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what JRPG are you playing this week leading into december 2016?

I want to lick Mitsuru's feet!




Re;Birth 2

persona 5

Hyperdevotion noire, not even joking

I cant decide between digital devil saga or smt 4 apocalypse.

Also, Mitsuru is best girl.

Birth By Sleep

Terra is a giant retard. Aqua is also a giant retard, but it's more like she's constantly stoned or half asleep. Ventus is just there.

Game is weird. Hooks into the main story of the series in an odd way that probably didn't need to happen. Really forced meetups with shota/loli versions of the original cast. Gameplay is kinda sub-par too.
But I'm playing it.

Final fantasy X ps2 version. Just got to kimahris mountain im about 40 hours in. Does that sound about right? Admittedly i have grinded like crazy and im OP as fuck, im almost done with everyones personal grid.

Breath of Fire 2

dude i just started FFX HD on PS4 yesterday.
haven't played the game since i was 12, never touched 10-2.
also never finished it since my young self couldn't beat seymour on the snowy mountain.
i'm only 8 hours in but i hope you have as much fun as i am having.
blitzball is still shit.
khimari is still shit.
Tidus is still kinda meh, but all the other characters are fantastic.

kamoshida did nothing wrong

DDS is way better.


DDS will be then. I feel a little burnout from fusing demons.

this baby right here

just finished FF on PSP. and starting FFII.

remembering how great this series was is the only way i can cope with the bullshit around FFXV





Still trying to finish Dragon Quest VII. Think I'm just going to give up on Casino grinding and just beat the game.



None, I guess. I've been going through the PSP library through PPSSPP recently. Finished Trails in the Sky a few weeks ago and I got really burnt out on it towards the end so I don't feel like doing SC.

If anyone's got a decent recommendation for PSP please drop it on me.

Just beat Dragon Quest Heroes
Going to play Dragon Quest Builders

Dragon Quest Heroes II is in the mail

I am looking forward for Berseria, P5 and DQ8

Also going to buy FFXV when it goes on sale ;)

>Have Vita and apparently it can play the P3 PSP version
>Everyone tells me P3's best version is the PS2 one

Playing a crap ton of DQ7. Just hit 100 hours this morning and got final dungeon to pop. Cleared the path to the boss and picked up all the loot, just grinding to make him trivial. Because he's a cunt that keeps using the "remove all buffs" freezing wave or whatever it's called.

I want to like at least one, but I honestly can't. The most autistic kind of games I can manage to play and not break down in tears of boredom instantly are Diablo and its clones.

Which ones have you tried?

>JRPGs aren't my thing but I'm going to post in a JRPG thread to be a cunt.

There's a reason why your father doesn't talk to you

What the fuck do you play then? Most non casual games require some level of autism.



Lol fucking FPS kids kys

If you can't get through a game like Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest V, you just have a problem with games as a whole.


I want to poke her balls.

Even with the censorship is not that bad.
Also I want to impregnate maiko's tits

Currently playing etrian odyssey ands knights in the nightmare on my ds, enjoying both, should i play eo2 or just skip to 3?

Just play the psp version. The answer is not worth it.

If you like the first one, it's worth playing the second one.

More like Moon faggot

on dolphin

both trails in the sky

beat cold steel and want to finish these before getting cold steel 2

the answer isn't worth it, but the rest of FES is.

save p3p for when you inevitably want to play it again

Sounds good, i know its more of the same but i wasnt sure if later games were bigger steps in content/ mechanics.

>beat FC
>can't be bother to buy/play SC now because its been few years and I have other games to play

I got a strong urge when I just finished FC too.

how was heroes

i've only played the first 3 dragon quests, 7, and monsters so the large roster doesnt interest me that much

fucking backwards compatible, when?

I'm playing Dragon's Dogma, how do I get people to hire my pawn?

>It keeps happening
Once I finish P4Golden I may end up emulating FES.

Playing me some Sun.

Don't expect me to list all of them, I can't remember them all.

Secret of Mana
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario 1+2
Parasite Eve
Okage Shadow King
Fire Emblem (GBA)
Pokemon Red/Blue (if those count)
Kingdom Hearts 1+2 (if those count)
Rogue Galaxy
Steambot Chronicles
Magic Pengel
Resonance of Fate
White Knight Chronicles
The Last Remnant
Ni no Kuni
Xenoblade Chronicles

I beat the Mario RPGs as a kid and got very close to beating Resonance of Fate, but aside from those I just can't get with these games. And I don't think much of the ones I played over 10 hours in.

Why are soles so sexual?


Try a shin megoomi tensay game.

I emulated a little bit of Growlanser Generations.
The voice acting is surprisingly competent for ane arly PS1 game, but the game itself hasn't gripped me yet, and I don't even quite recall why I'm playing it.
I think the idea came from some thread where it was said that it has a really good branching story.

Don't get it if you're not familiar with the characters. Its mostly fanservice musou game

I enjoyed it because I get to see cast of DQ4-8 in HD but otherwise its a pretty average game. The final boss is a pushover

I've heard good thing about DQHII though. Still kinda mad they replaced Bianca with Angelo in the second one but oh well

Finally got a pstv for p4g.
My starting izanagi is probably going to reach 99 in all stats before the end of naoto's dungeon.
send help, skill cards are just too op, i've not swapped persona in at least 20 hours.

Honestly, would that really make a difference? The stuff that irks me about these things seems fundamental to them as a whole.

Holy shit user, you're a faggot.


What is it that irks you?

>The stuff that irks me
What is that? Leveling up?

Why do you people even bother he's clearly not into rpgs

they kind of are, but that's just it: if you liked the first one enough you may as well play the second, because it's going to be that much harder to go backwards, you know?

Turn-based squad tactics games with anime artstyles and cliche anime storylines

Pokemon Sun

yeah that was my worry, more fan service than gameplay since the only popular characters i really know are loto, terry, and the cast of 7

>Turn-based squad tactics games
So you don't play strategy games either, then? Just action games? I suppose that would make sense then.

Cold Steel.

I am in Chapter 3 and I am loving the game. It has Persona vibes but one thing Cold Steel has over persons is that you don't play out every single god damned day.

In Cold Steel you only do like 5 days in a month and about half of that is at a field study at another city and it's filled with political intrigue and how the world works

and surprisingly no stupid anime cliches outside of the beginning and a study session with Emma when he realized that her tits are HUGE

Cold Steel 2. I will be empty once it's finished.


I do, but it's that particular combination (with anime artstyles and cliche anime storylines) that I can't get into. Actually, you can just say it's the average artstyle and storyline of the games that are my real problem.

Pokemon Moon and hopefully Tales of the Abyss if I have enough time

Kingdom hearts II then I swore that I would finish Cold Steel 1 because I'm at the last chapter.

Trying to finish off Dragon Quest 1.

Hmm, would that be weed or opium?

Playing nocturne and kingdom hearts 2 final mix going back and forth

It's a pair of slimes in your face.

Eh, see that all the time. Doesn't really do it for me.

Thats true, plannong on getting a 3ds at somepoint are the remakes worth playing? Or do you think its best to just get 4 and 5?

>mfw Terry gave me a puff puff in DQH

Well, coincidentally I was going to play Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 Golden. I was going to play them in anticipation for Persona 5's release.

I was.

So, for now at least, I might try to get back to Digital Devil Saga. Played about two hours into it then just dropped it due to school work. I really enjoyed it, so I've been meaning to pick it back up.

I'd like to join

Currently replaying FFXIII and Skies of Arcadia.

Also bought Odin Sphere Leifthrasir during the black friday sale on PSN. Don't know when I'll start that one though.

What do you guys think of Final Fantasy XII? I'm thinking about playing it soon


Don't treat it like a FF game

Its Ivalice


Booting up Digital Devil Saga Right now.
Also as someone who loves Mitsuru but hates feet I'm pretty conflicted about that pic.

It's pretty good, from what I remember of it. Some pretty great voice acting at times too. Be sure to pick up the International Job System version if you can.

I've only beaten FF7 and played a bit of FF6, is it similar to either of them

playing suikoden, lunar ii, ogre battle and langrisser for the first time right now


Who is this semen demon?

The Answer. Currently stuck on the Neo-Minotaur in the fifth block.

I guess this is where it goes back to single mob boss encounters with no weaknesses and immunity to all statuses and 80% of damage types that spam boosted magic that needs to be cheesed with immunity and grinding.

I actually liked the "boss fights" up to this point, too. Now I have to grind and only bring specific team members.

My wife

sword autism