Any interesting MMOs that are out? I'm stuck in FFXIV.
Any interesting MMOs that are out? I'm stuck in FFXIV
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Play a Wrath private server. Doing it and having a blast.
not really, no.
I like Black Desert but the equipment upgrade system is fucking retarded so I don't really want to recommend it
FFXIV is the best themepark MMO right now, you can't find any better. Every other MMO besides WoW and FFXIV is literally dead down to the last server or gone the F2P trash route.
Terrible. Is Ragnarok Sarah fun? I tried playing it alone but couldn't get into it after 2nd job advancement. This was when it first released.
>not open world
>doesn't have any builds
>combat is utter shit
>content gated behind tedious trash questing
>subscription model in 2016
No, ffxiv is trash, not better than legion that's trash itself.
Russian open beta for Bless Online starts dec 5th. Would be fun to play for a few days until realizing it's trash. Crowfall is supposed to be good, will be trash after a month of gameplay. Lineage eternal and lost ark have potential, but they will be trash because koreans made them. Nostalruse has sjw pottu on the team and chinks, so it's trash. Crestfall isn't coming out any time soon and it might be trash. ESO is trash. BDO is trash.
No MMOs right now.
there aren't any recent good ones, user.
Just more of the classic stuff, Guild wars 2, FFXIV and WoW. I heard TESO improved a bit but not enough to be included.
Every MMO that seemed interesting, Archeage, Black Desert, Blade & Soul turned out to have some game-ruining mechanics or features.
It seems that if you don't want to pay a penny, you should stick with Tera, WoW Private servers, or obsure games from your childhood like Ultima Online, Ragnarok Online or Runescape
>>>>>>>>>>>>Guild Wars 2
ESO got slightly better since launch but not much
Still not worth paying for
Tera and GW2 are trash.
all of them are trash, that's why MMOs are in a shit spot night now
Well I bought it on sale for 10 bucks so I don't regret it, but the game is ugly and dead, combat feels shit, quests and story are boring, I can't figure out what the content of the game is, and the vg community is shit.
>Ragnarok Online
Everytime I come back I cannot find an english player for the life of me.
Also for some reason I find pre-bb Maple more fun.
>I don't enjoy any aspect of mmo gameplay norms
>Tell me which mmo to play
Yeah, how's gw2 working out? oh, garbage.
What about archeage. Oh, garbage.
How about black dese... garbage.
Well. Seems nobody actually wants sandbox, open, and empty, world mmos.
You either take your theme zone tab target games heavy on quests or you get your shit korea grindr cash shop waifu crap.
Pick one.
Especially in 2016, there's so, SO many games that do what MMOs do but better in every way.
IN 2003, that was fine, because it was still a niche. Nowadays, everything worth thinking about twice has been subsumed into other games and genres.
Playing MMOs now is like playing Monopoly.
Like, sure, it's still there, but it's entirely lacking in every single way to the other options on offer in the modern age
how so?
VR will save MMOs r-right?
I didn't ask you for mmo recommendations, retard. I clearly know better than a mongoloid recommending ffxiv and gw2.
like what? the only game i enjoyed playing that wasn't an mmo was megaman, chrono trigger or final fantasy
I like marvel heroes but it is a mediocre grindan game. If you like comics it's pretty decent fanservice though. Closest thing we're ever gonna get to a good Ghost Rider videogame.
Star Citizen 2.6 comes out some time in december probably, that game is shaping up
No, WoW killed the genre for everyone.
Also Tree of Savior was the blunder of the year so Ragnarok is oficially dead.
Then tell us oh wise user, what MMO should we play?
if you fail an equipment upgrade, it reduces the max durability, and if the max durability gets to zero, the equipment breaks permanently. The only way to restore max durability is with another copy of the weapon, which at endgame can cost tens of millions. AND upgrades get progressively more difficult as you go higher.
the actual gameplay is fun but goddamn the upgrade system
Tree of Savior was probably the worst grindfest of a game I've ever played.
If you search grinding on google, it should be the first result.
I already said what your options are and how bad they are, illiterate retard.
>Especially in 2016, there's so, SO many games that do what MMOs do but better in every way.
could you name some ? im interested
No, you only said everything will be trash, but no game is a master piece, even WoW during its prime was not for everyone. Just name 1 MMO you would recommend, it's not that hard
spiral knight...
>Complete quests to level up to change class to complete dungeons while doing quests to level up to change again to end up with a shit character even if you wasted a month on it
I don't get why people hate FFXIV. It has months worth of content, the game client is very optimized for PC (which is a fucking godsent given how unoptimized MMOs usually are), and it gets a steady stream of new updates on a fixed schedule. No more waiting a whole year for a new content update like other MMOs do
I don't recommend any, you stupid fucking inbred.
Sarah is pinoy land, go play atlasRO
Dota 2, LoL, Overwatch
It's shallow and stagnant
Great bait. Here's you're (you) for the rickroll.
what the fuck am I reading
>not open world
>shit combat
>shit pvp
>sub fee for a medicore game
>literally no builds in a fucking mmorpg, everyone uses the same skills
>uninteresting shit classes
>brown and boring world
>It has months worth of content, the game client is very optimized for PC
Is this the only reason people play this heap of shit? FFXIV is a mess of a game with unused yet still implemented mechanics, and a clusterfuck of class design compared to FFXI.
GCD, very slow combat early on, lack of midcore and an expensive sub.
There has been a content update in two years, just more skin packs and now they are reusing those.
Okay, well shit, how about literally almost any game made after 2010?
You want something that's similar to an MMO's style of exploration and looting?
Start with The Witcher. It's good, runs on a toaster, and has very similar gameplay to an MMO minus any tedium. If you like that, Witcher 3 is exactly the same but better in every way.
There's also the Xenoblade series, which is also structured very similarly, with engaging stories and characters.
Then there's your standard Loot-em-ups in the form of the Diablo series, or Torchlight series or Divinity Original Sin or Path of Exile
Many of these games have built in socialization options, but even the ones that don't are set because literally every console or PC frontend has basic chat, voice, and community fostering features right fucking there in the basic menus
And the best part is, none of this shit has free-to-play jank or monthly fees. Hell, Path of Exile IS free-to-play, and is better balanced and polished than many full-priced games!
You've got options, man.
>mess of a game
i see
>implemented mechanics not used
which mechanic(s) are those?
>bad class design
everyone has their role. the only bad thing really is button mashing and everyone playing a bit of the same. they're changing that 4.0 anyways
>$13 a month is expensive
you got bigger problems in life if you actually think this, that's chump change even for minimum wage cucks.
path of exile is fucking garbage m8
Post things that immediately turn you away from a new mmo.
>not open world
>fugly chink artstyle like BnS/Revelation
>sjw shit
>can't decide on a combat system, if they don't pick superior tab targeting, the action combat is shit, BDO having the only decent one
$13/month for the listed problems? AND no PvP? The thing most MMOs lack? Yeah, you can bet people will complain.
Why should I listen to you if you reply like a literal 10 year old, you sound like some stupid kid regurgitating what other salty anons say.
>Clusterfuck of class design
>References a game where classes had hour long cooldowns for 10s buffs
Whew lad. Take those nostalgia goggles off. It doesn't matter how much time you sank into that turd it was a terrible game.
>bluh bluh bluh
>game has sub fees in 2016
Yeah, how are all those 'freemium' mmos? Oh, they're absolutely dead because they were 100k x the grind and whale focused shit heaps of design.
I'll pay a sub over that shit. It also keeps the brazilian huelords out. easily the worst part of wow having gold->gametime conversion
what is with this open world meme? does your dick get that flaccid over a loading screen? it's just a loading screen. buy a ssd for fuck's sake
>midget race
>play shit single player games if you want to play an mmo
What an idiotic post made by a certified autist.
Pic related was the last mmo I ever enjoyed and it still fucking hurts.
>>References a game where classes had hour long cooldowns for 10s buffs
Tera did this as well
I think you misunderstood. I play FFXIV and enjoy it for the most part. I am just listing issues most people complain about; combat being slow, not hard, not open world, lack of PvP, and so on and so forth.
No, it's because the musical score is well made, graphics are good, artstyle is well done, lore is very rich and goes very very deep if you want to know about it, mechanics for bosses can be challenging until you master it and even after that, not all runs go smoothly, depending on the quest, dialog can be interesting
It's the same manbabby tears over tab targeting or not having access to unique snowflake builds that are 'viable'.
They want to pretend they're the leetlords with true combat skill and sick twitch no scope samurai folded 1000x decapitations.
i.e. they want to pop out of stealth on their stealth gimmick char and one shot somebody farming flowers.
Why would I care if some random redditor retard doesn't listen to me becuase I hurt his feewings? You posted a stupid opinion and I called you out on it. That's all.
FFXIV is the only MMO worth playing these days. Even more so with the expansion coming.
Apparently combat getting overhauled in SB
I just can't get the rose goggles for 11 at all.
It came out the same year as wow. If you were in wow beta and a friend tricked you into getting FF11 it was like they rolled up to you in a flintstones car and yabba-dabba-doo'd your ass out of 60 dollars for an archaic 1997 era of mmo design game.
Every part of it was an anachronism of gameplay decisions.
Yes, I'm aware. But they did act very vague on it. All we know for sure is that cross class actions will be removed/revamped and useless actions will be replaced. Also more simplified rotations, which I'm okay with for some classes.
Name the best non open world mmo and we'll compare it to the best open world mmo. Gee I wonder which one would be better.
>Collect this and return here quests
>Kill X amount of this quests
>Grind this same dungeon 200 times
>No voice acting on major plot points
>uninspiring classes/ races
>Invisible walls fucking everywhere
well people enjoyed ragnarok online back in the day. that was a huge grindfest and the only thing that was real fun back then was woe.
ever tried going back to ragnarok? because it's pretty terrible
Many, MANY single player games are catagorically better than MMOs. This was true in 2003, and it's certainly true now, after those single-player games have been able to learn game design lessons from MMOs. It's not some big secret.
lemme guess
>black desert online
this shit ain't skyrim
there are Memory Fragments which restore X amount of durability depending on the grade of the item.
When an item hits 0 durability it becomes unusable until durability is restored (the only thing that breaks completely are accessories)
The enchant system is pretty aids, it goes up to +20 where 1-15 use certain type of stones, then 16-20 use another type of stone and the amount of durability you lose changes.
The game is a korean grind and the combat is the only thing that makes it bearable. If you look up gameplay just be smart about it and check the dates so you don't get unreliable gameplay. Then they added a second weapon to every class where the Ninja/Kuno and Witch/Wizard are the only ones left to get theirs.
They are also doing a server merge 11/30.
>talk to NPC
>it zooms you in in an epin cinmeatic action view window for a shitty conversation
Fuck you BDO.
You need to be 18 to post on this board.
Well, there are zero decent open world mmos unless you're going to reach back in time and name Asheron's Call.
Yeah, RO is awful now. 11 was awful design wise at the time considering its competition when it released in the west.
Also I'm damn near positive every single person playing RO used solos kore bot.
whatever you say toddler
>Tutorial that lasts the entire game.
Do you not understand what mmo stands for you absolute fucking idiot?
Wrong: The post
as they should. old mmos were designed to be hacked/botted
It's almost like you've never touched a mmo while they're still good ever.
>discussion of botting being the first thing
is this a parody link
>loading screens everywhere
>invisible walls even in HW areas
There are zero decent non open worls mmos too. We're comparing the best of each, but you're dodging the argument, because you know open world mmos are a million times better.
>clusterfuck of a UI that has a big shiny cash shop button that's more distracting than anything
>constant nagging to buy shit from the cash shop
>convoluted systems that are built entirely around getting you to buy more shit from the cash shop
I think I'm seeing a trend here.
the main point was this
No, they're not. You think they're better.
I prefer theme focused mmos where the content remains relevant at later levels through distributed questing and lore chains at max level.
Which single player games allow me to have fun with friends and a giant community in an immersive and persistent world?
>still dodging the argument and refusing to give an example, knowing his game will get btfo immediately
Riddle me this, then;
What's something MMO as a genre can offer me as a player that I can't get from any other genre?
Back in the day, the answer to that question was the open world and the social aspects.
Today, literally every other game has a huge, sprawling world with quest markers, and I can jump into "guild chat" for anything without ever opening a single game.
Hell, if it's PvP you're after, Dark Souls 1, 2 or 3 has experimentation based, build-based PvP on a scale MMOs today can only dream of.
>I prefer theme focused mmos where the content remains relevant at later levels through distributed questing and lore chains at max level.
I don't have to. Everyone knows the two best themepark mmos right now are WoW and FF14.
The only good open world mmo ever made was AC1.
You're the one that's making truth claims about a subjective opinion. Good job being retarded on Sup Forums. I suppose everyone has to fit in somewhere.
>want to fap and play video games
>turbo retards keep posting their idiotic opinions that I need to disprove
I hate all of you. Stop posting.
Monster Hunter.
Not even trolling.
CoD, since 2007.
Witcher 3 with Steam Chat on in the background
Except that WoW is open world, and fxiv is not.
None of these are anywhere close to what I'm describing. What the fuck? Are you literally underage or something?
While on the topic of Ragnarok, jRO had its 14th anniversary and I jumped on considering I have a lifetime subscription (for free), and I'm fucking baffled.
There's more than 20k concurrent players online at almost all times despite being a hive of pay2win and sub2play.
how is this shit still alive
I'm genuinelt curious how old this person is and what's his mental disability.
i actually heard jRO is handling their game fairly well compared to the other versions. but yeah, no clue.
The thing is, it's a loaded question, because not even MMOs do that kind of thing anymore.
And even when they did, neither of those things was relevant simultaneously, except for raids, and in 2016 single-player games that do multiplayer raids, or games that have multiplayer, raid-like play patterns come a dime a dozen
Kill yourself you incredible retard.
Most MMOs are boring themepark trash that focus too much on end game and in turn makes the road to it shit. There's going to be no innovation as this is the type of stuff that braindead retards like playing. This is what happens when the market is over saturated with MMOs like all those MOBAs.