Game loads, attack objective

>game loads, attack objective
>hanzo, genji, junkrat instalocked

Can you league of legends playing faggots stop saying "instalocked"
There is no "locking in" heroes in Overwatch. You can change heroes at any time.

Junkrat is pretty good in most situations. He's easy to play so most people can do well with him, unlike hanzo and genji, he can spam the point to make it a bit easier to push/hold, etc...

But you can't pick the same hero as someone else in quick play or comp, so i'd say the term fits pretty well.

when you choose a hero, you have to LOCK them in.

No you can immediately change whenever you want.
The term "instalocked" comes from League of Legends because in that game after you pick a character and click lock-in, there is no way to change. there is no "cancel" button or anything. So the games go like this:

>player 1: i call mid
>player 2: *insta-locks a mid champ*
>player 1: wtf i called mid fucker instalocking fucker omfg im reporting u

What exactly is wrong with Genji or Junkrat? Hanzo is arguably a sub-par pick for objective attack, though.

>You can change heroes at any time
You can, but the "instalockers" do not and will not change it. They pick whatever they main and never ever let it go, even if it's completely useless in the current situation.

Every fucking time. I'm sick and tired of you weeb shitlords trying to be cool picking this fucking gooks. Genji I can tolerate but fucking hanzo.

anyone have a free copy of overwatch?
i really want to play it

Hanzo's ok for attack if the player is good at flanking and 1v1, and his ultimate can remove tanks and healers that are standing on the objective.


>playing support
>fuckers don't kill flankers
>wonder why my healing isn't optimal
>spam "I need healing" as I'm running back from the spawn

I swear I was in a match on Route 66 recently and I don't think their tracer died a single time


just switch to zen or ana and kill her yourself

Why the fuck is that the case for quick play? Competitive I understand but I don't understand why there can't be more than one of each character on a team in quick play.

You could do that in quick play, up until the Sombra patch where they changed it to 1 of each hero.

Why? Because people wanted to practice real team comps and warm up for competitive without putting points on the line, And you can't really practice seriously when your team has 3 hanzos.

That just spoils the fun for everyone else though friendo

> game rewards individualism
> more damage = more ults
> most instapicked characters have almost guaranteed POTG ults
> people start maining characters and instapicking for the sake of end game cards and POTG's

What a shocker. If they took POTG's out or fixed the retarded ult system, this probably wouldnt have been that much of a problem.

Agreed, i don't like how this game focused soo much on e-sports right from the start, Fucking esports ruin everything

Maybe you should try socializing you nerd

>this game will never stray away from waiting on ultimates ever and just be about killing stuff with guns and a random skill here and there
>blizzard will never fix tank metagame
>blizzard will never fix the awful, worthless defense classes

Yes, I can
But they won't

Is it just me or did they stealth nerf Pharah's fuel? I can't seem to stay in the air

What does that have to do with e-sports?

Arcade mode.

>game loads
>capture the objective
>kinessa, mal damba, not hanzo, skye and viktor instalocked

>Same faggot everyday trying to denounce Junkrat
Look at this loser and laugh

If you're not on mic you're wasting your time. By the time a teammate picks up on your random emotes, you'll be dead

The thing that makes me laugh is everyone is bitching about only one char limit in quickplay yet noone plays the arcade mode.

>Rewards individualism
>Those individuals still lost and caused their team to lose

If you got the L nothing else matters. Not some bullshit single moment or shit reward that people vote on.

>they will never remove the medals/cards/potg bullshit ever

>Defense classes
yeah okay

>cant skip potg

I seriously don't care about people pressing Q. The novelty has worn thin and I'm not even level 25 yet.

It's like mortal kombat fatalities. Seen it once, seen it enough. Just becomes a waste of time after a certain point.

Only ones that are of any value at all whatsoever are Riptire and Blizzard.

I didn't even list the characters, I just listed the only useful parts of all the defense classes.

Still mad you didn't get any of those?


>all this hate for junkrat
See Junkrat players can go either way, they're either fucking retarded, or they're some kind of savant that can shit on the enemy team.
I like playing Junkrat and I consistently hold atleast 3 gold. Junkrat is underrated fuck you.

It's not difficult to get any of that.

It turns everyone into giant faggots.

>playing with people on voice
>havin a good time
>win or loss, doesnt matter, some of them start waving their epeen around and comparing their shit to make themselves feel better

It's embarrassing and pathetic.

Just play the game, stop worrying about shit that doesn't matter at all and more importantly stop telling people what medals you have like it matters, no one cares what medals you have but you.

It's like steam profiles, worthless because no one else sees your profile, and if they do, they sure as hell don't go "oh wow thats a nice profile check this out, what a great person they must be" they don't care at all, seriously.

>playing quick play, aka tryhards who can't handle that they suck at comp
Just play 6v6 in arcade, it gives literally the same XP and three free boxes per week. The only problem with it they need to fix is not being able to queue all three at the same time. I don't care what I play, I just want to play.

See right above this post, see that shit talking about "i consistently hold 3 golds"

He's talking and acting like a faggot, prime example, right there.

Embarrassing and pathetic.