DOOM 2016

Is Doom 2016 any good? Has very positive reviews on Steam, but what does Sup Forums think?

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it's fun

yeh its good

OG doom is better though

It's amazing

its shit

5/5 bretty gud.

Pretty fun. Could have used a few more enemy types and some of the weapons were a little imbalanced (specifically with the infinite ammo rune late game) but overall a pretty solid game. Glory kills didn't slow down the game as much as I thought they would either.

It's good, but the fact the game plays more like quake and the fact that bosses aren't simple enemies you can play against in your own levels and the fact that they wall you up in little arenas is fucking dumb.

Other than that its alright, Plus evil demonic organic mecha needs to be a thing more often.

9/10 it's okay.

ITT: paid Bethesda shills

The game is shit

Infinite ammo maxxed out chain turret is some pretty dank shit

campaign is almost perfect, the only seriouse negatives I can think of are that some of the guns become obsolete and later on it relies heavily on arena situations where enemies spawn in waves.

>a shill shilling his shitty youtube review calling others shills
The ironing...

You're pathetic, really.

It's a reddit game.

Buy it if you're a Jew or a fag.

Chain turret was fun but infinite ammo siege mode gauss cannon was game breaking.

Not enough Quick Time Events or Social Media Integration.

Too much gameplay, not enough cutscenes.

Could have used a J-Pop soundtrack as well

I'd say its on par with DOOM 3 in terms of who likes it and who hates it.

If the spectrum was Realistic/DOOM3 to DOOM/DOOM2 crazy hell fest, it would be right smack in the middle.

If my fucking retarded logic can be followed at all.

Good single player
Fuck awful multi player

Solid 8/10.

>Refuses to even call the music by it's correct genre name, even when pressed on it.
You listen to this reviewer why? I don't think he has to like it, but he's genuinely giving out incorrect information because of a bias.

i want this but im not sure if i really fuck with buying a game for a once or twice story mode playthrough with no other replayability

looks dope tho but ill probably get it once its preowned and bargain binned

>My nigga gggmanlives is the first comment.


Very good, better than nu-Wolfenstein

Only real problems is that it can get repetitive due to the level design and that the multiplayer shouldn't exist

There's Arcade Mode if you want to go for Medals or Leaderboards, and Snap Map has Custom Geo or whatever that allows for better map creation, but you're probably best waiting for a Christmas price drop.

It's a damn fun fast-paced shooter where you slaughter legions of hellspawn and feel like a fucking god. It's everything I could want out of a Doom game.

Who cares about what some random youtuber says? I won't watch your video, I played Doom and liked it.

Good game, still playing through it after I got out of hell.

Its fucking awesome game.
Some people dont like the glorykill system but when you point out that they are really fast and you dont need to use it .. you never hear from them again :-O

fun game

i wish there were more demons to kill

It's just not good. There's a reason nobody talks about it post-release pretty much anywhere on the internet other than meme threads like these at odd hours on Sup Forums to bait for replies. Meanwhile, you can go to pretty much any Doom modding forum and have riveting conversations with some of the most creative people you'll ever meet. That kind of community will never develop for a video game that's been corporately castrated as Doom 4 has been.

Campaign and arcade are actually really fun.

If you expect a decent multiplayer, don't bother - it's a botched boring monstrosity of a MP and it's pretty much dead.

Are there any MP-exclusive cheevos?

Nostalgia fags are the worst and i say that as a FF7 fan..

I wasted 4 minutes on this before giving up on it. This guy has shit taste.

>what does Sup Forums think
>Sup Forums
Anyway, it's a good game, best DOOM in my opinion.

I believe there are, but who gives a damn when it's literally 2 people playing MP. I'm serious, even when the game was freshly released I've played matches with only half the player slots taken. Perhaps the best part of DOOM's MP is that you can customize your appearance in a pretty dank way - you have many sets of armor wich can be combined with one another and painted in interesting ways, including some hipster tier camouflage.

If you want a fun FPS with a MP still breathing, better get Titanfall 2. If you only seek to play DOOM's single player, then go for it.

i thought it was a blast

great, go for it you wont regret

Best singleplayer FPS of 2016 for me

Sure it's got some problems and it's got very little to do with the original apart from some similar designs and names, but all in all, I'll take it over Shadow Warrior 2013 and Wolfenstein TNO any day

>over Shadow Warrior 2013
What about Shadow Warrior 2? I found its pretty fun especially in coop.

I understand.

Loved it

To me both games were mediocre but for different reasons.

I didn't like Shadow Warrior 2013 because of the bullet sponge-y enemies, repetitive and linear arenas, weak guns and padded lenght.

I didn't like Shadow Warrior 2 because of the pointlessly huge maps that get recycled through the whole game, the Diablo-style Elite enemies and the overly obnoxious dialogue from Lo Wang and Himiko/Kamiko (forgot her name). It was one step in the right direction and a few in a completely different direction that I didn't like.

But hey that's just me, everyone else pretty much loves these games so what do I know

It's pure fun, best shooter I've played in years. My goty.

The slashes threw me at first but I eventually got what you mean and agree

Lets be very honest. This is the best FPS to have come out since The Orange Box. The last few years have been dominated by pretentious movie garbage, slight revamps of older games (CS:GO, Quake Live), and repetitive Cod clones. The only real breaks in the formula between now and then are Overwatch, Serious Sam 3, Left 4 Dead 1/2, and Shadow Warrior 1/2. DOOM is better than all of these games.

The fact is, this says much more about how most Shooters went to shit after 2007, rather than DOOM being that good. It is good, but it's still against pretty terrible competition.

I would still buy it. It's significantly better than Doom 3, and marginally better than Doom 2. It's not, and will never be Doom 1, but it's a great launching pad. I have lots of hope for a sequel.

What about TNO?


Loved it but the game is pretty short if you dont explore a lot

>download the demo
>black screen
>look up issue
>it's something numerous people have
>beth still hasn't fixed it

pretty sure it's shit t b h

its pretty shit in comparisson even though it had cool ideas like going to the moon the game does not play as good and the story is awful

there are parts when you are just wondering around fetching junk in some shithole rebel quarters

>download the demo to test the performance
>it's good and all
>buy the full game while it's on sale
>the demo disappears from my library
>can't play it
>try the steam protocol commands
>still can't launch it, but can uninstall it
>installation command with the demo appid prompts the full game installation
WHY THE FUCK can't I keep the demo after buying a full game?

WHY THE FUCK would you want to??

The demo is nothing more than the first level of the full game

There is nothing else different about it

It's basically Metal Gear Solid V.

Great gameplay mechanics, not much else.

>Game II
>Final Game
>Game 3
>Game Current Year

who the hell is beth and why hasn't she fixed it?

yeah it's pretty great

they added a photo mode recently but unfortunately it's a little cumbersome

How big is this game? My internet sucks

Also is it serious Sam kinda fun or alien isolation kinda fun?

I know. But I don't want to install the full game until my new SSD arrives, and I still wanted to do a little bit more performance testing.
Still there's no reason for the demo to not be available to the users who bought the full game as well. Is that just D44M, or does this happen with all Steam demos?

60 GB.
Painkiller kinda fun.

You forgot
>The Ultimate Game
>Game 64

Bought it on sale, played through the first three or four levels. It's pretty fun, worth getting on sale. Haven't tried anything but the campaign tho.

I wish it would've had more standard DOOM progression with loads of enemies in your path - not just constant locked arenas to compensate for the lack of enemy numbers.
Aside from that, fucking excellent.

They would do that bullshit wouldn't they
I dunno what else they would call a sequel

I played the demo and wasn't impressed. I only got to use the pistol and the basic shotgun but they felt lame as fuck. Like the shotgun couldn't even kill an imp in one shot outside of point blank range and it didn't have a good sound effect either. It just wasn't right, they didn't do that gun right. The glory kills looked weak also. I see it priced down to $20 pretty often and think about getting it every time but I can just never really convince myself to buy it.

I'm getting some weird checkerboard pattern when I look at certain backgrounds. At first I though it was my monitor fucking up but then it wouldn't show up on screenshots right?

Anyone know what's up with this?

2/3rds of the game is great.

The singleplayer campaign is one of the better ones I have played in years. It has some flaws, like the upgrades make you too powerful by the end, some weapon mods are clearly better than others and Samuel Fucking Hayden's office.

Snapmap, although not as good as actual modding, is a great in game level editor. The things people have come up in it are insane and require a lot of logic chains behind them. Entire campaigns are made in it and I love it.

Then there is the multi. It's shit. It is designed by the people that did MCC multi and we all know how that turned out. Progression system is a chore, the boosters are shoddy and don't actually help that much and Super Shotgun is the gun everyone has. The only fun thing is the demons. Oh, and unlike the other 2/3rds of the game, it doesn't get free content in the form of updates, no, you have to buy the DLC to get them.

Revenant best redesign.

What's your specs?

That's because the game doesn't pick up until you get to Foundry and it picks up to a consistent pace when you get to Argent Tower and find the super shotty.

Doom 3 + Expansion is better.
And cheaper.
Also no Denuvo.

If you're a multiplayer guy, don't bother.
If you're a singleplayer guy, you should love it.

>It is designed by the people that did MCC multi
holy fucking shit this explains so much

>What's your specs?

Best shooter of 2016

Campaign DLC when.

meant to quote

>The only real breaks in the formula between now and then are Overwatch
Oh yeah, Overbotch is absolutely original and has nothing to do with Team Fortress 2

When all else fails, twink, killing yourself is the way to go.

I hope when they release the last multi DLC, it comes with an update that is a new campaign and adds more features to Snapmap.

Arcade mode and the classic modules are great.


It's alright. Some nice setpieces but also a bit boring at times.

Max difficulty is too easy, as well.

>Ultra nightmare is easy.

How do you get through Necropolis? That is as far as I can get before having to go back to the start.

>How do you get through Necropolis?

Which part? The hallway right before the boss? Spamming fully upgraded+charged rail gun shots got me through the hallway with the pinkies and Baron.

Nu-Doom is shit, it is not a proper FPS game, for the best performance you are forced to execute enemies at melee range using mini quick time event "le cinematic" kills.

Don't waste your time and money on it, buy the superior fps experience: Shadow Warrior 2.

It's a:
>mediocre game
>average shooter game
>above average first person shooter game
>bad Doom game

Yeah that part where Pinkies, Barons, Revenants and Hell Knights spawn.

I am dreading when I have to do I am VEGA, because the last arena in that mission always fucked me over.

But it isn't the worst Doom game, it has some merit behind it.

Best single player FPS Campaign released in years.

I hate the new imp design. Looks like it belongs in XCom.

>Yeah that part where Pinkies, Barons, Revenants and Hell Knights spawn.

Right, the rail gun got me through that part. Also using the chainsaw against lone barons.

That last part on VEGA is a bitch but use the BFG and it's a lot easier. There's something like 2 or 3 ammo spawns for it in that room.

let's be real here that's not exactly a high bar after 3

Sets, doom guy and sound are amazing. The guns look and feel like shit and the enemies looks like flesh clay men. I would have loved the game if the guns and enemies weren't so poorly designed. I didn't enjoy shooting or killing which is the whole point.

out of all the redesigns they're actually my favourite, I hated how they looked in the original games
I absolutely despise what they did to the cyberdemon, though

75gb after recent updates.

Probably makes DOOM the largest non-MMO game as far as wasted disk space is concerned?

Revenant and Barons got the best treatment though.

Pinkies had the best gameplay change.

yes, but nothing bad.

Like play five games and win a match or something. It's sad because it had potential to be a great multiplayer FPS but so many small design choices (that could be fixed without any core gameplay changes) ruin the game.

Snapmap has a few achievments/trophies but they are also easy, and Snapmap is actually pretty cool. No modding on PC is a travesty, but Snapmap is pretty cool (they've added a ton in free updates) and people have made some cool stuff.

I just went back and platniumed it on ps4 so I could move on and delete 70gb from my harddrive and play some more games. Best shooter in years and my current GOTY for 2016 (but there's a lot I havnt played yet).

This usually has to do with ambient occlusion or SSAO. Turn that shit off, or stop your GPU from forcing it

Same with the weirdass newfangled AA methods like TAA

CoD: IW is 130 with the CoD 4 remake, WITHOUT updates.

Much obliged.

That's two games though. Even then though, how the fuck did they bloat that to ridiculous levels?

Only games I've seen to justify its space usage was GTA5, because it has an obscene amount of assets and media to fetch from.

Although there are some changes, Barons and Cacodemons stayed somewhat faithful to the original designs.
I also like how Pinkies are actually a threat now. Wish they were more common.

It may be two games, but CoD 4 didn't originally take up that much space.

But with 2 games, that is twice the amount of updates because they have both the IW multi and CoD 4 multi to update, further bloating the size.

Imps' heads looked out of place and Cyberdemon was pretty shit. But everything else was basically perfect IMO. I particularly liked Revenents and Spider Mastermind.

Also there was a glory kill in a trailer I assumed was cut from the game (the one where you mash a Revenents head with both its guns simultaneously) because all I ever got was a similar one where you only squash it with one gun. But a few days ago I got the exact animation from the trailer. Not sure if I'd just been unlucky or they added it in post-update.

I disagree about Pinkies. They charge you now and it's too easy to dodge. Just bait them into a wall and shotgun them in their asses. In Doom 1 they swarmed you in numbers and tried to corner you. I guess it's about preference. I like D44M but pinkies weren't executed perfectly I think.

The one enemy I think was improved a lot is the Mancubus. It's such a big and slow target that one might think it's a perfect target for something short range like the super shotty. But it doesn't let you do that. It has a ground slam and flame jet attack for short range in addition to its fireball cannons at long range.