Is pic related any good, or should I let it sit on my shelf more?
PSX General
It's a pretty slow game, shows its age a bit, but it's still pretty great if you can get past that. One of the few games I would actually like to see remade though.
It's great, but often times kinda confusing about its own mechanics. The more you know how this game works, the less tedious the fights get and the more you can enjoy everything else.
Just read a phonebook. That's how fun "playing" this "game" is like anyway.
Your enjoyment of it is tied directly to how autistic you are, so if you can barely function in the real world, go ahead and enjoy yourself.
It's a great game, very different than squaresoft's other rpgs though. Play it.
How do you use magic?
You don't.
You simply cast it. Unfortunately something like a pure mage-run is not really feasible in your first playthrough, because of the high mp-cost of attack spells. Though you are constantly buffing and debuffing with all kinds of spells.
The mechanics can be annoying nowdays where some games made complete revolutions in solid combat, and there are statuses for about every damn thing and item you need to keep an eye out.
That aside the game is just amazing, the plot, the characters, all top notch, yes you gotta play this right now.
jesus, what the fuck happened to you?
While we have this thread: I seem to move to the end of the game, my weapons are all hagane with attack between 25 and 28, would this be enough? I see some knights with some neat looking weapons and think about farming them.
leave farming for NG+. Nothing changes save for bonus areas (and chests) opening up to you and you getting stronger.
man you're damaged, you should take a break from the chan for a while
Two one-handers, one spear.
Alright, already know that there is some hard bonus dungeon.
you forgot to throw a "cuck" in there
So should I only use weapons in my first time? Which ones are the best?
Seems a tad low, but all I have on my save are 2handers and that's some hours into NG+ so that might skew things further.
The biggest missable is the intro, don't touch anything until you've seen the jihad dancer x3.
I love how your storage is not accessible in the crafting menu despite every crafting area having your storage chest right there. Want to remove an item from storage? Have fun going through a save screen.
Still, I am the reinforcements.
It's not like I'm having trouble with the bosses right now and the game will probably give me some new weapons on the way. Fuck it, I'm too interested what these weapons are, will farm them.
I bought this 2 weeks ago on the psn sale. It's been fun, but so often I'm just stumbling across a boss and either I plow through it no problem or I get my ass handed to me and lose all my progress.
Currently in the faerie forest and those little lizards are annoying.
Also, how do I get more vera root/bulb?
If you're going to samefag this much why not put an actual point in at least one of your posts
This and Parasite Eve, remake please.
Vagrant Story is pretty bad.
The handles that have the most gem slots.
this so much, ashley might have dressed like a fag but he was a grade A badass
All you need is some edged, blunt and piercing weapon. One-handed are usually better, because shields are great and they don't tire your character so much. Though for a piercing weapon I would take a spear, crossbows unfortunately suck a bit. Take a sword for edged and a hammer for blunt and you are set. If one of these doesn't do good damage, switch them out, your enemy must be weak against one of them. If not, it's probably an elemental weakness, where gems and magic solve the problem.
Fantastic game. The main drawback is menu slog and obtuse mechanics. A word to the wise; there is no need to grind weapon affinities in this game; just match weapon type (blunt, piercing, etc) to a mobs weaknesses and you're golden. People who complain about Vagrant Story oftentimes get bogged down with unnecessary grinding.
it's an absolute masterpiece EXCEPT for the part where you're forced to go pause and go through menus to change weapons in a game whose entire gameplay mechanics revolve around chosing the correct weapon for each type of enemy. somehow I was able to concoct a fantastic weapon on my first playthrough (worked against pretty much anything but ghosts) but otherwise it would have been a nightmare
I always wondered all this stupid menu wandering wasn't in some way related to hardware limitations. it's difficult to believe the design team didn't think of a quick weapon-change menu in a game perfectly suited for that kind of system, and where quick access, pop-up magic menus were already in place
other than that, it's an astonishing game
Vagrant Story's gameplay is bad, but other than that it's a good game. You can clearly see the effort was put into it. It has a good story and presentation, but the gameplay is nothing short of a chore.
Maybe I'm the only one that finds this menu navigation... relaxing. Aside from switching out gems, that takes far too long.
Some user pointed out that a radial menu would have been amazing since game did support analog sticks.
It's a little harsh to call the gameplay bad. The systems are actually rather precise and we'll blanced, and chaining attacks is satisfying. The only major drawbacks in my mind are navigating menus and the inability to quickswap weapons.
fucking amazing game
Aside from spending about halfbof your game time in menus customizing your equipment for each fight, it's pretty good.
To me, it and Dark Souls both have the same sort of feel to them, exploring old towns and ruins, finding allnsorts of shortcuts and hidden paths. It's great.
absolutely this
first time going through the Burg, all I could think of was how the game reminded me of Vagrant Story in all the good ways
>Aside from spending about halfbof your game time in menus customizing your equipment for each fight
I loved that honestly
Convoluted gameplay
Great fucking story. Still one of my favorites. Also, great atmosphere and OST.