most tedious game I've ever played, it wasn't scary or fun at all aside from couple of the first times in the apartment.
>A game that is worse than Origins
>On par with 2 and 3
Thanks for good laughs.
it has one of the best stories of the entire series, but the game itself is kind of frustrating to play and, outside of a few exceptions, it isn't as atmospheric as the others
The story and music are great. Everything else was a downgrade.
Eileen is best waifu tbqh
>assumed it was some spicy meme
>it's not
>he actually, unironically says that
I mean, it's kind of charming, in a way.
This is accurate.
She's pretty much the only reason to play 4, as far as I can tell.
The previous games had you backtrack a lot.
How is that any different?
Because the setting is so far removed from Silent Hill that its almost like it wasn't meant to be a SH game
Also, replaying the game during the 2nd half was bullshit and you know it
It really isn't. It's repetetive, dull and just plain not fun. It might technically have a better story than 3 but it's just not well presented.
With her in that dress, my thoughts, I confess, verge on dirty.
i can't understand people who masturbates to videogame women but i somehow find eileen really attractive tbhonest
I blame the last half of the game, where you just have to do the same levels but you have to drag Eileen with you. Shame because it could have ended up being my favorite game, the atmosphere and setting was a good direction for Silent Hill.
I'm going to be honest. I once did an entire playthrough just because of her nurse outfit with the jiggle physics.
Uh oh I just ordered SH4 going through the first three games the first time this year.
I've been wary about this one just based on the discussion / lack of discussion it gets on SH threads.
Do you really blame him for not having a deep quote?
He's just some normal dude who literally rented the wrong room, at the wrong apartment complex, next to the right waifu, at the wrong time, and got dragged into Silent Hill.
I don't understand why they had to change the perspective or whatever. All the character models look like they are smaller or something, and it just doesn't look like the prime silent hill games. The story is kind of interesting but it takes so much shitty gameplay to get to the end of it.
1>2>3, fact.
ebay nigga do you use it
No they didn't. If you don't run around like an idiot, you have to move back through maybe 20% of the game, and most of that is cleared hallways (with a few respawns). Silent Hill isn't Resident Evil 1, it's largely straight linear with the occasional key to an earlier door.
Just fucking download it. It's not pirating when the dev team no longer exists and the publisher doesn't want your money.
Because it's kinda shit, unlike the first three.
>tfw I look like a boyish version of Eileen
It's missing the one thing that literally every single other Silent Hill game has.
A Joke Ending.
I'm not poor. I can afford $25 for a game I'd rather play on my PS2.
Box Cutter and quick attacks in general invalidate combat
Limited inventory space is awful for Silent Hill
That fucking escalator
Henry is a terrible protagonist
Invincible enemies out the wazoo
The Water Prison
Backtracking escort mission with a retarded AI, could only be made worse by being timed and underwater
It's still enjoyable, but it's held back by it's problems and can't really be considered at the same level of quality as the other 3.
Silent Hill 4 > Downpour > Book of Memories >>>>> Homecoming
He was one of the 21 Sacraments though.
Only because he happened to live in the apartment.
Is this like the "battle for the second-tier" games?
Is Homecoming really that worse than Downpour (Downpour is better)?
>It is on par with them after all
Not really. It wasn't even supposed to be a SH game. That was tacked on and it shows.
I can't believe that a decade later and people STILL believe that. It was always a Silent Hill game. The only difference is that it was meant to be a spinoff, not a numbered title.
So Walter would have wanted to sacrifice anyone living in that room even if wasn't Henry you're saying ?
i've only watched streams of downpour but i think homecoming looks better.
also that god tier menu music.
It WAS always a Silent Hill game. It was a side game the B-team was working on while the A-team was working on 3.
Yes. The room is "his mother". Henry's placement was just that guy who took everything in. It could have been anyone.
If by B Team, you mean the SH2 team.
>If by B Team, you mean the SH2 team.
Yes. Since SH4 is almost like a sequel to 2.
No. Nothing is worse than DP. See :
Also why did people make a new SH thread? Don't you know about the Catalog?
Holy christ this. I was playing the PC port like 2 weeks ago and I stopped playing out of frustration. There are like 5-6 levels in the entire game and you just back track through them. Also having an unkillable enemy that can only be stopped by using 1 of 5 items in the game is absurd. It made navigating tedious and I was constantly low on health, not helped by the fact there was bugger all health items.
The escort mission was just so artificial and made an already tedious game that much worse.
I adore this sublime meme.
How else would you describe it?
I don't understand why people like you exist.
the same as the "otherworld" levels in past games.
>unkillable enemies
literally the freakiest shit in the entire series.
>constantly low on health
git gud, holy shit!
your escort can't even die for fucks sake!
As "the other team". They made SH2 and are half of the people that made SH1, they are the Silent Hill team, plain and simple.
>it wasn't meant to be a SH game
This a popular myth. It was meant to be a silent hill but obviously they tried something different.
SH4 is like a experiment, and exploring posibilities for the future of the franchise.
Shame Team Silent is gone and the last game of the team while a pretty good one, weak compared to the others.
Is there any REPACK with these 4 games fixed for botnet 10?
It's a good game. It just isn't AS good. I consider SH 1 and 3 to be 9/10 games and SH2 to be a 10/10, I'd probably say 4 is a 8/10
It tried really hard to do some different stuff which worked really great in some circumstances, and the story was pretty clever and interesting. The issue is that the gameplay tried to change an already barely working formula into one that was not only clumsy, but frustrating to play. As a lot of anons in this thread pointed out it added a shit ton of mechanics the game just didn't need
Also I personally like Henry but I'll agree he is NOWHERE as interesting as James or Heather. The game just doesn't feel as personal as the first few do.
Game is still overall pretty good though. ten thousand times better than that shithole excuse for a game that Homecoming was.
Homecoming is ok but it's just incredibly by the numbers.
Also, there are 2 times you are given a choice in the game, that affect the ending. You get 3 endings that vaguely reflect the choices.
The fourth ending? It's the UFO ending.
You could literally play through the game, make sensible choices and just randomly get locked into the joke ending.
The game is good, but it's really strange is you are expecting your typical SH game. Besides like the rest of the people on the thread pointed out, it suffers from a lot backtracking and a really long escort mission.
Besides that, the atmosphere, monsters, backstory, plot, characters are in the right place.
I remember one user screaming about how that happened to him the first time through. What a kick in the balls.
Homecoming just literally shouldn't have been a SH title. It's loud and lacks all subtly and has a much bigger focus on combat opposed to storytelling or atmosphere. By horror game standards it probably would have been received fine if it wasn't a SH title.
Bringing back the bobblehead nurses and Pyramid head pissed me the fuck off though, literally damaging the story and world built for James in SH2 for the sake of making some extra money.
Nurses were in every game.
>As "the other team".
So the B-team?
It happened to me on my very first run too.
My jaw literally dropped. It was not even funny.
This. I liked the game and the new approach, but it still wasn't as good as the first 3. Leagues above the remaining games though.
The Nurses in 3 are changed in a way to represent maternity, motherhood and femininity opposed to the sexual repression they represent in 2, for example. The Nurses in homecoming are designed almost identically to the ones in 2, which not only makes less sense, but detracts from what they were before. Just felt like a big cash grab.
Why not "A-Team"? They have just as much claim to it.
Not in SH4.
Also, the nurses in SH1 and 3 are way different from the ones in SH2.
In fact, all the enemies and overall aestetics were significantly different in Team Silent games.
Silent Hill origins was kinda neat, went back to the style of SH1.
Fuck knows how they managed to actually create a decent game in the end given the original studio for it were making a terrible looking RE4 clone with purple monsters.
> $25
Nurses were indeed in The Room. They exist for like...one room in the hospital and burp.
SH Origins was fucking awful game, and a complete lore-rape.
Those are NOT nurses.
They are literally called "patients".
Wait, really?
Huh...go fucking figure, I remember the Gumheads, but not the patients.
>mfw that chick from Life is Strange looks like a teenage version of Eileen
A little bit.
When you think you're really alone
Feel the eyes of someone looking in on you
>Just found out the nurses in Homecoming were pregnant
I don't feel enough for you to cry, OH NO
>It is on par with them after all
It's not, really. It's certainly a unique and interesting game, but none of its elements really come together to create something that's fun to play.
>25$ for a PS2 game
nigga that game is cheap as hell you got ripped
I chuckled, but still, you have Heather "It's bread" Mason in this picture.
Silent Hill 4? PLEASE! Don't lump me together with HER.
And Harry "It's just a wall" Mason
>game invades your safe space
would it be allowed today?
its too fucking scary
Silent Hill 4 is a basket of new ideas, half of them good, half of them bad. The good outweighed the bad for me, but I get where people disliking it are coming from.
Also, I think Henry's biggest problem as a character is his voice. He's supposed to be an ordinary guy, not a man dead inside like James. He really should've been more lively.
He sounds more like a really autistic neet than a suicidal wreck to me, but I might be projecting. Still, different VO wouldn't just give him more personality, I think.
Link to where you can buy it for cheap then.
$25 is for a beat up Greatest Hits version with no manual and scratched disc. A new copy can go for $100+.
Twenty-five isn't bad, that user is a shitter.
>Also, I think Henry's biggest problem as a character is his voice
SH4 is probably my favorite SH game, but this is 100% true.
>fetus is well developped but her belly is flat
thats probably the freakiest part about it, that means they don't have organs
That was the single most terrifying thing about the game.
Getting used to the Apartment as the comfy safe place to heal up and read some notes, check in on your neighbors and so on.
And then it takes away the healing.
I loved 4. I always will. Yes, the 2nd half of the non-apartment playtime is literally one giant backtrack with an awful escort mission tacked on, but the apartment mechanics made it worth it.
Also ghosts were great. Annoying, scary, and only able to be put down permanently with a very limited item.
You're not backtracking past few hallways within a level, you're repeating entire levels, except this time with ghosts and Walter on your ass while you escort Eileen. I understand what they were going for with it, but it sucked to play through.
That's not really what made it bad. The first half of SH3 wasn't in Silent Hill at all, and that was still a great game
Mostly because it wasn't supposed to be a Silent Hill game but they attached the name to it for marketing purposes.
It wasn't really BAD. It's just the second half was an escort mission back through all the previous areas, but this time with some stupid bitch who keeps trying to hit the abominations with her fucking purse.
Also the unkillable ghosts that pursue you ACROSS the maps if you didn't nail them to the ground with the limited resource holy stakes was a hilariously mean idea. People hated them but I think that was a really neat mechanic. Kurt Kobain occasionally spawning to chase you around with a chainsaw was lamer than the vengeful spirits desu.
Then again he trolls you and gives you a doll that turbo-haunts the apartment if you were dumb enough to take it from him. Now that's just entertaining.
How did the fans "kill" the franchise?
> vengeful spirits desu
Because all the fans of this series, are actually Silent Hill 2 fans
Hell that all anyone talks about when it comes to Silent Hill
Its the only game in its series to actually sell well and win dozens of awards
SO people kept asking for another game like it, and the West delivered that albeit poorly
Lets be honest here Silent Hill 2 more or less killed the franchise
I wouldn't say SH2 killed the franchise, but "fans" took way too much of a liking to it. So much so they acted like it was the only goddamn game in the series.