How long is the servers going to be up before blizzard shuts it down again? Thinking about checking nostalrius out after it's back again. I don't really want to level to 60 just to have it shut down again
How long is the servers going to be up before blizzard shuts it down again...
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After Nostalrius sets up their donation cash shop, expect it to shut down soon just like WoWscape.
Blizzard hasn't shut down any servers (besides Wowscape? I'm not sure about that). Many private servers, even popular blatantly for-profit ones like Molten (now rebranded as Warmane) have been around for a better part of a decade.
Aren't the new nost servers located in Russia?
If so, blizzard cant do shit.
>Russian hosts
>getting shut down
kekd m8
shoo shoo blizz shill.
Oh fuck that's right, they took it down not to be sued, i forgot dude. My bad sorry.
Warmane is hosted in Russia so Blizzard can't touch them unless they go through a whole ordeal.
Nostalrius is still hosted in France. Cops could bust down their shit at any time if Blizzard gets in contact with them.
Hell, Blizzard could just take the Nost devs to court and win automatically by sucking them dry from court fees alone.
it's a guaranteed honeypot, designed to get the IPs of every filthy thief that logs on to the Nostalrius server. Blizz will sue each and every IP, and give a lifetime ban to all IPs which match a blizzard account.
>Nostalrius is still hosted in France.
This. It will happen eventually. How do you sustain a server that has thousands of people sucking server bandwidth that costs money yet "doesn't take donation or profits"? Eventually these fuckers will go broke or they have to make a profit somewhere.
>Nostalrius is still hosted in France
At least read up on the things you're going to comment about.
>Keeps saying this every single thread
>Still not even a scrap of proof
Is vanilla fun if you missed it? I started pre dungeon finder wrath will it suck balls for me?
Elysium servers are hosted somewhere else, Nost servers are definitely still in France.
It's not really that expensive. The expenses of running the servers were detailed in their post-portem document and they were a few thousand a year.
>and give a lifetime ban to all IPs which match a blizzard account
So I won't be able to buy the new store mount for only 30 shekels? How horrible.
Nostalrius servers are in France though? What are you talking about
Oh no not my IP address what will I do!!
how miserable do you need to get to make a post like this
DDOS attacks during your nostalrius experience
never, blizzard cant do shit to russians even if they had monthly subscription
It was 500-1000 USD per month just to host the PVP and PVE server. A few thousand dollars per year with no revenue coming in at all is not sustainable at all. Most of the devs are working full time on the Nost project instead of having full paid jobs. There has to be some profit coming in somewhere eventually or else they can't pay their hosting bills.
I remember someone mentioning that Nost devs would pose themselves as chinks to sell gold to other players. I would totally believe that seeing as how easy it is for GMs to print gold and totally sell them under a false account.
>tfw nostbull slaps your gf ass
How can I stop him?
Literally everything from their "inner circle" has already been leaked to the public. No mention of selling gold, just a bunch of autists with a unhealthy obsession for vanilla wow.
>The image you posted explains how they paid for upkeep
>Hurr dey obviously sold gold even tho nobody's got a shred of proof xDD
what did he mean by this
>tfw have to take care of my wife's son with retail WoW while she goes out with her new boyfriend who plays on Nostalrius
This has to STOP
>Blizz will sue each and every IP, and give a lifetime ban to all IPs which match a blizzard account.
Oh no! How am I gonna play that game I had no interest in playing anyway!
No one paid for the server upkeep though. They already addressed that most people ignored it. Who the fuck donates to private servers?
Of course they aren't going to mention selling gold. WoWscape and Schthack devs never mentioned that they were into the RMT business until years later.
They did take donations, it was just limited to the server costs for several months in advance.
If you enjoyed wrath and think it went downhill with cata you'll probably enjoy vanilla. Not like you've got anything to lose by trying it out now.
Hosting is in Central Europe
>Blizz will sue each and every IP
Are they going to sue my mailbox as well?
>and give a lifetime ban to all IPs
Not only is it funny you think they could get actual accurate information from this, it's even more hilarious that you think they give enough of a shit to bother with any of this.
>can't do my mythic +15 next sunday because my gf's bull wants to attend the stress test and will use my rig
How the FUCK do we stop them, Blizzbros?
Heres an idea why doesn't blizzard create an official vanilla server?
All nost has to do is do like 2-4x xp gain and vanilla would be better.
Alright show me proof they sold gold.
Oh wait there is none.
why do you fags keep false flagging for your nost server? is it that much of a failure you have to try to make it look good all the time
>tfw wifes tries this new semen cure
>semen does not taste like my semen
That would be admission of Blizzard not being perfect, we can't have that.
>Image shows that chinks sold gold on Nost just like they did and still do in retail
Wow great job sherlock, amazing deduction.
That wasn't a cash shop though, those are "illegal" gold sellers.
I can't prove that GMs sold gold, but there are definitely players on there that did sell gold. Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that Nostalrius is the only private server that has these gold sellers? Even big for profit private servers like Warmane with thousands of players don't have in-game gold sellers like Nostalrius has.
My IP Address is, I'm not afraid of Blizzard.
Ahahaha stupid faggot now I'm going to upload a worm to your hdd, good luck playing Nost with this bad boy.
I'm hacking your computer right now, enjoy your viruses, malware, and horse porn.
>He fell for the honeypot
>Blizz will sue each and every IP, and give a lifetime ban to all IPs which match a blizzard account.
No they absolutely would not lol. Blizz wasn't even handing out perm bans to people caught botting because they were bleeding so many subs.
fuckin casual
With that being said, I'll probably restore my nost character to fuck around on and pvp in, he was like rank 9 and in full pre-bis/pvp gear/some zg shit. I'll still raidlog on kronos 2 though just because I'm in a good guild and like full t2, and AQ is coming soon. Im fully away nost will get shut down again though so I cant see myself dedicating too much time to it. Maybe I'll get my nost guy full t2 and just sell my account when the hype is high, I havent decided yet
Well, you should kinda know what to expect in terms of content since 1-60 questing and instances have remained largely unchanged. However, there are some key differences in classes (for example, in vanilla and TBC classes tend to have more distinct roles and that gives them character, although in vanilla that tends to come at a cost of only one spec of each class being "viable"), tuning (for example, by WotLK classes have been buffed and content nerfed such that even the remaining elite quests are trivial to solo for everyone, while in vanilla there is a strong incentive to group up), progression mechanics (in WotLK prior raid tiers were rendered obsolete the moment new raid was released), raiding (40-mans have a different dynamic to 25/10-mans) and such like.
In general, I also think it's interesting to participate in server launches due to low-level zones becoming very lively and vanilla servers would obviously have a more populated Azeroth in general due to levelling lasting longer and players being spread over a fewer continents.
I'm personally a fan of vanilla (mainly because mechanically the endgame content doesn't cope with modern min/maxers with more experience than WoW had been online at the end of 1.12.1 patch, as well as a number of little annoyances ranging from lacking UI even with TBC/WotLK addons having been backported to absence of guild banks) but I do think the general design paradigm/style of the game is superior to WotLK.
Anyhow, you don't exactly have anything to lose by giving it a try.
>cant sleep anymore because I don't know if Retail will survive against Nost awaking
Help me come down Blizzbros.
Probably never.
It's hosted by the guys behind Valkryie, which has seen like 5 C&Ds since they set up 8 years ago. They throw them in the trash because they understand Blizzard can't actually do shit.
The most Blizzard can do is send a C&D to the hosting provider (OVH) as it is in France, but there is literally nothing they can legally do to the devs as they are in Russia.
The only reason Nost "shut down" last time is because the original team pulled the plug and attempted to push for legacy servers (aka jobs at blizzard) which failed entirely.
>Hell, Blizzard could just take the Nost devs to court and win automatically by sucking them dry from court fees alone.
t. american
european laws and courts don't work like yours, john smith
fuck off to burgerland
What the fuck happened to that T-shirt campaign they had? Where did all the money go?
>Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that Nostalrius is the only private server that has these gold sellers?
Fuck me you're actually serious? Oh man you should try out some more private servers, this issue is pretty widespread.
Blizzard can only shut down US-based private servers.
I've played on about a dozen popular private servers and Nostalrius was the only one where I can see gold spammers in-game. Other servers ran donation shops but that's completely different.
>Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that Nostalrius is the only private server that has these gold sellers?
Literally every fucking server has gold sellers from every predominant nation that plays on private servers. They flocked to Nost because the most profit was there.
If you actually read their post-mortem document they state how they were JUST finalizing a deal with a Chinese VPN service, where they would pay for the entirety of the server upkeep costs. I'm glad it shut down desu, there would have been even more Chinese.
When will Nostkeks grow up?
Name 5 private servers that had gold sellers in-game
Kronos 1 and 2.
Emerald Dream
if getting to 60 is a chore for you, you shouldn't be playing vanilla
Warmane uses the same host nost will, OVH, the same host they used before
French laws protect hosting companies like a utility company.
Nost shut down willingly in an attempt to get official servers. It didn't work.
Nostalrius is popular enough to have them
To Save the Children or some shit, can you not read?
None of those had gold spammers or sellers except for Nost. Unless you got screenshot proof.
The plausibility of that for Nostalrius doesn't matter until there's proof. It doesn't matter if a claim is "true" if there's no way to prove it to other people.
Man you must have muted all general chat channels in all of em. Nost, Kronos, Warmane had it as well since they literally cut half of the gold everyone owned in half because of it (have this link
Wake up from your conspiracy theory, whoever wants to make money from this have cash shops.
>but there are definitely players on there that did sell gold
No fucknig shit, who ever denied that?
>Doesn't it seem suspicious to you that Nostalrius is the only private server that has these gold sellers?
Oh wait you're fucking retarded. Never mind I'll stop replying now.
Warmane is more popular than Nostalrius and they don't even come close to the amount of sellers Nost had.
Keep dreaming retailcuck, Nostalrius isn't actually illegal and Blizzard can't do shit apart from try to scare the owners into shutting down. Won't work this time.
>Make a legacy server
>Stuck doing the same content forever
>Release a TBC server eventually
>It sucks ass because TBC was lame
Scriptcraft as well.
How can one person be this delusional
>warmane is more popular than Nost
>he actually believes they don't pad their who list when it's blatantly apparent due to the sheer lack of anyone in any zone
Confirmed literally retarded.
well a lot of that is because its way easier to make gold in wotlk than vanilla so there's less reason for people to buy gold
>Hell, Blizzard could just take the Nost devs to court and win automatically by sucking them dry from court fees alone.
why would you even play a server like nost then when the economy is clearly fucked up by gold sellers and buyers
>It sucks ass because TBC was lame
Not surprising it's from an anime poster as well.
>This thread
>I do not like them Sam I am
>I do not like green eggs and ham
because every private server has them
it used to be a huge problem during vanilla and tbc wow as well.
Guess what retail has since Vanilla?
and this is why WoW is fucking garbage
Every fucking MMO ever has had some kind of gold selling.
why are you in a WoW thread then
I think any problem you could have with the game would stem from its gameplay or social design, not the minor problem of gold sellers. Unless you're retarded.
>BM hunters with immunity to CC
>Resto druids that were impossible to kill
>Flying mounts and resilience ruining PVP
>Welfare gear easily obtained which made gear worth less
TBC was shit m8
All MMOs are garbage. Why do you think the genre is so dead now?
desu im waiting for the open beta of wow awakening.
The devs are ultra jews and charging people to play in their closed beta but its supposed to go open in December.
The server looks like a lot of fun for creative people.
>BM hunters with immunity to CC
>Resto druids that were impossible to kill
Yes BM was OP and resto were very good at some points in BC, doesn't ruin an entire expansion because at some points X and Y class were OP, if that were the case every expansion would be ruined.
>Flying mounts and resilience ruining PVP
I'll give you flying mounts, in retrospect they were a bad idea. Resilience was a stupid bandaid stat also but it wasn't exactly a dealbreaker.
>Welfare gear easily obtained which made gear worth less
The welfare gear in BC still took a lot of grinding to obtain and it was never even close to the shit you could get from actual arena ratings.
All in all I do agree with some of what you're saying but the good far, FAR outweighed the bad in BC.
Private server players are worse than crack addicts.
>PvP is different and I don't like no longer being at the top
>Flying mounts killed PvP
Guess what, whoever didn't stick around to fight your dumb ass wouldn't have cared to fight you without the flying mount either, now they could just scadaddle outtathere easier.
>Welfare gear
Sweet jesus you have no idea what that means, REAL welfare gear wouldn't even start until cata.
So what's WoW Awakening all about then, is it mangos?
Someone please post retailcuck butthurt from the official forums, I need a laugh.
You've been using that image on Sup Forums and the Nost general in /vg/ for a month user. I think you're the pathetic one in this situation.
>my wifes son makes fun of me because I want to roll a Panda on Nost
>REAL welfare gear wouldn't even start until cata.
VoA says hi.
RP players in WoW is the strangest shit to me, it's the most static themepark MMO other there. How the fuck do you do any convincing roleplaying in this kind of RP-hostile environment?
and you've been crying about your private server shutting down since April, get over it.