ITT we post games better than Final Fantasy 15
I'll start.
ITT we post games better than Final Fantasy 15
I'll start.
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the fuck is she riding?
Check my Five
t. contrarian
I don't remember that boss.
Stop using forced memes kid
Of course the japs would have her having an orgasm on top of that thing.
Who wouldn't orgasm riding a robot with guns for arms?
the boss is dahaka
is that the boss in the tower on your way back to Cocoon?
monster dick
This is so cringy
Why were eidolons so useless in that game? Literally the only time they were useful was to summon them when fighting against the giant turtles or tortoises whatever. And only because they dropped to the ground automatically after a summon allowing your party to stagger and kill them before they got up. Once they were up though, more times then not you were done.
>Why were eidolons so useless in that game?
Summons have been pretty useless since 10. Same as the series being shit. Coincidence? I think not. I remember in 12 you had to do really specific and stupid shit to get your summon to cast his ultimate, like petrify yourself.
You know FF13's art direction was pretty cool, I really like the Big Face motif.
summons are always HP sponges
>summons are always HP sponges
what? Summons were just big spells with flashy animations for the majority of the series.
>. I remember in 12 you had to do really specific and stupid shit to get your summon to cast his ultimate, like petrify yourself.
not in the IZJS version. You can control them as well as trigger their limit break to do 50k damage.
damn say what you want about Final fantasy 13, but at least the combat was great and the playable characters were all pretty solid.
final fantasy games always have great partys and great characters, with maybe 1-2 being bad per game.
either way, making it a 4 men only party in FF15 seems like such a shit choice, and the combat system seems pretty bad too from what i've played in the demo.
- Bubsy 3D
- Superman N64
- Daikatana
- Duke Nukem Forever
This. Graphics and art direction and some of the background themes made me actually finish the game, despite the fact that I hated it.
ikr dude so cringe
>damn say what you want about Final fantasy 13, but at least the combat was great and the playable characters were all pretty solid.
I strongly disagree on both of those points.
The combat is just you going through the same cycle of vague directions for your party over and over again.
Unless you really want your synergist to cast haste quickly and get the fuck off again, then you better be good at the exciting task of high-speed menu navigation.
And is if that wasn't enough some of the design choices can be dodgy as fuck. Like the fact that there's actual aoe attacks in a game where it is impossible to influence where anyone is standing.
And then there's the weird decissions that you can't swap party members mid-battle and that you are nailed down to only one single summon. Oh and then there's the fact that it's instant game-over if your party leader gets KO'ed which is complete and utter bullshit. Since you are autoattacking 99% of the time anyway, should feel no different than losing any of the other two.
Forgot to mention that all of the characters are absolutely insufferable.
Sazh is the only character who is even fucking tolerable. Maybe Lightning as well since she doesn't speak much.
But Hope, Snow and Vanille are absolutely attrocious characters, in my eyes.
>15 being bad means 13 is now good
*tips l'Cie brand*