Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?

Well, Sup Forums? Which do you choose?

Axe for more damage

Battle axe
9.99999 != 10

Someone hasn't taken calculus 2 yet, lol.

Also, 9.99999 != 9.999999...

Axe, it'll do better again enemies with DR

Depends of there's crit rates per hit or not also if enemy health is divisible by 10 and speed of the weapons, Just with this info alone Axe wins by literally .001 repeating but still wins, you've provided insufficient data for an argument.

actually 9.999999....! > 10

Rapier because crits

what if i have an enchantment that procs on hit

literally what

Congrats, you got yourself caught.

rapier for aesthetics

then there is a 99.999999999999% chance that you are gay and a faggot

that's a spadroon. It's infinitely more shit than a rapier.

Both valid arguments. Unfortunately OP is a fag and has not provided enough info.

didn't mean to reply to
(he's right)

>.001 repeating
That's zero. Read a book. I recommend Rudin.

Rapier because fuck carrying heavy items with you

>.001 repeating
That's zero. Read a book. I recommend Rudin.

Depends on the game mechanics.

If there are on-hit procs then rapier is vastly superior

Not valid.

A stronger hit is always better than high DPS.

Why? Because basically everything has armor.

In principle yes, in programming no.

>wear armor that deals 1 spike damage per hit taken
>Rapier gets fucked
wow, so hard

Enchantments kiddo

It all depends. If you have an item that gives you +1 DMG on each attack then the sword. Otherwise the axe is way better. Imagine the enemy has a DR of 1, this mitigating 1 DMG off every attack you inflict upon him, the axe would do 9 damage in one attack and the sword would do a cumulative damage of roughly 7.

What if the armor is calculated as a percentage and not an absolute reduction per hit?
What if there are proc-based effects to the weapon?
What if the enemy has evasion? It doesn't seem to make a differente at first, but high atk speed accounts for a more reliable damage output.
And finaly, what if the enemy has odd HP values like 12 HP?

Of course, all this is assuming the rapier can deal 3 blows in the same time frame the axe deals one swing.

Rapiers are cooler than faggy axes anyways, so I'll pick the Rapier and deal with my 0.0000001 damage loss.

Then the decimal expansion would have terminated after however many significant digits is given.

OP was clearly trying to bait, but to write 3.333... literally means 10/3. I know most games wouldn't use some symbolic way to represent rational numbers, but it's still not out of the question.

Rapier, since it will trigger on hit % effects and criticals more often.

a spiked club

videogame: axe
real life: rapier

Unless you or they have a shield, range > *

>coat with chance on hit affect
favor rapier
favor rapier
>have to stop mid attack
favor rapier
>strength requirement
favor rapier
favor rapier
>being a shitter
favor axe.

Sword for styyyyyllleeeee

You're 100% correct.

Enemy has armour: pick axe
Enemy has 3 HP: pick rapier

if it hit for decimals, then fuck no. if it hit for 10/3, then the rapier would be better deeps thanks flat damage bonus buffs.

axe is and always will be the sexier aesthetic choice.

Axe isn't faggy. I'll take the axe.

not in binary (i.e. vidya internal logic) representaation, which necessarily has finite bytes for representation.

You'll end with 1001.111111111111111...0 on the last byte.

A rapier is a piece of metal just as heavy a broad sword that's been crafted to have longer range and a sharp to shove through people's bodies. Nothing faggy about it unless you stick the wrong end up your ass for kicks.

Raper, then i take attack speed boosts up the ass.

Look at the axe.

Now look at the rapier.

The rapier is faggy.

But OP listed it as 3.3333333... (repeating). This means 10/3 exactly. We can assume that this video game represents this damage exactly (otherwise, it would have been listed as an exact decimal).

Who's to say a video game wouldn't use a symbolic representation for rational numbers, anyway?

the axe has a faggy design on it that only a noble would use anyway.

>all these casual fags who can't into math
3.33333333... * 3 is equal to 10
Just like .999999... is equal to 1

Not in games because floating point math is not like textbook math.

>You have 1
>take away 0.000000...1
>put it in a pile
>keep repeating it
>infinite numbers

Every one of these threads boils down to how defense is calculated.

If defense reduces damage by a fixed percentage, you pick the weapon with more hits, since you'll do the same base damage but have greater opportunity for crits.

If damage is a fixed number reduced, you pick the weapon that does more damage each individual hit, because it will have a lower percentage of base damage reduced.

Depends on the game.
Dark souls 1: battle axe
Dark souls 3: rapier for that sweet sweet stunlock
Bloodborne: battle axe and transform that shit into a sexy halberd

>Clearly a smallsword
I also take the axe, you didn't bother to mention other specs or downsides for either weapons.

That's not how it works, retard
.999999... means 9 repeating forever, not at some arbitrary stopping point
If it ever stops repeating it isn't equal to 1

Fuck Dark Souls.

x = .999...
10x = 9.999...
subtract .999... (which equals x)
9x = 9
x = 1

Therefore 9.999... = 10

You expect people on Sup Forums to understand limits?

Then again, if crits are a fixed rate and have a fixed percentage damage increase, then crits really dont matter since the net damage would be the same. The quicker weapon would need to land multiple crits in order to counteract a single cent from the stronger weapon.


Except you never reach that '...1' cuz '...' repeats forever


Why do you try to argue math if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?

Presumably the rapier can be swung faster so take that and the damage will prove to be better over time

And you expect limits to work on the CPU?
9.99... could very well be 9,99999999999998 in game, or it could be 9,99999999999987 or 9,99999999999999 or even 10.0000000000001

He's right though

CPUs can't do symbolic math at all. Get a brain moron.

>damage will prove to be better over time
Please explain how

>it's a math bait thread, and Sup Forums got themselves caught yet again because they do not understand math

Okay, let's turn this around. What are some mathematically interesting video games? Not games that involve basic computations, but games that are built around some interesting mathematical idea(s).

What are their hit chances? What are their crit rates?

Assuming a higher crit rate for the rapier but higher hit chance for the axe, I pick axe. It's possible to end up with 6.666... damage if the rapier misses one of its strikes.

Bruv it's a game, running on a processor. I don't give a shit about your perfect math were 9.99... = 1 because it doesn't work like that in the real world.


The only situation where the sword would be better is if there was a bleeding effect where you do less damage when you have less health AND the sword got to attack first. Apart from that, it's axe every time.

Then how does almost every programming language have some sort of symbolic toolkit?

Hell, this problem only requires rational numbers. This is child's play to program; you are just doing operations on pairs of integers and reducing appropriately.

10 - 9.9999999999999...... = 0, so they do the same damage.
Except one crashes the game, so I'd pick that if its multiplayer to fuck with people.

Shenzen I/O

Also, you have to take into account kiting. If you are a melee build, people will try to run away from you, so your attack speed is nullified. You only get one hit every once in a while in that setting, and the damage per hit is more important than theoretical DPS.

Assume critical and accuracy rates are the same

Was just about to post this

>Then how does almost every programming language have some sort of symbolic toolkit?
huh no they don't
Specialized languages like MATLAB and some particular libraries do, but game engines can't do it at all.

True, but I imagined this as a turn-based game

Either way axe wins

You can easily write a program to deal with rational numbers. They are just pairs of integers - and all you need to program is addition/subtraction (common denominator), multiplication/division (even easier), and finally, a way to reduce the fraction (which is easy as well). Then yes, you can deal with it exactly.

Computers are perfectly able to deal with rational numbers.

I don't need to justify. Take a guess and fuck yourself?

The axe is better for raw damage, but the rapier would be more useful if effects like ailments were applied.

with chance to crit, rapier

This is clearly the same fag op from earlier

The concept of 0.9 repeating being 1.0 is bogus. If it was 1.0 it would be 1.0, not 0.9. Such an asinine philosophy can hardly be called hard math, otherwise there's no logical reason to stop with the slight increase of 0.0*1 and keep going higher. It was created to end the "third" paradox, when in reality it's just our concept of math that's flawed. Third work well in theory, and in practice, but when cut into our actual math, it fails, and requires asspulls like this to make sense.


Actually related to the thread, Duranium for PVE and MIthril Axe for PVP.

Python, C/C++, JAVA all have libraries for it.

But it doesn't matter - it's still easy to program yourself.

Now, this would be overkill to do this, but if you were to want to represent 10/3 damage exactly in the game (as OP intended), then it's completely possible.



Congratulations, you just discovered infinitesimals.

This reminds me of Fallout, so the Axe because Damage Threshold means the rapier is useless against anyone with armor, even with armor piercing. Spike damage all the way.

If the game has weapon buffs or modifiers, Rapier is better


die phoneposter

I just bought TIS-100 for $1, and printed the manual.

I mean to try it out tonight. The game completely intrigues me. Is it true that the puzzles were composed without a single solution in mind, but rather, an invitation to find the most efficient solution?

Stop jumping at shadows

I work for a living, can't be home all the time

if you have time for Sup Forums then you have time to check your voicemail user :^)

The rapier
I fight for love, dammit!

My last phone call was two months ago

Holy fuck how do you use your phone with that font, faglord?

that font killed my wife's son