Why is this game so comfy?

Why is this game so comfy?

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The sound of the wildlife I think. Also the lack of bullshit UI elements on screen. Even the map is part of the game world.

It's quite an immersive game.

Comfy retards need to be banned. Fuck all of you.

There's a mod that gets rid of all the problems in the game and makes it more immersive with added gun damage.
>no more malaria
>no more respawning guard posts
I've been replaying it recently with this Jackal mod and it's fantastic

the wildlife noises are awesome. The audio in general is great. First time it rained was when I was in a safehouse, and the sound of the rain hitting the roof was so nice


comfy is patrician

best farcry game. I don't even mind the malaria, you cant die from it anyway and it gives you a reason to do the missions to get more.
I absolutely love weapon degrading and weapon jam, I wish more games would implement it.

The two things that are wrong in this game are the botched stealth and respawning of guard posts.

what makes it comfy
african jungle, great weather cycle and killing niggers, can't get much better than that

>best farcry game
my fuckin nigga

>no more respawning guard posts

They should respawn, just not when you walk more than 15m away from them, should be a timer like 48 in game hours or something.

Also, Far Cry 2 is an aquired taste, I hatred it at first but came back to it a few years later and loved the shit out of it. The world really is super comfy especially watching the sun set over the savanna or desert while you drive around in a buggy.

The game had it's imperfections, but in general it was great.

>Constant weapon jamming and exploding


Fucking Africa, man

>There's a mod that gets rid of all the problems in the game
You don't need any mod for that, just click uninstall.

It was the last good Far Cry Ubisoft made

I liked 3.

fair enough, Each to their own

I just found the difficulty laughable, making it a stroll on even the hardest difficulty and overall just a petty excuse,maybe they had to streamline it idk, it was shit regardless.
The story was a fuckshow
The main character was an unlikeable whining bitch
Repeditive gameplay and shitty QTE Bossfights

Radio towers

>Jackal mod
Is this the name of the mod?
I heard something about official patch that added a new difficulty mode that makes a game more realistic.
So, is it a mod or a patch?

far cry 1
far cry 2

i recently played these and theyre basically the same game and they have the 1 thing that irritates me so much about their shitty open world design

everything is wrapped around mountains. every successive mission is on the opposite side of the map or a huge mountain range and its just annoying as fuck

Everything 70-80s african mercs related is comfy
Operating in shorts, firing a FAL, setting nignogs and commies on fire...
Just like the Siege of Jadotville.

because you can set anything on fire

I liked the custom injury animations, putting out fires, digging out bullets, fixing broken bones.

It's on the top moddb list for FC2. It's a mod fampai.

>Infamous Fusion (Released Jan 24, 2016 )
This one?
Why would user called it Jackal mod?

Because it's Africa with 50% less niggers and 100% less predatory animals. Plus you can set everything on fire.

There's less niggers because killing mostly niggers would be racist
There are no predators because the devs forgot to add them
The fire is cool though. And for some reason it works better than in Far Cry 3

That was the point of the game. You start with old rusted guns taken from enemies and work your way to afford nicer stuff.

I think the real issue with this game was the AI. They where either able to spot you behind a bush at 200 meters or unable to see you when you were right next to them.

And you have a war with two sides, where neither side wears uniforms, and that's why nobody ever shoots anyone except the weird looking foreign mercenary player characters.

Yeah, you are actually refering to the story. But do you think this is a bad thing ?

Most complains I heard are about the jamming guns and malaria though.

>love far cry 2
>hate prosper kouassi, always enjoy shooting him in the head with my sidearm at goka falls
>play it over a few times a year
>always have it on my hard drive
>play far cry 4
>several references to far cry 2
>doing missions for longinus, he sends me into the himalayas to retrieve a special drop
>turns out they were uncut diamonds from an african civil war
>tells me he was a warlord who was shot in the head and survived
>tells me he converted and was baptized at goka falls
>says every uncut diamond he retrieves is a sin he atones for
>prosper is longinus and turns out to be bro as fuck now

Far Cry 2 and 4 are patrician-tier.

You made me erect.

Not him but I don't get the hate over the jamming guns. You can purchase the manuals to prolong their usage and there are gun stores around the map where you can replenish your stock even during missions. The only thing I would have done differently is have the AI occasionally struggle with malfunctions and jams as well.

I really enjoy how instead of a minimap you've got the gps and map

imo the map shouldn't have been dynamic either, as is there is basically no reason for the gps to exist

I think it's Dylan's Mod. That shit fixes the entire game

>you will never play far cry 2 as the merc from the concept art and wallpapers

Get REKT, pussies!

The jamming guns is just an annoyance. All it means is that you need to keep going to one of those weapon buildings to get a new one. It's just more padding busywork, same as the instantly respawning checkpoints.

Personally I enjoyed the game much more once I turned off weapon degradation, so enemy weapons were still shit but anything I bought was always good.

>Dylan's Mod
>This mod fixes what Ubisoft left unfixed. Dylan's Realism Mod changes Far Cry 2 from an Africa-based sedan and pickup truck simulator into a (semi accurate)
African conflict simulator. Realistic weapon damage, recoil, realistic ammo loads and weapon reliability have been added, along with a more effective stealth suit, and revamped AI weapons. (No more SPAS12s and AR15s for militiamen). Checkpoint AI has been tweaked as well. Checkpoint guards now have a 60% chance to chase you after passing through, as opposed to 90%-100% in vanilla. Militiamen also communicate more frequently in combat, and use suppressing fire more often. However, you are now as vulnerable as the AI. A single burst of rifle fire can kill you, so you are probably going to need that extra ammo and stealth suit.

The ambience was good as fuck. That soundtrack just made you feel like you were a lone mercenary in the middle of Africa. 3 and 4 never really had that and I never touched Primal since it looks like shit.

don't pick up shitty guns off mercs, retard

Everyone who uses le epic comfy meme of epicness should be shot.

The guns in the game degrade fucking fast, so your gun will be just as bad as theirs in short order.

>dull and dead open world
>mediocre gameplay
>the embodiment of ''brown everywhere'' trend that plagued 7th gen
>90% of the game is travelling to the objectives

Decent graphics back when it came out though.

Babby's first STALKER and for that it is pretty good if you play on infamous difficulty. user suggests Dylan's mod but i've never used it.


Because it isn't.

Are you a fly?

He was the only good thing about 4


Darn, this thread made me remember how great the first..and only farcry that I played was.
All that exploring war torn country, burning down villages and forests, planting IED traps for convoys..

Time to reinstall and get some mods, Is there way to skip first maps of the game? I remember that I quit after sinking some old ship.

>tfw blasting 'it ain't me' while driving around the savanna and setting merc camps on fire

Let's see if I can remember all of that edgelord's diatribe without googling...

You can't break a man like you break a dog, or a horse.
The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands.
In order to break a man you have to break his spirit.
You have to break his mind.
Men have this romantic notion that we have to fight with dignity.
It's absurd, it's an aesthetic.
You must destroy that idea.
Shoot to wound. Then execute the wounded.
Burn them. Take them in close combat.
Destroy his preconceptions of what a man is and you'll become his personal monster.
You become stronger. You become better.
But let's never forget, it's a show, it's a posture.
Like a lion's roar or a gorilla thumping on its chest.
If you lose yourself into this play, if you succumb to the horror, you become reduced.
Not more than a man, but less.
And it can be fatal.

>There will never be another African conflict simulator again

I mean Africa is the perfect place to set an FPS. Shit is so crazy there that you can do almost anything and it'd still be realistic

Malaria is a must have.... user spews heresy.

>be me, driving up a road
>enemy pickup truck full of angry nig-nogs
>malaria hits up
>crash into them
>shootout while fighting all the effects of malaria

best moments

Because you miss being mistreated and harassed?

I desperately want to play an African FPS with Juju as a mechanic. You'd find/steal broken dolls and frilly tutus and wear them as amulets to boost your stats or provide passive buffs to your allies.

>all the effects of malaria

All the 5 seconds of intermittently blurry yellow screen?

Fuck yeah user, that was the moment I actually liked FC4. Well it wasn't all bad, I finished it. But this fucking moment...

>You'd find/steal broken dolls and frilly tutus and wear them as amulets to boost your stats or provide passive buffs to your allies.
And all this stuff useless if you fight white mercenaries.

I hated that, having some interfactional fighting could really have made the game feel more dynamic.

Malaria is transmitted by gnats, trypanosomiasis, otherwise knowns as sleeping sickness, is caused by the tsetse fly.

Yes! Don't destroy my memories! I cry easily.

>100% less predatory animals

I'm still convinced there's crocodiles in that deadly africanized water. Consciously i know there aren't any but i still get a little uneasy swimming around in it

Does anyone have the "Stalker: Shadow of Africa" picture?

Farcry 2 was goat except for having to cross the entire map every single mission. I spent more time driving than anything else

This game just has a great immersive open world and atmosphere.

Fuck, I love this trope.
>Character from a distant previous game returns
>They've changed a lot but they're just recognizable enough that you realize you've seen them before

>le ebin compfy maymay

Eat shit and die

It also gets kinda tiresome how the map is cordoned to tight corridors by impassable cliffs, leads to the fact that you end up driving the exact same routes dozens of times again and again.

>See other driver on road
This game would be much better without respawing checkpoints. I ended up just running away instead of fighting the same 5 guys I killed four minutes earlier.

Dont forget about how the side quests were all the exact same thing but in different areas of the map

Shit, i love this game for two things - story and gameplay. That situtional freedom it gives you is awesome, i never went full Rambo just shooting stuff, i went full I could pick high position and shoot all the barrels and gas tanks in location creating hell and finishing any survivors. Or i could go full stealth and pick guards one by one with dart rifle from distance (ghillie suit does not make you invisible as it shouldn't). Or i could mix both and kill one or two guards with SVD and changeposition after to do it gain so that guards would know they are getting killed one by one, and shitting their pants because they could never see me, There was several times during missions i could tell where enemies will spawn after i trigger it, so i would IED the shit out of that location. They spawn, i push button, they all die. Fun times.