What is objectively the best game in the Zelda series?
What is objectively the best game in the Zelda series?
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Twilight Princess, and ain't nobody gonna tell me otherwise.
There is no best Zelda game. Some do things better than others, and viceversa.
Except Skyward Sword. Well it had nice character expressions during cutscenes but that's it.
France, not even once.
ALttP or OoT, unfortunately.
MM's main dungeons are lacking and there is only 4 of them, and Wind Waker's world is a fucking chore and mostly a waste of space aka water.
The original.
A Link to the Past. I only have two problems with it:
1) The Light World dungeon music is infinitely better than the Dark Would dungeon music. They should have been reversed.
2) Some items are used only once or twice then become kind of obsolete.
The rest is perfect.
Alizee was so perfect. What the fuck happened?
I am going to go out on a limb and say that she wanted to get away from the child-like image she had. Of course she fucked up with all those horrible tattoos.
ALttP and OoT are the most comprehensive and well-rounded efforts in their respective styles so very likely those.
Twilight Princess is my favorite game, let alone my favorite Zelda. But between its piss easy (even for Zelda) difficulty, inconsistent pacing and character design, and relatively linear dungeon progression, I can't call it objectively the best even if I can turn quite the blind eye to its faults.
banging her manager
Jesus christ I just looked it up.
I fucking hate tattoos. Instant trash-tier.
Captcha: Close School
I really enjoy the non-linearity and overworld design of the first Zelda. Every other Zelda pretty much held your hand and blocked you off of too much
H-how old?
The original Zelda and Zelda II are tied for best game in the series.
Ocarina for traditionalists
Wind Waker or Majora's Mask if you like a flawed but amazing experience.
I wouldn't call it the best overall but Zelda II is the best in some respects, namely use of magic, difficulty, and arguably combat. It definitely doesn't get its due these days.
link's awakening
fite me
>Wind Waker
Can't agree with that one. Its atmosphere is incredible but very little else about it actually stands up to scrutiny. It's more than just a little flawed IMO, it makes some of the most regrettable stumbles of any entry in the series.
17 at the time
>it makes some of the most regrettable stumbles of any entry in the series
The only problem I can think of is the dumbass Triforce quest they threw together because they had to cut the last two dungeons
I'd say its dungeon design is on average in the running for the worst, if not outright the worst in the series. The only ones that rise above mediocrity is Tower of the Gods (and the first half with the water management was painfully slow) and the Earth Temple (passable design-wise, but escorting Medli through a Floormaster-ridden dungeon is just begging for pacing problems). It also has some of the worst content spread of any Zelda as very few places are really worth revisiting unless you discover an island before you have the item necessary to explore it. Gating is nothing new in Zelda but most other entries don't have you traverse a huge sea inbetween points of interest just to get gated off. Honestly, I'm easier on the Triforce quest than either of those two because, misguided as it was, it was an attempt to callback to the free exploration of Zelda 1 if only briefly. Wind Waker is fine when you're exploring the seas and completing the chart, but in terms of meaningful content it's pretty well below average for a Zelda. Shame, because it does some little things here and there right too but it kind of gets lost in the bigger picture.
Can someone help me out with Majora's Mask? I am turned off from playing it because of the constant rewinding time and having to re do a bunch of tasks I already did. Kinda makes me sad because of how great everyone says this game is and I want to experience it for myself. I missed out on playing it when I was a kid because I got annoyed at the time travel then too.
What is the best way to play the game to avoid constantly having to re do everything I just did because of the forced time rewind?
What's wrong with that? It was a good story.
Just play it? You don't have to do most things more than once.
Your accomplishments are marked in the Bomber's Notebook, but the time rewinding is a pretty crucial element of MM. It's why it's sidequests really work at all, not to mention its impact on the atmosphere as it lends a feeling of futility to everything, like it's great that you made these people happy but you have to undo it if you want to not die so...yeah. But that's what makes MM the love/hate game that it is.
So if I make someone happy and it's recorded in the bomber's notebook I don't have to do it again?
Also I'm using p64 2.2 with all the default settings. Any recommendations for better emulator or different shaders etc?
>So if I make someone happy and it's recorded in the bomber's notebook I don't have to do it again?
Yes, there are most things you don't have to "do again." Any important item you can get--such as a mask, you keep after rewinding time.
You can even skip to the end of a boss after completing a dungeon in an earlier timeline so you can get the post-dungeon effects after the time reset.
If you complete the quest then yeah, you're good. You don't lose key items like masks or pieces of heart if you go back in time, only collectibles like arrows, bombs, rupees (you can save these at the bank), and such. Even if you don't I think it keeps track of whatever it is you did to get to that point.
That's a very nice read though the ending had me at a mixture of sadness and happiness..it's weird
Can I make them happy again after I did it once and have it in the notebook? Feels bad that I made them happy and then they forget and only I know.
Why are you happy for the jerk?
Wind Waker has the most steady stream of content in the series. There's a lot to do. Dungeons are pretty well designed and the game is long.
Majora's Mask is, on the other side of the coin, a much shorter game, with much less to do, but owns a much more enriched plot with great storytelling, literary mastery and character development. The gameplay is also better in Majora's Mask, a lot more variety. From Goron Rolling to picking off aliens on the farm.
My vote is for Majora's Mask.
Link's Awakening is my favorite. Also the game I found to be the most sad, since all the friends you make and people you interact with were just a dream and you'll never see them again.
>Feels bad that I made them happy and then they forget and only I know.
Welcome to one of the reasons why Majora's Mask is hands down the darkest Zelda game. It's not a very happy game.
Yes, you can, that's the point of the time travel system and why it's such a god-tier game mechanic. It's the only zelda game where you can do EVERYTHING in the game, over and over, at any time.
>Feels bad that I made them happy and then they forget and only I know.
That's the point.
This, it's the only 10/10 game in the series.
Link's Awakening, alongside most handheld zeldas, suffers from the Water Temple Syndrome: Having to pause ALL THE FUCKING TIME to swap out items.
That brings it down from a 10/10 to a 6/10.
Didn't bother me, so still 10/10 for me personally.
You also have to do stupid shit like pick up a rock to get to new areas on the overworld. Can;t remember exactly but the Oracles usually avoided that shit, like you had to hit a switch and it'd stay pressed or how you can access Crescent Island again after getting the Mermaid suit.
>This major flaw that equates the entire game to what is considered one of the worst dungeons in all of zelda doesn't matter, because it's in MY opinion that the game's 10/10.
Nice invisible ignorance fallacy, loser.
I'm not sure why you got so mad over that comment. First, take a moment to calm down. When you're done with that realize that I shared an opinion, and clearly stated that it was my opinion.
When people sperg out like this I tend to think they have to be overweight. Are you overweight by chance?
user I think you're projecting, hard. Are you sure you're just not angry that someone called you an idiot?
Water Temple isn't one of the worst dungeons in Zelda. Yes, the iron boots management was an unfortunate oversight but beyond that it's just minor mistakes - some hallways being a bit easy to get turned around in and that one key in the center column being a little easy to miss. Honestly, the dungeon proper is fine. Pretty good, actually.
chrono trigger
>When you get so angry over a comment you pretend to be a different poster and mash the reply to comment button so hard you hit it twice but you're so furious you don't even care to fix it you just need to reply immediately to vent your seething rage.
Being overweight sucks, doesn't it?
Alizee's popularity back in the days proved that all men are ephebophiles.
That projection tho.
>ctrl+f Minish Cap
Great. My dick is hard now.
It always felt like a shittier majora's mask.
Should I be playing the original Majora's Mask or the 3ds version?
Original, obviously. The 3DS version for second playthroughs.
The original.
3DS version shouldn't be played at all, Majora's Mask is made in a way that second playthroughs aren't necessary, as each 3-day cycle is it's own "playthrough," in a way.
What is the difference between the two?
From what I understand the 3DS version made some changes to make it friendlier to newcomers. A fair sentiment, as the original very much assumes that you've already played OoT, but as I hold the original in high regard I saw no reason to bother with the remake myself. I doubt it's that bad but I think the original holds up better than, say, the original version of OoT. You're probably fine either way.
3DS changes the textures and models of the entire game, making for a completely different graphical experience. It runs at 30fps as opposed to 20fps, and runs at a smaller display resolution but a higher native resolution. In addition to this, it adds a fishing rod area, an NPC within the clocktower can tell you where to go next if you get stuck, and it adds a sidequest for another bottle. Those are all the changes. The Original is considered superior by Sup Forums because the visuals match the tone of the game greater than the new visuals, which are kiddy and childish in comparison, while the 3DS version is preferred by the majority primarily because it's the first time they've ever had the opportunity to play it.
Skyward Sword.
Anyone who says otherwise has to prove they are not fat
Thanks guys I'll continue on in the original then. I just got my sword and am about to leave town for the first time so didn't really feel like restarting anyway.
What emulator did you guys play on?
>Majora's Mask
That game was plain terrible
You were tricked into playing the worst zelda game by some contrarian faggots. Quit before you waste too much time on it
I played it on the original N64, and then used Glide64 on PJ2.1 for replays, which reminded me of how beautiful of a game it actually is.
The only good sidequest was lover's mask. The rest of the game was a steaming turd
>The generally agreed on opinion is the contrarian one, I'm not being contrarian, I swear!
>game play is better
But that doesn't make up for having the worst dungeons, bosses and villains in a 3d Zelda. Why are you faggots saying the worst one is the best?
Neither, save your money for a good game
Is PJ project 64? I searched that on google and project 64 comes up.
>being a contrarian by saying the Zelda that sold the least is the worst one
How delusional are you?
I'm using an emulator m8 not paying either way, and I used to own a copy of the game when I was a kid so it's not like I'm stealing it either.
She didn't want to be the embodiment of a Russian fetish novel and tried to do "important" music.
Then don't bother wasting your time on it. I wish I was back at the says where it was rightfully shit on
>Original is considered superior by Sup Forums because the visuals match the tone of the game greater than the new visuals, which are kiddy and childish in comparison, while the 3DS version is preferred by the majority primarily because it's the first time they've ever had the opportunity to play it.
I understand that the original was hard to get into if you hadn;t played Ocarina. I made that mistake dearly and had to pay for it. I understand tweaking the tutorial, maybe making Woodfall a little easier, hell I like the New Bombers Notebook because it actually gives you hints on how to get non-essential shit like Heart pieces (Which are fucking bitch to remember let me tell you)
But the babbying continues way past it's welcome.
>Stuff pointlessly moved around. This extends from kind of useful shit like the Bank to complete trivialities like moving signs, the Great Fairy Cave, Shiro etc
>Changing the sotry just to justify silly shit like the Sheikah stone and why the HMS has the bombers bombers notebook. Tatl in particular feels out of character when she starts prattling on about new features (Silly old Moon!)
>The bosses. Do I even need to say it? They literally took something about Skyward Sword that people complained about and turned it into the main gimmick. Not to mention new Twinmold is an abomination of a boss.
>Some effects are ruined by the new grafix. Namely that the final day went from an unnerving off-color teal to just looking like a summer afternoon.
*sniff sniff*
What's that smell?
A Link To The Past is the only correct answer, and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get fucking educated.
They're both in the wrong, didingus.
The 3ds version perfectly captures the quality of the original: they're both shit
Majoras Mask, you can smell that turd a mile away
I've never seen such rampant samefagging just to hate on one game.
It's great honestly. I really like Link's Awakening too. They're #1 and #2 for me.
Why doesn't this board have IDs? Pretty nice being able to spot samefags.
Too many phoneposters. Useless.
Maybe if they disabled posting on the mobile version of the site it could work.
Twilight Princess. Paced and layed out like a western cinematic action game, most linear (for a Zelda game at least) and narrative-focused, best dungeon layouts of any non-Ocarina of Time Zelda game in the series.
If Skyward Sword didn't have incomparibly better combat it would be unbeatable.
>several people hate on your favourite
>"it must be a samefag"
MM faggots are delusional that their fave is anything but terrible
Good taste. There aren't many games that get the sense of exploration and adventure right like that one does.
Gay nigger
Finally some good taste
because IDs don't help with samefagging
not to mention it's already easy to spot the most obvious ones using the IP counter
>I want certain users banned because they disagree with meeeeeeeeeeeee
Yeah sure you gay nigger.
>hates best zelda
Just admit you got stuck on the first miniboss and blamed the game for your lack of skill
There is no way to tell which is the best as they excel in different areas.
Except majoras mask, that has little to no redeeming features.
I wasn't going to play Majora's Mask but because of the rabid samefagging against the game occurring in this thread I'm going to play it to see what it's all about. Thanks user for convincing me to play.
Kill yourselves you fucking mongoloids.
MM has more developed sidequesting than any other Zelda and is the bleakest entry to date. Fits right in with the rest in terms of excelling in different areas.
Prepare to be disappointed, it was hated at launch for a good reason
Game's fantastic. Hopefully you like it.