ITT: Games that no one on Sup Forums dislikes

ITT: Games that no one on Sup Forums dislikes.

I've never played it. Should I?

[Your most hated game goes here]


Impossible to answer.



Yes, and leave the thread now before you get spoiled.

Just about every mainline entry in this series, even Deadlocked which most people didn't think was great. Some on Sup Forums think it's the best in the series.

No one dislikes Crystalis.

I love this series but can you really say that no one on Sup Forums dislikes it?

not him but is it still worth playing if i had the main twist spoiled?

in my top 5 games of all time. I've played it maybe 24 times since its launch day. Love every minute

I just finished playing it despite knowing a few major plot points (including the twist I think you're referring to) and I still liked it.

yeah, i knew for the entire game and still loved it

I think the puzzles alone make the game worth playing and the journey to the twist and after it are still fun

Would you guys watch an anime that takes the Ghost Trick principle and pulls a reverse-Death Note take?

Some guy is solving all homicides by going back 4 minutes before their death. This is bad for mafia bosses, so they set up eleaborate traps to capture this guy and see if they can use his powers for their purposes.

thanks senpaitachi gonna emulate it tonight

i also was spoiled on the main twist, but getting there was so much fucking fun

You can say that with any game, but the point is that there's always going to be trolls and people who hate everything. I've been in tons of R&C threads and I don't think I've ever heard a person say they didn't like the series, or even a mainline title for that matter. Usually just arguing over whether GC is better than UYA.

It works because it's niche. The majority of Sup Forums likes Bloodborne but it's popular enough that it will attract some haters, which is the reason it can't go in this thread.


I don't dislike Ghost Trick, but it's overrated. Aesthetics are great and the story's good, but the gameplay is just another run-of-the-mill puzzle game.


i read that knowing spoilers can heighten your enjoyment of something but it was probably just something I read off a dumb clickbait article

I guess I get what you're saying. so on that note, do you prefer UYA or GC?

Def Jam Vendetta and FFNY. Battlefront 1&2 threads are usually pretty based.

Wonderful 101.

Which is odd, since this is pretty much the only place I've seen people universally praise the game.

his is the ghost and he was doing the trick

i love vtmb and all but there are a lot of people who like to shit on it for all the forced combat that comes later on in the game when the devs were running out of time

>Sup Forums liking video games
>Sup Forums playing video games and not bitching about them

ACiT > UYA > GC > DL > ITN > 2016 > 1 > TOD/Q4B > The rest

the only argument this one brings up is that whether it is THE BEST AC

wtf I hate ghost trick now

It does for Jojo imo because I had the whole series spoiled then immediately forgot because I don't read mango.

Pretty funny seeing Sup Forums make a turnaround and hate it in couple weeks time because of some retard.

Yes it's still a good time since there are other plot twists along the way, lots of good humor, loveable characters and the puzzles are very enjoyable despite being easy.

I haven't played 2016 cause no ps4 and I started ITN but couldn't get into it, should I give it another chance? My list is:
UYA > GC > DL > ACiT > TOD > SM > 1 > everything else

because nobody's heard of it.

Well it's hard to dislike a game you've never heard of, so it's safe to say no one hates that one


Why do Japanese like the English term "trick"? In America we generally use prank or cheat. It's like their hard on for the word "new".



You'd have to be some sort of a fun hating monster to dislike Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.


I didn't like ITN much at first because of the shit framerate and weird controls (after playing so much R&C over the years without the lockstrafe control setting it felt really weird) but once you get used to it they work really well, and they use the controls in 2016 too so might as well get used to it. Game is really good, Clank sections rip off VVVVVVV which is a good thing but it's really short, probably 6-7 hours and only an extra few to get the RYNO.

The new games (Future onward) would be perfect if they brought back the adult jokes, made Ratchet less of a boring goodie-goodie and stopped reusing the SAME FUCKING GRUMMELNET WEAPONS FROM TOD WTF. Although I imagine the next game will mix things up because fans have been clamoring and they probably reused the weapons for ITN because of budget reasons and 2016 to get the game finished for the movie.


thanks for the response, I think I'll give ITN another shot if that's where the series is heading.

Admit it! You're after the location of the Legacy! The secret fund established by the three Great Powers during the two World Wars. That's what you're looking for isn't it? One hundred billion dollars. Divided up and hidden all over the world. And you're looking for a record of where all that money is hidden, right? No matter. The Philosopher's Legacy is safely in my possession, in the underground vault of Groznyj Grad. You will never lay a finger on it!

Enjoy the ban or the evading and those bitches are sexy.

which episode is this?


Please, i beg you...


You gotta be a shithead to hate dislike AC.

So how bout that ramen?

i don't like it, it's boring as hell
harvest moon is shit too

Everyone seems to be at least neutral towards the first Ace Attorney. Later games and some cases draw some ire it's been so fucking long I forgot why everyone hates Turnabout Serenade, but the first game is part of the Sup Forums canon if anything is.

Hey shithead how's your night/day? I just play it to kill 30-45 minutes a day honestly.

warcraft 3

nah twewy is shit

im pissed Sup Forums got me to buy it


meme run