Oh shit son
Claude speed has been contracted to kill you
the last vydia character you played as is the only person that will protect you
how do you fair?
Oh shit son
Claude speed has been contracted to kill you
the last vydia character you played as is the only person that will protect you
how do you fair?
Agent 47
I'm ok
>Geralt of Rivia
>MGR Raiden
Cup of tea/10 on the safe scale OP.
Well shit, would he look for Haseo or the person in the real world?
>the commander of XCOM
>Adam Jensen
Claude is done.
>Agent 47
I'm fine
>the Burnout 3 driver dude with the power of extreme slowdown lag
He cant touch me
>Last Light Artyom who's been a ranger for a year
I think I'm ok.
Sorry Claude
I doubt witchers can dodge bullets
Brady from Homefront the Revolution.
Uh, it might be an even fight?
if he can reflect arrows, he can probably reflect bullets
My warframe could probably take him.
So are we talking in a normal, walking around the avenger capacity, or the end of xcom when you are a psychic supersayin god?
Poor Claude.
I guess the subnautica dude could build a seabase for me or something? And water is deadly in GTA 3 so...
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate version of Lu Bu with Absorb, Osmosis, Typhoon, Echo, Storm, Agility, Tri-Element, and Windslay on his X weapon.
I'm safe from Claude, but what do I do about Lu Bu?
He can fuck right off.
yeah... i dont know,
dont think so
>Pokemon Sun Trainer riding a Tauros and full party
It's a possibility.
Do not fight him.
I should be okay
>Rex Power Colt
>100% completion
>Killstar equipped
Press F to pay respects.
What if
What if Claude has a GTA 3 M-16?
>Agent 47
Claude Speed more like Claude Slow lmao.
og max payne
Do not pursue.
i hope he has his d-scan up because he bout to run right into an EVE ganker
Can your pokemon beat bullets though?
Literally playing GTA Online right now.
Claude vs Online Protag would end in stalemate, as both would continuously respawn at the hospital. After expelling millions of dollars in artillery they would eventually have a mute mutual understanding and move onto other ventures.
If we're going by canonical power, I'm good.
But if his effectiveness is based on how good I did as him, I'm not too sure.
I last played FFX, so Claude would be toast.
>tfw Yuna summons Bahamut in Liberty City
>it drowns
>Lincoln Clay
He was a good boy
I'll probably be ok
Come at me, you mute fuck.
Neptune from VII
How the fuck do you unlock that plane hat?
>rayman origins rayman
Frank West. I may be saved.
I have absolutely nothing to worry about
>not Anima
It's like you don't want to win.
I think I'll be safe.
Blasting aliens and cyborgs all day every day, other human isn't much of a challenge.
shes getting raped
I had Zekrom with me, so maybe Claude will have some problems.
>My character in Sun and Moon
I hope Claude likes my new friend
Yeah I'm safe
Welp. It's not lost but...
Forza 6 car driver
>Jensen on a no kill run
I might be fucked.
Like if he KO's him he can just wake up later
And somehow I don't see negotiation as an option with this mute motherfucker.
I'll be fine.
That's a pretty giant jump in feet per second there user, not to mention bullets are a bit smaller than arrows.
I should be fine..?
I hope he likes the taste of coconut shells.
In close range he beats him every day, in a gunfight the scales tip for Claude.
Also I should be fine.
nep befriend claude and we all end eating pudding with hilarious consequences what a horrible future
Don't quote me again.
Chosen undead with pyromancies and zweihander.
Sorry babe I'm an ambitious girl and you're just smalltime.
Yeah I'm good
Claude is fucked
I'm good I guess, he'll probably kill me after though since he's an edgy fuck.
Jim Raynor would rape the shit outta this fool.
Just came off GTA 3 about ten minutes ago (doing a run through all the 3D games since I got hold a PS2, killing Colombians for Donald Love), so is it your Claude vs. another Claud,e or does your Claude just decide not to kill me, what happens here?
My take is two Claudes which are locked in eternal, mirrored battle, so I can just go about my life as normal.
The way Wei tanks shots makes me think getting in close will be easy for him. Not to mention how many more maneuverability options Wei has in a car chase.
and if I should then just default to whatever game I was playing previously, it's Big Boss, so I'll be fine.
I uh... Don't know exactly what happens now user?
The nep will save me.
Maybe? He has moves that steals weapons.
How much is he getting for the job?
If I have the money to pay Mattias Nilson for bodyguard services I can probably just pay off Claude.
Claude better prepare his anal cavities.
y-you mean k-komaki?!
I'm very, very bad at Demoman. I do not know what will happen.
>pokemon sun/moon protagonist
I'll be just fine
He had a name??
aikido is such fucking bullshit
Your telling me. Took it for exactly 2 months and knew right away something was up.
I then turned up to BJJ and no mater how hard i resisted i got caught in the same armbar and chokes 30 times with no apparent effort or struggle from the guys at my club. Same when i joined Judo as well, those two MA are the real stuff man.
I knew it was for me the moment i got rekt.
>protag of EYE: Divine Cybermancy
Claude is fucked.
Yeah, I'll be ok.
>postal dude
I think my last save I had catnip and the sawed-off
My fortress with 80 military dwarves. Can I live in my fortress so he has to go through all the pit, axe blade, and cage traps as well?
I'm safe
Come at me humie.
>Hotline Miami 2 Cop
I think I might be safe.
Call of Pripyat, major whoever. That one could go either way
I'm good
Overpowered Russia from 1836 for me
Opened Victoria II, picked Russia and quit
why did i lol?
I don't think he can handle the high speed power of a bhopping recon
Get fucked son.