Final Fantasy XV

For the people who have actually played it, what would you rate it and why?

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6.5/10 - goes to shit just after halfway but I thought the ending was okay at best


Been taking it REALLY slow, there are a fuck tonne of sidequests to do, and they're surprisingly good.
Combat's dogshit, and the camera fucking sucks and makes the combat even worse. Driving's also kinda lame, especially when you can't run for more than 10 seconds, but once you get Chocobos it becomes a non issue
Virtually everything else has been great though. Having a shit tonne of fun.

>Combat's dogshit
>Having a shit tonne of fun

The combat is a pretty small part of the game. Dogshit was probably an exaggeration, it's passable. It's just boring for the bulk of group fights, and in closed spaces the camera just makes it frustrating as fuck. For fights with a lone enemy it's decent.

Animations: 20/100
Some of the battle animations are good but your basic animations are so clunky that I preferred not running or jumping sometimes because the animations are ridiculously bad

Character design 0/100

Edgelord backstreet boy band isn't getting any favors from me

Enemy visual design 85/100

Some of the enemies have very good and unique designs

Storyline 0/100

You're a homo prince that nobody really cares about and you have to rescue your princess that's in another castle but you just want to lay low with your boyband and take selfies together

Load screens and travel 0/100

Some quests are literally 8 miles away and that can take like half on hour on your shitty car you can't even control. Load screens take forever why don't consoles have an ssd yet

Gameplay 50/100

Hold to dodge and block basically a casual hack and slash, the camera feels clunky a lot of the time and some of the scenery like shrubs get in the way of the camera entirely a good amount of the time. The game also lags when there's too many enemies in one fight

Overall 25/100

I've entirely lost my faith in final fantasy's future from here on. They took 10 years to make this crap

shit game all around, pham



best score to give it really

I miss the guy who used to post that ifrit webm

Oh god please photoshop the characters in FedEx uniforms


>Filling FedEx quest

Is this a jojo reference?

We need a compilation video

all side quests are fetch quests

Delivery quests.

>you can't run for more than 10 seconds

Hit the circle button again right before you run out of stamina and it will refill.

I know it's not a "Amazing" videogame. But i'm probably enjoying this game a lot primarily because i don't hold it to any expectations and just go along with everything.
Plus i like the combat, It's kind of like the Starwars of videogames.
The story is really just a bunch of political nonsense trying to be serious, But if you let the eye candy take over then you really don't get bogged down by expectations that everyone put in your head.

You either sit back and let the magic of entertainment unfold infront of you and get immersed, Or you can let your high expectations and everyone's opinions of the game get in the way.

Remember when you'd used to buy a game based on the cover and the description on the back and enjoyed the fuck out of it?
That's because you didn't know anything about it. You had no idea what to expect. Even if it was a C+ game. You still enjoyed it because you had no idea what you were getting into.
The first kingdom hearts is probably the best example of this, before the internet began to spoil every micro detail of a videogame.

It's the primary reason why most legit Sup Forumsirgins don't play their huge backlog of games, or enjoy them anymore.

Sure, maybe its not absilute putrid shit
Point still is Why would you play it instead of anything else and why would you ever spend money on it

LOL I'm still playing the shit out of it.
>hurr durr its soooooo short

It doesnt feel short to me and im playing a Jrpg the way its meant to be played:
To completion

Now i know what you're thinking right now Sup Forums!

>Hurr durrr now you overleveld and the game will be even easier than it already is

The lvl 15-18 Nif soilders kicking my ass lately would disagree and im only in chapter 2.

Thats how i know all these casual ass fuckers played on easy mode and ran from main mission to main mission.

From chapter 1 alone the game has no problem with throwing high lvl enemies at you from the start when they all 1 shot you and your team.

These Nif solders aren't a joke and i wasnt expecting to get my ass kicked by them so early in the game after all the leveling up i did in chapter 1.
The constantly send more solders even if you are already still fighting the last wave of solders and its very easy to get overwhelmed by gunfire,sniper shots, and grab arms that send you into stasis mode.

You easily end up surround by about 20-25 high lvl solders along with whatever world enemies your are already engaged in combat with.

Today i fought my first cacutar and the fucker decided to spawn and neddle spam the fuck out of me while i had about 20 solders bombarding me with gunfire.

I ended up using all 6 of my phoenix downs and now i have to restock on some potions also

7 hours and 11 mins in so far it'sa 9.

I'm enjoying combat but I can see why people dont.

inb4 i just leave my game on

There are plenty of things to do in the first half of the game like also stated

Look at all these fucking quest i need to do.

What a lot of these casulas are doing is running thru the main story and then doing everything else in the post game which is fucking dumb.

Game feels so much more worth it if you do quest as they appear and take your time and enjoy its world and chracters

>36 hour
>level 18

how? I'm 9 hours in and im level 21??

>actually taking the time to write all of this retarded shit out

Yeah the combat is fun as fuck and challenging and nif solders are tough as shit like i wrote here This game isnt like DMC or Bayonetta where enemies have visual ques that tell you when to dodge or block.

You can either attack or block in this game and you cant dash cancel and abuse frames like in typical hack and slashes.

You have to learn enemy patterns to know when you need to dodge cause most enemies wont seriously start attacking you until you start hitting them.

90% of the enemy attacks in this game are all counter attacks cause more than half of the enemies i have fought so far all have power armor until you break there guard while the other 10% are moves the occasionally use just to keep the fight going if you run around to much.


Stella >>>>>> Luna

Ending was fucking hilariois due to the photo gimmick.

Wish the overworld had a snow area at least.

Oh and I wish Kingslaive amd Brotherhood didn't exist and its content was IN THE ACTUAL FUCKING GAME, GODDMAMMIT! that's the thing that pisses me off.

Because that's the gamble you take with this kind of product, Also if you have more patience than a mouse then you can just wait for a used copy and return the fuckin thing and get your money back.

What everybody seams to think is that 10 years of development on a single product is going to produce some sort of diamond and everything goes perfectly and becomes the most incredible game of all time.
Which is fucking bonkers knowing that only 10% of Sup Forumsirgins actually know how videogames are made.

It's amazing this game is even out, And all everyone is saying is "Eh, It's okay".
You can't expect something perfect to come out of a team of human beings who are just as imperfect as anyone of us.

I could go on and on about this shit, But i guess because i've been working on a game for the past 3 years my self. I'm looking at it from the Dev point of view and not the consumer point of view.

I'll always appreciate the fact this game came out and i can play it, regardless of everyone calling it 'mediocre'

>main game can still be finished in 10 hours

9/10 simply a masterpiece and its better when you invest in the movie and time into the anime, the extra game is fun too, not sure if you can buy it yet though.

My honest opinion, it's fun, lot's of silly things to do and side quest, nice visuals and minigames. I like it more than X and VII for sure.

i hate how i keep getting hit and can dodge at the right time?? am i playing this game wrong?

This has to be one of the most confusing cold opens I've ever witnessed in a video game. The last thing I think about when I think of Final Fantasy is licensed music.

i hope they bring back this 3 for a final fantasy game

And Dark souls can be finished in 1 hour. What's your point?


Massive flop on the scale of no mans sky, with slightly less lies and cut content.

Combat is shit, graphics are shit, story is a laughable joke and the last half of the game is literal dogshit vomit inducing trash.

lol fuck off you cant squeeze nearly 40 hours out of the first two chapters and be only level 18

10 out of 10 would wait 10 more years for FFXV-2

I spend a lot of time fighting enemies and experimenting casue the combat is pretty damn fun.

You also get experience from completing side quest and there are a few high lvl monsters that are possible to beat at low lvls( The lvl 29 big scorpion outside the hunters camp thats north of Hammerhead and those giant male Giraffe/deer monsters at the northern part of the map around the hunters camp.

There are also a few high lvl mosnters you fight in the Rank 1 monsters hunts that are lvl 15-20.

I also only use the car to travel to main quest and side quest and i go on foot when i am collecting items and materials around the map as its to much of a hassel to get in the car and stop all the time just to collect items on the side of the road so i fight every mosnter i come across if i can beat it

Right now I'm on chapter 3. I just started up the game, stared at the characters, walked, then shut it off. I was one of the people defending this game, because I love action combat and the game looked really promising. But this is just nothing like what I saw 10 years ago. It's something completely different. I am not joking, I really feel like Tabata is secretly trying to destroy Final Fantasy. Like he did this shit on purpose. That's what it fucking feels like to me. My favorite FFs would be VIII, X, XII. But this doesn't really feel like it's even trying to be a part of it. It was whored out so much, now everybody knows it. Does this not feel like it was his plan all along? Or do they actually believe they had some success with pumping this out?

I think the game would have been perfect if it was still Versus. Everything in this game goes against everything Versus showed. It's not dark, it's drama pre tween crap and I really hate Prompto's outfit. It's just so underwhelming. I'm not speaking for Sup Forums, fuck you all. I'm just speaking for myself because I am upset I got nothing like this Everything Nomura promised. I wonder what he thinks about this? And Tabata? It just feels so weird, like the entire day today I feel like i've been in a dream just thinking why they would deliberately release this in the state that it is in. I didn't even pay for it, got it from a friend who is crazy about it. And I asked another friend and he said he loves it so far. I just don't know. It could have been so much better.

>The combat is a pretty small part of the game.
Combat is 95% of any game like this.

/ \

Fucking this.

Been playing since last night and I'm just at the beginning of chapter 3. Been mostly doing side quests and hunts. This game is addicting as fuck, man.

I rate it at least a 7 or 8/10. Maybe tweak some things about the combat. I'm a little unclear about how elmancy works. It's still cool though. I honestly have no complaints. This is MILES better than the fucking XIII abortion. Feels like a modern day Final Fantasy to me.

Is this a Jojo reference?

Combat did get addicting for me too sorta


I'm having fun with it :^)

>all fetch quests

holy fuck

this review wasn't wrong


fetch quests arent content son, and they dont belong in JRPGS, they are shit tier padding content that belongs in the shit tier genre that is MMO's

How fucking dense are you then?

>Game starts out of a group of people coming together facing a struggle together
>Song is about a group of people coming together facing a struggle together
>The song literally a call back to the 10 years of development to make the game.
>All of their struggles and hard work going to the wild west and unbound rules of game development.

This song is a better representative of Square enix than FFXV it's self.

>Hasn't played it
>Trying to lecture someone who has played on what the game consists off

I'm only five hours in and just broke into Chapter 2, but I'm enjoying myself.

I will admit some of the textures are kind of disappointing in the game, like the water in that beach city you travel to, also some of the grass and mountain textures are low-tier. But combat is a blast, I think the car system is kind of boring because it's automatic and just takes you from point A to point B. The dungeons are fun though, and I'm enjoying the story and combat plus exploration is pretty comfy.

So far I'd give it like an 8.5/10 but that score could go up or down by the time I'm done with it.

This is basically what I was trying to say, the camera is battle is kind of stupid but I do enjoy combat though.

TLDR: you're a shiteater eating shit just because Square finally managed to drop that deuce after 10 years of squeezing

>combat dogshit
>shitton of fun
i guess you a weeb who enjoys visual novels too

>Final Fantasy is no longer about the combat
even more pathetic

no the song is about finding a dead body and that somehow making you an adult

>see pin ball machine
>"oh cool you can play it"
>literally waste 2 hours playing a boring pinball minigame because it was near impossible to die

This game is fucking ass. Also I can't manually drive my car anymore, it will only let me auto drive it. Also I can't find the missing person who cries for help near hammerhead. I traveled all over the circle.

30 hours looking at Cindy's tan lines.

>a dead body
>not an apt metaphor for the Final Fantasy franchise

Auto drive for Morning
Manual for night

I want to fuck Emma Roberts

Ohhhhhh yeah.

It feels good as fuck in this game when you can predict an enemies every attacks and side step all there shit while still kicking there ass.

Casuals dont go around collecting items andshit for Ignis to cook.

I collect everything that glowing on the fucking map every fucking time that shit re appears because items constaly change around the map.

You may pick up treasure at one of the chest locations on the map the 1st time and it will be a high potion and then if you go when it reappears again it will be a mega phoenix down or a rare item you can sell at stores for gil.

Collecting shit and fighting Monsters and driving around with your bros is what the first half of the game is all about.

Its like playing a Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy Hybrid.

Its addictive as shit and im sad to know that half way thru, the game becomes linear as fuck.
The 2nd half of the game being linear is all the more reason for me to take my sweet ass time playing the 1st half to completion and then when i beat the game ill work on the end game dungeons.

But an entirely other issue. You're retarded, so at least apologize to your parents for that.

You're asking this question at the wrong place.

Sup Forums actually raided the metacritic's user score as soon as the game released, can you believe that?

Then now you should know what kind of answer you are to expect around here...

>look at all this filler fetch quests I have to do
>look how fun it looks haha

>Also I can't find the missing person who cries for help near hammerhead. I traveled all over the circle.


I played over 30hrs and i still cant find this retard, i think the quest is bugged

Also there are tons of shitty side-quests where you have to look for stuff in a big circle

>Stop liking what i don't like

did they do that for Infinite Warfare, too? IW has like a 3 for it's user score even though it's not bad, just painfully mediocre

You underestimate how long i spend working on leveling up my companions.

Eat shit.

I spent like 5 days in game the 1st time i got to Gauldan Bay just fishing and then after i had my fill from fishing and not being strong enough to reel in the bigger fish i worked on the monster hunts.

>stop disliking what I like

>Collecting shit and fighting Monsters and driving around with your bros is what the first half of the game is all about.

This is also what the post-game is about, you do hunts,sidequests...etc

First half and post-game is decent but the second half is just shit

This, this is how FFXV needs to be played.
But trying to make a game for everybody is impossible.

Dunno, but for this one there were actually two or more threads to set up the raid, this site really hit a new low today.

>I spent like 5 days in game the 1st time i got to Gauldan Bay just fishing

I guess games are more enjoyable when you're mentally handicapped.


Please resign.

Signed, Everybody

also i wrote how i play the game I do all possible side quest and gather everything item the map while fighting everything in sight because the combat is fun as fuck before i touch the main quest.

Heres some food porn,bitch.

Now stfu

Dear moron,
He didn't make the game

Signed, by user

>The first half of the game is open-world
>The last half is linear

This is the exact opposite of FF13, amazing

He stained a lot else, and this game isn't exactly free of his taint.

he gets it

Is there a reason I can't get the free trial for PS+? This is my first PS4. Won't work on the system or on their website.

>Story is shit
>Side Quests are shit
>Combat is repetitive
>All falls apart in the second half of the game with corridor mania and QTE bosses
>But FFXV is good because I can ride with my homo bros and pretend I have friends

Not enjoying a game to it fullest especially when its an RPG.

Thats like not doing any side content in Fallout and Skyrim which are games that you Sup Forums chumps just love to circle jerk off to here.

Fine, this project literally took 10 years of my life and everyone is shitting on it.

But i'm still making kingdom hearts because i love that shit.

the song is much better than the game though

This all sounds really tedious, and it sounds like you're forcing yourself to like it as much as possible that you're spending as much time as possible getting the most out of your $60 purchase.

He didn't stain anything, because he has always been a good character designer and batshit story artist. Tabata tainted this game, not him. If Nomura came out with his version it would have been better.

>left home at 8 in the morning
>finally get out of work, called subway and told the sandwich artist to prepare my regular, rush to gamestop, pick up sandwich, finally get home at 9pm
>pop in FFXV around 9:15
>6 hours until day one patch is done


>If Nomura came out with his version it would have been better.
Shit is virtually identical gameplay-wise with KH combat.

Stop making us look bad.

>I do all thatshit that gives XP
>yet I'm a lower level than someone who supposedly did almost nothing in his 9 hours
Something doesn't add up here.

The saddest part is that they had this good intention of channeling the FFVI era with the dungeons,trains and some story aspects.

The game is heavily inspired by FF6 but they wanted the uncharted/open world crowd so bad.
>We're going to KILL the day one patch!
JUST WHAT did he mean by this?

First half - 8
Second half - 5

not even him but thats exactly what you're saying

>I know the game is dogshit but I like it anyway because atleast it got released.

>Fallout and Skyrim
>games that you Sup Forums chumps just love to circle jerk off to here.

Was displaying how new you are a part of your plan?