Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

Which one Sup Forums?

Why not both
Why not all

Final Fantasy XV because it's better than MMO combat at least

End of Evangelion is amazing

This one.

Doesn't the entire game consist of MMO combat?

Oh wait, I forgot you also get to push a car.

hello conan

>Doesn't the entire game consist of MMO combat?
Yeah, the entirety of XCX is MMO wanna be shit.

Monolith vidya now and forever.

Must be embarrassing that MMO wanna be shit is objectively better than FF15 on literally every level.


it isn't. xcx is garbage lol

It's not.

Speaking of MMOs, how's Blade and Soul? I heard the combat there is legit good, that would be the only thing that could get me to play one of those games.

Stop samefagging.

>t. sonypony
Xbois at least got some KI to wash the taste of this shit out of their mouths.

Actually I just got here.

>Weebfags still clinging on to false hope and defending FFXV

I would have loved to have seen a Conan review of XCX. If he thought FFXV was trash, I can't even imagine what he would do to Potatoface Simulator in Space.

you seem mad that the game's getting good scores lol

>good scores
kek, no not at all.

I'm just here for the tears kid.


I would have otherwise given up on the JRPG genre.

>how's Blade and Soul? I heard the combat there is legit good
It's just another Everquest/ Wow clone based on distance, cooldowns and line of sight instead of collisions, but it's much faster, so people says is different, just like with Tera.
The only"MMO" which truly has good combat is Vindictus, and is not really a MMO. Maybe Dragon Nest too, but I haven't played it, so I can't talk about it.

>tfw the game you want to fail so bad isn't failing
Keep telling yourself that the game sucks though, maybe the rest of the shitposters will start sucking your dick. :^)

Both blue balled me on any sort of satisfying conclusion.

I bet he's talking about the Japanese Amazon reviews.

BDO has better combat than DN and almost just as good as vin. The advantage is that it is in an open world with PK and more to do than just run dungeons over and over. Has boring gear in comparison though.

Neither, stop playing weebshit

This one.

Where are their shins?

>implying metacritic is in anyway shape or form a reliable metric.

Just because die hard FFags flood the site with 10/10 reviews to make it look good doesn't mean it is.

To answer the OP, even with a silent protagonist and a meh story. Xenoblade Chronicles X all the fucking way. The mechs alone make it worth it.

>stop playing weebshit

might as well stop playing games all together then,user. Western games are absolute shit nowadays.

XCX all the fucking way.

the one thats not censored

>The mechs alone make it worth it
The mechs ruined the fucking combat.

I agree.

>The mechs alone make it worth it.
Way to show that you know shit about XCX.
Skells destroyed one overwhelmingly positive thing that XCX had, exploration.

mah nigga

Xenoblade X.

Usually I'm always team /both/ with Nintendo and Sony but I personally didn't enjoy XCX.

Played both.

XCX has the better world design.
FF15 has stronger characterization and combat.

I would imagine XCX will wind up having a better sense of roleplaying progression as well, but I feel much more immersed in FF15 so far.

They both have horrific pacing issues.

I like XCX moreso currently, but it's entirely reasonable that FF15 may surpass it in my mind.

This isn't really a problem unless you've rushed your way through the game just to get your first skell. You get to explore the three first areas on foot at your own leasiure, and once you get the skells you get to explore it with completely new eyes. It gives you a sense of progress.

The last two areas are meant to be traveled around in a skell, as it's way more open. I could agree that I wish you got to explore those by foot more before getting the skell.

Xenoblade X is a pretty awful game. I have yet to play the full FF15 except the newer demo, and the combat is MUCH more involved and enjoyable rather than just pushing buttons on a hotbar and waiting.

As for everything else, Xenoblade X is a genuinely bad game that has a shit ton of design flaws. Bad characters, VA work, quest design, systems like affinity, awful writing all around, no satisfaction in exploring. It just never comes together, the world is interesting at times, but its short lived when there's little to actually do.

This, game is solid. X shit all over what made the original enjoyable.

XCX, without question.

Monolith Soft is what Square Soft would have been in the modern era.

why are you still comparing the two

>hey want to advance the story?
>go put some probes, do a high level quest with characters you barely used before (no exp share so they are low level), increase your social link with uninsteresting party members that get no depth in their characterization and then you can do this 15 min long main quest that might or might not advance the plot
I never touched FF15 but it can't be this tedious, the game pratically begs you to do side content.

Because there are 3 samefaggers ass hurt that XV completely shit the bed harder than any square enix game ever made.

>15 minute main quest
Pretty generous when the main quests had the same low quality of the side, except had shitty cutscenes like LOL TATSU

but its been going since early 2015

People seem to be enjoying it more than Xenoblade X was even spoken of.

see what I mean, the asshurt is astronomical.

nobody reasonable would waste his time on Sup Forums
all the ffxv threads are just conan threads m8

Explain. Why would I be upset when I have access to both games?

>XV fags are fighting amongst themselves to try and convince themselves that XCX is shit for 3 straight days and still haven't convinced themselves.

Who are you trying to convince? You faggots are a year and a half late to the party.

Why not both?
>XCX shitters who tried starting a Xenoblade/Final Fantasy 12 war are attempting the same thing again

because it's very easy for any faggot, like you for example to take a picture from google images without a timestamp

Without FF15 existing, X would still be shit. I'm unsure what you mean.

The one with custom flying mechs on a whole different planet no peace lookin' at the sky trouble's always all around so we stay quick with the guns and cannons standing as long as we can until we get all Dolls up.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>press O to nothin personnel

>playing jrpgs


Find a few matching pictures from google images. I'm waiting.

Better yet, mic with me you insecure faggot.

Everything but story, music and characters (aka shit that doesn't matter) is better in X.

>complaining about people playing jrpgs on weeb imageboard


hey now ffx was alright

yeah no wonder it was nominated for best RPG in the game awards.

I wanna see you faggots defend yourselves when XCX actually wins. Ho ho, I with plenty of fries, because I'll have all the salt in the world right here.

Right, game awards only matter when they convenience you.

>I'll have all the salt in the world right here.
Save it for when Lin finally cooks Tatsu, lol.

It's not gonna win m8 it's not normalfagcore at all
especially against witcher and dark souls
I loved the game but look at what is going on

I disagree. Skells got me to places I wanted to explore and couldn't. Obviously, especially when you get that flying module. What a great moment.

Hot and fresh from the oven.

Your own homeland even hates it

This would be true if the quests werent also shit, there were less areas, and the combat was still mmo tier.

Quests were better
Overworld was x100 better
Combat was much better

Which has more customization? And I'm assuming FFXV has more combat depth? I only played XCX and FFXV is on my short list.

>I never played an MMO and repeat buzzwords found on Sup Forums for meaningless replies
got me

Nope, nope, and partially. It had more variation, but the mandatory skell combat was more garbage than anything in chronicles.

Actually, I have. Since Runescape, Raganrok Online and Lineage 2. Funny enough, stuff like modern WoW is more enjoyable than Xenoblade X and has better combat.


Yeah, fuck off. There was nothing good about the original XC overworld

>Funny enough
There's nothing funny about it. Blizzard likely spent like 2 magnitudes more money to make and balance WoW.

wait for the budget switch port

Why not getting a good game instead?

>he thinks XCX will win shit when it's up against Makind Divided.
>He thinks FFXV won't win GotY 2016 in every other website, since they still qualify games released in December.
The mind of a Nintendrone.

Which one is that?
I already tried to ask Sup Forums once but it didn't end well.
There were casualties.

>It's another "OP makes a thread about XCX so he can angrily samefag his own thread to shit on it" rerun

Check the poster count. Then check it again in two hours. 300 posts, less than 100 posters. Count on it.

>MMO combat
Doesn't really mean much when there are at least two MMOs (Vindictus and PSO2) with better combat systems than XV.

MMOs are becoming more action oriented by the year(for the worse in my opinion) to the point where that stigma doesn't even make any sense anymore.

Poster count is already 2:1, looks like you're wrong m8.

>caring about reviews written by cucklets who rate the game based on the first 10-20 hours

Most reviewers didn't even get to the second half when it becomes a linear piece of shit with a shoddy story and horrible characters.

neither are on PC, so who gives a rat ass

>300 posts, less than 100 posters. Count on it.
How do you differentiate between mass of posts form few rabid FFXV fags and few rabid members of XCX defense force?

3 posts per poster ratio is not what I call samefagging.

XCX is pretty rough at times but damn isn't amazing. One of the few games recently to demanded you be aware of your surroundings and actively weigh your risk vs reward.

Nah man it still very much applies to most of the genre. Even the """action oriented""" ones aside aside from Vindictus and BDO are just faster MMO combat with a reticule.

FFXIV feels alot more impactful than TERA despite it's GCD because TERA IS FLOATY AS SHIT

It's not samefagging, dumbdumb. It's called discussion.
If you got 300 post and 300 posters that would just mean everyone dropped one post and GTFO. and there is not much of an discussion going on.

I thought XCX was pretty poor, but playing FF15 has changed my mind in a big way.

Fucking XCX is a MASTERPIECE compared to FF15. Seriously.

XCX goes badly downhill halfway through the game but the first 20 hours of on-foot exploration are awesome. FF15, on the other hand is shit from the first moment onwards.

XCX is an open world game with a beautiful and impressive world you'll want to explore and plenty of solutions as to how to get around.

FF15 is a dull desert and dull grassland that take forever to get around with really, really finnicky travel options.

how the actual fuck did they manage to make Shulk a likeable character?

Who ever translated XBC should translate everything forever

>posting to let everyone know how much you don't care

Final Fantasy VII or Xenogears?

They're both shit.

Ironically the modern RPG with the best mechanics in recent months was #FE for the Wii U.

I don't know why Japan keeps trying to make single-player MMO's. What's the fucking point?

>What's the fucking point?
To jump on the OPEN WORLD meme train.

Hell yeah man. I really liked Shulk and his English VA

Gears because it has mitsuda and robots
ff7 is probably the better game but I enjoyed Gears a lot more

Xenoblade Chronicles X is way better.

Xenogears Disc 1
Disc 2 is exactly the same as FFXV, shit happening that makes no sense.