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Video Games #3591
Video Games
What do we think of him?
Its just a game bro, calm down
So why did SEGA make Rouge for sex appeal instead of making her some decently written character?
What do you think of this sweet little old lady's Let's Play, Sup Forums?
What can change the nature of a man, Sup Forums?
What went right?
Is there a more beautiful and aesthetic game then this?
Is it still worth to buy a new PS3?
So why is Des Ex: Mankind Divided so fucking taxing on a PC? Admittedly, mine isn't top of the line...
The most heartbreaking thing about all this is that all of their other IPs are going to suffor for it
It's far from a 10/10 but it doesn't deserve the shit it gets here tbqh
I was convinced that the day FFXV would came out this board would be overflow by FF shitposting
Would Mass Effect 3's ending be better received if it ended in a generic "you died but saved the galaxy" fashion?
Horizon Zero Dawn
Sup Forums already dead silent about Legion
The Elder Scrolls Lore
Marry Christmas user!
It was flawed the moment they said "no online"...
Lied about 4 gig RAM in 970 (3.5 gigs)
Why is this allowed?
If you could establish a home in a video game...
I've just stop playing video games
Seriously, why is this a thing?
Thanks for pre-cracking games for us
When will Monster Hunter ditch the god awful 3DS and move onto something actually playable?
ASA makes a detailed investigation and finds that Hello Games did not mislead customers
Battlestation Thread
Here's your controller bro
Before release/before playing
I think we can all agree that SuMo is vastly superior to X&Y, right?
Marvel 4 thread? What characters do you want? What if it was all a ruse cruise?
ITT: Games that have aged horribly
Skyrim memes
What was his name again?
Antagonist is a woman
Explain this
Was she a jew?
Skies of Arcadia
Patch came out yesterday
Wasn't expecting THIS at all from Pokemon
Horizon 0 dawn
Post your Installed list
Launch game
Now that the future President of the United States has come out in favor of censorship...
Red Dead Redeption is getting released on PC and PS4 next week
I currently have a GTX 970 (memes notwithstanding) that's done very well for me...
What went right ?
He didn't play as Imperial Guard
Name five games
Do you agree, Sup Forums?
Unwritten rules in vidya
Is this an ok game to start the Persona series with? I've never played them before
Breath of Fire
ITT: We take a trip down nostalgia lane
Do you prefer the Spyro or Crash series? Only the classic titles of course
Gooks and Sup Forums virign weebs are the only bashing this game
Shadows of Mordor
Mega dimension Neptune VII
ITT: Post truths of Gaming
Game has pointless moral choices that barely effect the outcome of anything
Now that the new Pokémon has been acclaimed by everyone as a total success, can Digimon be considered officially dead?
Last boss fight is a QTE
Equip item :Fedora
Daily dose
Resident Evil 7 new Screenshots/Information
Stop masturbating to vidya characters
Did you remember to marry best girl, Sup Forums? I know I did
A deal's a deal
What went so fucking wrong?
I was expecting it to be shit but it's honestly pretty fun
Is anybody going to watch this?
Claim your Dark Souls weaponfu
Give me some (you)s and a 4 day ban please thanks
They blew out us gamers yet again!
Are you ready for another hectic season of Overwatch comp?
"Oh, well aren't you just a charming darling, user?" *giggles*
Remember when League of legends was fun?
Darksiders Remastered just released and it's free if you own original Darksiders
NieR thread
Japanese began the signature of FINAL FANTASY XV
Is it just me or is this game very sexual
What are some good games that have comfy winters in them?
Bioshock Infinite, and why its popular criticisms are invalid
What skins do you want to see in the Christmas update?
Make a thread about a recently published game
"it's gonna be shit"
This is Fuuka Yamagishi, a Japanese tech expert
Undertale cost $51,124 and took 2 years to develop
365.25 days a year
What's the worst game you've ever gotten for christmas?
What is the best Resident Evil game and why is it Resident Evil 4?
Rainbow Six Siege
What games dose PC have?
Over a year since release
Not even 500k sales, holy shit it flopped hard
Just checked the archive, why havent you guys talked about the newest Cities: Skylines update?
Describe the personality of this bobcat
We're here to save JRPGs
Guilty Gear Revelator
Which one Sup Forums?
ITT: Games only you played
Would you still play games if you were a billionaire?
This really bothers me. Noctis is a prince who's going to meet his betrothed and formalized their union...
ITT: Your biggest buyer's remorse
Wait what ?
In New Game! The Challenge Stage, players take on the role of Aoba Suzukaze...
ASA rules No Man's Sky Steam page did not mislead consumers
Look up guide
"The message behind the game is around consumerism and Black Friday, and we're asking: who is the monster...
Name a more fun game than Watch Dogs 2
Choose wisely Sup Forums
How dead is VR?
I didn't get this until Black Friday because of the episodic structure and because I've lost faith in vidya
Why isn't this your GOTY?
I'm so devastated
Resonance of fate
When did you finally give in and start watching Let's Plays?
NPC wants to make a deal
Region is based on Hawaii
"I miss Final Fantasy" "Oh FFXIV it´s really good and has a pretty good story!" True?
World map is too big
They're falling for it AGAIN
Generic blondie with generic personality gets hundreds of pics in a few weeks
This is Selvaria
Would you be satisfied with this pittance?
Describe the personality of this man
FFXV Sales Prediction
Unpopular opinions
Thoughts on this game?
Find me a better looking skybox
Why can't the new Castlevania games take after this at all...
I'm still pissed off
Say Cheese!
So my little brother bought himself a Playstaion 3 Super Slim. Given that I am a bit new to Sony consoles...
Game is absolute fucking trash
Dude, let's change everything that made God of War...God of War!
Games that are literally flawless
What kind of games properly combine non-linearity/open world with horror and survival gameplay mechanics?
So, how does it feel that Overwatch is a literal masterpiece that sets FPS games to a higher standard?
What does Sup Forums think of the Switch?
Who was in the wrong here?
No Mans Sky adverts ruled NOT misleading
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this is GOAT?
Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying. Eh, lass?
Is it worth it or ps2 versions still best?
Who /newhotness/ here
Crash Bandicoot
What do the victims of Silent Hill do if they survive the experience...
Are you ready to submit to your new RPG overlords?
Final Fantasy 15 Japanese reviews
Why are western vifdya girls so ugly
Dragon Ball Fusions
I've been thinking of trying out Warframe to scratch my grinding itch...
What did Lisa mean by this?
Video games are for little kids. go learn to build a table
Say you get 500 GB
Final boss uses electric based attacks
Steam Trade Thread
Do you finish games at the highest difficulty?
Town guards are stronger than you
Old games you remember playing but cant remember the name of
Anyone else miss 2010-2012ish Sup Forums? It seems like it was the best era imho. Nowadays it feels like reddit-lite...
Have you worshipped your own Goddess today?
Oh man this game actually looks like it has challenging and rewarding well designed combat, what could go wrong
Battlestation thread
Hey janitors
This is a japanese crow
Build a high end PC
Who should be the next Killer Instinct guest?
I didn't go to films, I went to movies
Three vidya related wishes Sup Forums, choose wisely!
Do you like how her appereance was changed in the final game?
Are there any decent games that has good stronghold building/management as a side feature...
What's your favorite Hitman game? Are there any other good games about hitmen that arent Hitman?
Can Sup Forums explain the appeal of Dark Souls games? How is non-stop death and few checkpoints fun?
What did oyu play today user?
FF15 flopped, this series is finished. It can't even manage an 8.8
Is the spectral tiger the pinnacle of prestige for ground mounts?
"So, Ignis. What's for dinner?"
Blizzard (((Entertainment)))
What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?
Perfect gaming laptops don't exi-
Do you forgive him Sup Forums?
What do you want to see in Spla2n?
Boss fight
Why is it so hard to make a Sonic game where you just run fast, keep the speed going, collect rings...
Jet Force Gemini
If Nintendo is so fucking smart:
What do you guys think about the egg thief from spyro?
Is there a greedier video game company?
How are you enjoying your newly-bought video game now, user?
/Sup Forums hates matthewmatosis now
Main character doesn't eat fruit
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What's the worst race to play as, and why is it the Argonians?
Gaming on a laptop
We did it, Sup Forums!
Your opinion on Kyoko Kirigiri of the Dangan Ronpa™ franchise?
Humble Bundle Thread
Guilty Gear
Tommy wants Vic to bring back Reviews on the Run while going on tour with him and Videogames Live for the review...
DOOM 2016
Benny appreciation thread, go
Are there any video games with self-destruction as a theme?
What's Sup Forums take on this? Is it the best massive FPS out there?
I bought this on the autumn sale because of Sup Forums shilling it and I spent the entire first couple of hours...
What does Sup Forums think of the new pokeman?
Why aren't slice of life games a genre? I need more games like Persona, but with just the social parts. No...
Ark: Survival Evolved
Is your 3ds hacked yet?
Games are grey in 2006
Perfect games don't exi-
Which of these suits do you hope to see in the new Spider-man game?
Have you ever bought a gun because of a videogame?
What game has the best driving mechanics?
Xbox: Always the looser
Why don't you like anime games, Sup Forums?
Here's your shit sword, an axe, and a pick
Point out obvious game flaws
Did they seriously have to make a cutscene of her washing the car. what the fuck
How do I make my cat stop jumping in my lap while I'm on my PC. It's annoying not cute
Should i buy one if i don't have a console yet and i don't have a pc?
ITT games you wish had mods or mod ding community
You buy the game
There's a reason to have a Switch if you have a PC
Mobile gaming
Did you forgive hello games?
How powerful is he?
Are you enjoying your free upgrade?
Nintendo-themed Attractions Announced for Universal Studios Parks
Explain this
I'm like 4 areas into this game and WHAT THE FUCK
Name a game you hate and then name one positive thing about said game
Seriously tho, as a straight dude I want female characters to look at/get to know...
Will you be playing on the returning PvE/PvP servers with your old characters...
Why did it sound like a woman? Is Majora female?
Why do guns in this game feel so damn unreliable?
What are some cool subtle Vidya Clothing?
"I don't want to speak ill of anyone...
What is the verdict on this game?
Did she ?
Pick one
A "remake" of sorts of Final Fantasy XV is going to be announced in the near future as Final Fantasy Versus XV...
Ctrl+f senran
Aesthetics thread
Sup Forums has RedLetterMedia
Risk of Rain
Play as female
Is DB Fusions good? I've been wanting to play a Dragon Ball game that isn't just another BT clone
Ace Combat 7 gameplay reveal at Playstation Experience
Girl joins server
The "I'm 29 and still live with my parents starter pack"
Skyrim's world can't be fi-
Make beginner-friendly/tutorial character for CoD audience and babbies who've never played a shooter before
What's the scariest game you've ever played?
What do you expect graphics to look like when the PS5/Xbox 2 release?
Do you prefer a short game but hard or a long game but easy?
Last guy you played vs Defiler of humanity, Dark Ronald Mcdonald
What's your favorite new Pokemon, Sup Forums?
Why did Niko freak the fuck out when Vlad fucked Roman's girl?
Honestly, why do you hate Japanese games?
If I liked playing Bloodborne, Will I like demon/Dark souls?
Eb Games Canada
Playing FPS on console
Black Friday New 3DS Back in Stock
What emotion is this face expressing Sup Forums?
What are you playing tonight?
Thread exposing shilling on here gets deleted without comment
What was his problem?
Without any shitposting, how is the combat in FFXV? I played the Platinum demo and thought it was awful...
Oh yeah, that happened
Just made a mask in tribute to Zelda in my college class today. Thoughts?
ITT: The best of Sup Forums
The great debate
E3 2017
Any chance for a demo soon?
Redpill me on Conan, Sup Forums
Buy brand new GPU
Do you trust Suzuki-san?
How would you make a good Steven Universe game?
They actually managed to make the most memorable cast since RBY + GSC
It's a sad day for generic characters everywhere
Who is your favourite TESIII: Morrowind character...
Daily dose
FFXV Story Discussion
Who did y'all marry?
Why did it get so much praise?
Search webm
Prove to me this isnt the dumbest looking sword ever
The fact that so many fanboys still name Eli Ayase as "the greatest or most significant or most hottest" idol ever only...
Can we have a console plebs thread?
Why is this game so comfy?
I have literally played every video game ever made. Ask me anything
Why is ScrewAttack still liked by Sup Forums after how shitty this series has gotten?
ITT: vidya music that brings you to tears
PS4 exclusives
Vanilla WoW thread
This is the boxart of the first objectively bad main-line non-mmo Final Fantasy game
KawaiiShotaCatboi69 has joined the server
Name a video game character who could defeat the trashman
Hypothesis thread
The noose tightens
What should I play first?
How do you feel about this Chinese chef?
This is such a weird game
ITT: Games that no one on Sup Forums dislikes
PC "Master Race" will never be able to play pic related in glorious 60 fps
Perfect games don't exi--
Wow, the faggot loving SJW janitors we call MODS get butt hurt about anything and everything
Sup Forums Plays the Oregon Trail
Final Fantasy XVI
Just got kicked out of Gamestop for calling out a lying employee over FF XV
Is this an example of good card design?
So apparently according to a doctor I have severe depression, paranoia, and anxiety...
Why do we hate Persona thread again?
What are some games where I can kill myself? Intentionally dying to enemies doesn't count
I have actual diagnosed autism and depression. How do I stop feeling like dogshit whenever I die in a video game?
Yeah, tell Isabelle I'll be home soon
Hory shit
UN 3 > UN 5 > UN 2 > UN 1 > UN 4
So now that the dust has settled and 15 is confirmed hot garbage...
I honestly wish I could take this thread to /vr/ but some people would have an autistic breakdown...
I hate to be THAT guy, but I think we can all agree that starting with a fire-type is the way to go. Yes? Yes
Tell me Sup Forums
Yakuza 6
Why there's no Rush 3? The first one and Adventure were great
Game music goes quiet after beating enemies
GRIEF thread
Game stop returns
Best Souls game? Prove to me it wasn't Bloodborne
Tell me which of you bought Skyrim Remastered for the full $60 or I blow this whole board sky high
Explain to me, Why is he bald?
Does your dad like video games?
Sup Forums says a game is good
Zelda and Horizon
The game has a day-1 patch
Who do you want in the next game?
Do any of you just, don't have any friends or family?
Final Fantasy XV
Would you play my game Sup Forums? when it's done...?
Uh oh! Roll tripped and fell!!
Why exactly is there so much hype around this game? Everything ive heard seems standard...
Boss is a girl
This is XV's "superboss"
Filename Thread
Level set in Japan
What games make you feel like a kid?
Why do redditors freak out when you suggest a purchaseable option to disable distracting and immersionbreaking...
Handheld gaming PCs
Well Final Fantasy XV was a bust. Looks like it's up to Tetsuya Nomura to save Square. Honestly...
Lets hear those vidya confessions user
There are "people" on Sup Forums right now who still can't speak Japanese
Vietnam level
Bad cosplay thread
Why are video games so obsessed with "story" nowadays...
This is the boxart of the last objectively good main-line non-mmo Final Fantasy game
Look for the swapdoodle thread
Is there anything Agent 47 can't do?
Morrowind thread
So, Gigantic will launch its open beta on this december:
I am Pedro. I offer you my special gypsy glasses. They will let you see your heart's desire. Yes or no?
Playing Overwatch
It isn't as buggy as the BF4 release, but Jesus BF1 is a broken pile of shit
I think you faggots need a webm thread
What games are the funnest stoned?
What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?
If He had a video game, How would It work?
This is your lieutenant for tonight
This is a male character
ITT: Games Sup Forums memed you into buying that were genuinely good
Was this the biggest blunder of 2016?
Game has skeletons
ITT: your favorite Mario kart track of all time
What happened to skateboard games?
So what's with these Titanfall 2 memes? Is it because the game is so bad it's funny?
I always felt bad for Lord Harkon
Pure girl thread
Console-tan Tuesday
Was he gay?
What's wrong with this picture, Sup Forums?
What is the Commando of vidya?
I was right!
You've been very naughty, Sup Forums. I'm giving you indie games instead of coal this year!
Vidya Backlog thread
Hi v
What are you playing
Is this usual Bioware disappointment or is it fun?
So FFXV flopped in sales
Why is Nintendo the only one willing to go with risky new innovations?
In under half a year we'll have the newest 'true' entry into the classic Sonic formula
RX 480 4gb
Bought this game cuz it was on sale but I heard there's a lot of sjw bullshit and the portraits look like shit should I...
How come a PSG game doesn't exist yet?
Last game you played
Nintendo for the love of fuck bring this series back already
ITT: DLC that shouldn't be allowed to existe
Could any videogame character take him in a 1v1?
Which one did you faggets like more?
Would you buy a console with zero exclusives
Is he right?
Why are Americans too stupid to pronounce Deus Ex?
Leave JRPG to me
Do you consider the Nintendo Switch to be an 8th or 9th generation console?
If I want to get into this, where do I even start?
Are you excited for dead risiing?
Before millennial,women,numales,smartphone
For a male, would you say Pit is physically attractive?
People would rather install a rootkit than play guilty gear
Name three games that nobody on Sup Forums will call shit
Is there a more strategic game than chess?
And what do YOU want for Christmas, Sup Forums
What exactly is he supposed to be?
The last vidya character/enemy you killed coming to your place to fuck you as revenge. They will not be gentle
Best sun/moon pokemon
Americans can't handle blood and gore but are horrified by female nudity
After all this time, we can do this again
ITT we post games better than Final Fantasy 15
It shipped!
Why was this the most based game of the franchise ?
Zelda BotW
Ubisoft >>>>>> CDPR
What did he mean by this?
Six years ago
I just got this game on sale, what am I in for? Any tips for a beginner?
When a developer literally lies about their game, becomes one of the greates blunders in video game history...
Steam Beg/Give thread
You have five seconds to explain the entire plot of this series to me. I know you're going to fail
Was Sonic ever good?
So why does Smash Brothers 4 look so much better than Brawl?
Which game would be totally improved if the cast was gender swapped?
Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
I'm so glad they're making Frank more mature in this game. FRANK is BACK!
Tfw LAN parties are dead
When will Crash return?
What's the best linear action game on ps4 available right now?
This was such an awesome yet under-reported deal
Who else here plays going in /gunsblazing/!...
Name ONE good reason why sniping should still be in modern FPS games...
Do anyone feel older games were harder?
Video game people you'd kiss
Reminder that the best multiplayer game of this gen will be going offline next month
How do we fix the open world genre?
Left or right, Sup Forums?
You don't know shit about video games
Leave 2016 to me
Name one good Western RPG released this year that isn't open-world or an mmo
R4inbow_D4sh has decided to rock the vote!
Will future Persona game comes with female MC again?
Game is fun
What went wrong?
I work for Belethor, at the general goods store
Seems this message board hates every game that comes out and honestly I don't see why they do...
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
Why the fuck is this game a PS4 exclusive?
Ten years in development
What are the chances of a proper retro-FPS happening in a near future?
Hey guys this just became backwards compatible on the XBONE, I enjoyed Skyrim, will I enjoy this?
Which one Sup Forums?
Finished FFXV in 2 days. They worked 10 years on a game that can be beaten in two days. Wtf...
Marvel vs Capcom 4 Discussion theread: Capcom roster and gameplay discussion edition
Takes five seconds to hack something, being hurt interrupts it
Is he the strongest unmodified human character in vidya?
ITT: difficulty spikes
A video game's got you mad, user?
Name one (1) flaw in the best video game of all time; Undertale
What do you want in a direct sequel to XCX?
Overwatch heros
Any good airship vidya?
VN's are not videogames
Ryu Ga Gotoku/Yakuza Thread
Any quick time wasting games out there?
What's the shortest JRPG you've ever played?
Xbox One Outperforms PS4 for Black Friday Online Sales - Report
Stop supporting EA
What did Todd Howard imply?
I've died 90 times since starting this shit (Sup Forums recommended) and haven't reached the second save...
Would you join these girls if they invited you to have tea with them?
How did one man destroy a game so much?
I want your best and most favorite game trailers Sup Forums... No matter how shitty the game is
"Now... What kind of game would you like for Christmas, Sup Forums?"
CoD Modern Warfare is the best war sim
What does he say again?
He doesn't thank his healer
Zelda BoTW confirmed for The Game Awards 2016
Tfw stopped playing Catherine after I found out Erica was a tranny
Is Niko the best gta protagonist?
Have you fags tried Chinese Commandos yet? Because you should
Shitty LoH games get localized
224 songs and 300 outfits for $54
For me it is the Chicken-chan. The best 2016 protagonist
The ten year wait is finally over
28 year old kissless virgin
In which games can you set up huge elaborate, functional bases?
Playstation Experience 2016
Game Dev Thread
Phil Spencer loves Nintendo
Ay white boy, u like those Fallout games??
Dual monitor set up
What kind of panties do you think she wears?
Everyone raves that this is better than Mario Kart has ever been
Why haven't you bought a 480 yet?
ITT: That mario party minigame you lost no matter what
Pick female character
13 years ago
Wow, a visual novel with a cool and interesting setting
Japs make a pretty good CCG
Darksiders was remastered for PC and released today
Game set in the future
What the fuck was Bioware thinking?
Forgive me father, for I have sinned
OK when I say actual u say graphics
Risk of rain
Swapdoodle Thread
Filename thread
Meanwhile in bizarro Sup Forums
Majora's Mask is a fantastic game because it has one of the strongest ludonarrative tools in all of vidya: The 3-day...
Things that make you drop a game
Broke af but want a decent gaming PC
Un-hype me for this
Want to play the girl
Lets get a deep sea video game thread going
Why is Gwent so fun?
Want to play FFXV
Is dishonored any good? I've never played and only heard people claim it's really good
That kid who brought his Dwarf Cannon everywhere
Which one Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Whatcha playing?
No Man's Sky
Sega actually listens to fans and made a new 2D Sonic
What do girl breasts feel like, Sup Forums?
Displaylag did a new test of SFV, 6.2 frames input lag average. That is less than MKX and Ultra on PS3
Its a
Does it get any better? Supposed to be great shooter, 3 hours in, and so far shooting is medicore...
Build $1k+ computer to hopefully revive the sense that I actually enjoy video games
Lucina is getting married tonight
Okay then vee
What went wrong?
Now that Square is done who is gonna buy IP and make FF great again?
Post some good looking cities...
Is Soul-Calibur the most consistent series on making semen demons?
So is this game worth getting or is it just another PoE?
Does anyone else prefer Mass Effect 2 to Mass Effect 1? It just seems more polished
You excited for Final Fantasy XV today user?
What's going on!?!?!?!?
What are your GOTY you fuckboys?
The darkness infects kairi! We need to save her!
Is she the best pokegirl this gen
What went wrong?
I-it will have 70's and lower
Latest Santa Hat bread
Game loads, attack objective
CPY Cracks another one!
Whats in the game can only be satire if Rockstar does it
Least Favorite OW Character
Do good vidya related youtube channels exist?
Playstation 2 Thread
Why is Sony the only company who can make good sequels anymore, bros?
Bad boss fights in otherwise 'good' games
Does Sup Forums lift?
Did you watch it before playing?
It's official - according to yesterday's poll, these are Sup Forums's top 6 favorite Senran girls
Where do you hide your consoles if you don't need them at the moment?
Jeopardy time
Titanfall? More like TI-TONE-FALL because everyone picks Tone
This is my wife Sup Forums. Say something nice about her!
Sunless Sea/Fallen London thread
PC version of GTA III, VC, SA all have third person shooter aiming controls
What went wrong?
Fable IIII when?
What other main antagonist kills your best friends your dad your girlfriend kills your kingdom and kills you and then...
Game gives you two choices
Did you remember to worship your mommy today?
Time for unpopular opinions
Darksiders Warmastered edition just released for free for everyone who already owned the original (restart Steam if...
Childhood is when you idolize Valve,Adulthood is when you realize id makes more sense
There was no Morrowind thread so i Chimmed one
Why no one likes racing vidya anymore?
Heroes of the Storm
We can agree that most reviews are paid or extremely biased, but are there any out there that are consistently reliable?
So how much screentime does best girl get?
What classics are mandatory playing material to be allowed on Sup Forums? You can choose one and only one
Zelda Setting A New Bar For Gaming
Now that both Duke Nukem Forever, and Versus 13 came out, what's the next biggest video game vaporware?
ITT: Incredibly replayable games that never get old
This or the original?
So how many games actually require a GTX 1070?
Would you take on a date?
Anybody else glad Final Fantasy XV is out and crashed and burned so now Square can focus on the real good games...
Sup Forums will argue about anything
So now that Final Fantasy XV turned out to be a complete blunder, what other games are there to look forward to?
Why is this game so comfy?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...