Why are video games so obsessed with "story" nowadays? Whatever happened to the arcade-inspired games focused on fucking shit up and getting points?
Why are video games so obsessed with "story" nowadays...
>muh art
There are tons of them. Just look around on Steam.
Just beat Castle in the Darkness this morning and now I'm currently working on Axiom Verge.
Maybe if you stopped gobbling up AAA trash
Been playin tons of ninja gaiden on my hacked psp. I see no problems
Shmups exist. Cave started porting to Steam last year, for example.
Is that the girl from Kid Icarus: Uprising?
Dump your folder, I need those reactions
Don't play AAA games then
The Corporate Executive Jews noticed normies fucking SUCK at games, but eat up their shitty movies, so they decided to make games "cinematic" on top of dumbing them down so even a retarded chimp can play them.
Because story is very important in a game?