Post your Installed list

Post your Installed list.
No cleaning.




What are the 3 games not installed?



What do you have for hard drives ?

we get, you're rich



Steam Sales, friendo

I don't have the hardware to run Dishonored 2 properly, even with the patch ;_;

not every game is unoptimized shitshow AAA-title taking up 10+gb of space because they do not bother to compress their files when retards buy that shit anyways.

i've lost control

damn, son. that is a lot of penny pinching

I mean, I can't, I've got too much shit installed, it doesn't fit on the list.

Is it just a coincidence that all Denuvo games are shit? I only recently reinstalled Tomb Raider a few days ago after dropping it a long time ago after losing interest. I'm pretty close to the end, but haven't gotten myself to finish it.


I dont even play most of them anymore


ITT: Not having icons enabled

Not as much as some of you because I got into anime and had a friend hook me up with a private tracker, sitting on 800GB of quality instead of games

>Japanese pussy games


What steam skin is that

11 seconds too late

I blame Sup Forums X

>Not trying out games that look interesting

i'm referring to his censoring of his catagory

nothing to see here

no aberoth?

How do you do that ?



My library is so extensive and developed I think it would be criminal to not post all of them

is the talos principle good?

Why do you need to blank your categories? Shared library?

Yup, I can compare it like a less quippy and more 2deep4u Portal

>no BF2
its free

>Metal Slug 3
>not X

I mean its kind of a tossup but come on


do you do vr stuff with dota 2? looks cool

>deadly premonition

was a gift from a friend. I don't think X was on steam yet when we played that.


sure thing user i berive you


i have actually no idea why its there, never tried it, but when ever i install dota, VR version added automatically. wonder if takes extra space, it has exact same hours played as the basic one.

Actually have more uninstalled
>Recent humble bundle stuff
>Darksiders thing everyone got
>Payday 2
Just to stop playing those two.


Although i'm looking into a NAS to make porn easier to access, I have a 6tb drive for that.
Most NAS enclosures seem to only take 4TB drives max so i'll probably switch steam to the 6TB and NAS 2x WD blue 4tb which is what this is.
then I can have access to all my porn even over the internet when at work.

No all you can do is spectate.

Fuck, I'm on Steam for more than 10 years and never noticed that

I have no steam

Is it harder than the witness? I could really use a good challenge

b-b-b-but how do you show your friends how much time you spent on vidya???

Yep great no one cares

Could you at least try to compare it to something similar?

Portal is about portals and momentum.
Talos principle isn't.

They aren't even remotely similar beyond; puzzles in rooms.

I bet you said haydee was a portal rip off aswell because everything was white sterile aesthetic.

Yes, dont wanna give my friends name out

Never played this, but as I said it's very similar to Portal / 2, or Antichamber in terms of "difficulty"

I care

I'm so sorry.

I have non ;_;
So why are you in this thread made literally for this?

Antichamber is my favorite game, Guess i'll buy talos now


nothing personnel kid

I wouldn't say so. If you want more abstract, at least personally, try tis100 or whatever that was. Just started it and I like it.

You should get steam.

Sometimes I fire up these games for 5 minutes and close them again. Then I fire them up again and close them almost immediately. The game I've played the most in the last month, by far, is original DOOM multiplayer.

dont you just watch an episode and delete it like a normal person?

> uplay

driveclub was free and its fun

tis100 is hell though, and i'm not one for programming

So this.... is the power.... of the autistic weeb.


Is 100% orange juice really good or is it's just a meme weeb game?



pirating is free and has no ushit

uh... I havent even touched more than half of these

>life is hard
>life is strange

Words of wisdom user

It's a gif, wait for it to start.

feels bad having a small hard drive

also I should point out that I started indexing my shit ages ago but eventually stopped giving a fuck and left everything I got since then under "Games"

steam has no games






I just have SpaceChem installed right now, I generally only have 1 or 2 games installed at a time.

the last two games not pictured are Ys Oath and Ys Ark

splinter cell series
fallout 1/2
mafia 1-3
hitman 2-TM
cod 1+uo
call of juarez- gunslinger
assassins creed 1-unity
baldurs gate 1/2
batman arkham asylum - knight
blackhawk down
deus ex md
gta 4/5
grim fandango
just cause 3
homefront the revolution
la noire
life is strange
metro 2033/lastlight
planet coaster
sniper elite 3
tomb raider series
tropico 4
vampire the masquerade
witcher 3
wolfenstein the new order/old blood

I have all 685 games installed because I have three 3 tb harddrives and two ssds

i usually install the games, play them for 1 hour and then i forget about them

R8 pls

Not got much installed atm.

These + EVE and Overwatch

I'm sorry for being the way I am.



EU3 from Wyborcza couple years ago? :^)