Here's your shit sword, an axe, and a pick

>here's your shit sword, an axe, and a pick
>oh yeah here is a wave of endless zombies and flying eyes to wreck your shit, you will do minimal damage to them
>woops, you wanted to explore that cave? Better not fall in any water or slimes will camp out the edges so you can't climb out without taking damage and falling back in

this game is gay

Other urls found in this thread:

ur gay

lol rofl lol noob fag lol

Buckle up buttercup. You're in for a ride.

acquire proficiency

git gud newfag


Anyone gonna host a game?

>he can't get past the early game
shit talk aside, ez trick right here:
go to a snow biome, chop down about 20 boreal trees, and craft a full set of armor, sword, and bow. this should be enough to get you an enchanted boomerang or spear by nightfall.

>kids can play artificial difficulty bullshit games like dank souls and bullet hell BS garbage games
>but can't play games that require you to actually be fucking good

Picks and Axes deal damage and swing in a arch.
You can make Wood and stone armor.
You are ushered into finding Chests laying on the surface level close to you far some starting gear.
Build a house out of the copious amount of wood around you. enemies can't break down doors unless it is a blood moon.
This gave gives you a means to defend yourself and a means to start get started on mining and building.

I'm sorry you are gay and can't into simple game design.

1.3.4 was far more amazing an update than I'd ever expected, especially for summoners.

>make a wood door
>wont let me put it anywhere
>make a wood wall to keep shit away
>everything jumps over it
>can't undo placing mistakes

this is not intuitive whatsoever


if this isnt bait i dont want to live anymore

>Shit sword
>Literally has 10 minutes to cut down some trees (always near spawn), then make a bench, a dirt box to hide in, no need for a door yet or barricade one with 3 dirt, plus make a good Wooden Sword
It's almost like you're trying to shitpost. Or Falseflag?

Show of hands, who would let this white alpha male plow your boypussi in his self made hut?

How do you even manage to turn on your computer?

it probably is

>require you to actually be fucking good

Yeah, no, sorry, I love Terraria, but beating bosses in Terraria pretty much boils down to "grind and grind and grind until you can get armor that can withstand their hits."

You forgot "Put a torch on the floor just inside of the door."

>Plays the game poorly
>Must be the game's fault

>but beating bosses in Terraria pretty much boils down to "grind and grind and grind until you can get armor that can withstand their hits."

Maybe if you're fucking shit/too lazy to build an arena.

>he can't beat terraria bosses without armor

I've done it up to plantera myself. It's entirely possible to gitgud enough to fight most of them sans armor

How many Warding Trinkets?


It's not possible to fail this hard.

Warding is useless after a certain point since you still die in a couple of hits. it's all about damage and dodging.

>I have to start every thread pretending to be a massive cum guzzling retard faggot who has never so much as looked in the direction of a computer before or else nobody will notice me
Get the fuck off my board reeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I really hope this is bait, but it seems genuine.

In any case, just don't play on hardcore difficulty right off the bat. Dig a lot for more metals and find at least one person to play with you.

I do build arenas, but don't even act like your first thought was "hmm I will build an arena for this boss." You looked it up online...just like I did. Only difference between me and you is I'm not a big enough faggot to lie anonymously on the internet about playing video games.

Someone does it for him I'm sure.
He probably has someone play his games for him to.

>implying he would have the time to fuck your ass and not spend that time IMPROVING HIS HOUSE

do you want new world or post moon lord?

im not gonna host for long and i haven't done 1.3.4 content, so i loaded post moon lord world

I most certainly did have the sense to clear out a stretch of land and put some platforms up for me move around, yeah
This is a very natural response from the moment you first fight the eye as it is summoned on it's own and fucks you up as you die in the dark on rocky terrain
Even the most basic preparation like this is enough, even on Expert, and certainly before Expert was even a thing

The fact that arenas became more advanced as the years went by doesn't change that
Sorry if it didn't click with you

noob here
how am I even supposed to know how I'm supposed to fight bosses or that I am supposed to fight bosses in the first place? Does this game have a manual that I missed or what?

You can make a 2 block deep hole in front of your house too to keep undesirable out.

3DS version hot or not

1: talk to the guy you spawn with all the time, he constantly updates you on what you should do
2: if you fuck around and get strong, eye of cthulu spawns on his own to get shit started with you, and doesn't stop till you beat him once.

>you looked it up

Sorry but nah, I fought every Boss in the game without direction online.

And from the first time I killed eater of worlds and eye, I had started flattening huge land to fight.

I literally beat every Boss without looking it up and I did so sans arena the first time I fought eye and skeleton and shit.

Kill yourself for being retarded and not adapting this game first day it was on steam I guess

I find the idea of building an arena to be the most boring shit ever in the history of all vidya

pirate it and find out

On the very, very slim chance you're not a meme loving fuck
The GUIDE tells you literally everything relevant about pre-hardmode

Most bosses just require you explore the map or build some rooms for NPCs and they'll just appear.

PC version or bust



People take the word 'arena' to heart too much
It doesn't have to be an event wave self-grinder

Flatten some land, brighten it up, lay some platforms
That alone is enough, and everything extra just makes it easier

You are, however, human garbage if you bitch that Expert is too expert because you weren't willing to prepare

you're just a fucking wuss, this game is for babies. If you're finding it hard you must be a real faggot.

>here's your shit sword, an axe, and a pick
Yes, that's called early game, do you want all the good equipment from the start?
>oh yeah here is a wave of endless zombies and flying eyes to wreck your shit, you will do minimal damage to them
Oh no, opposition in a videogame!? This isn't liky my Sunrise and Gone Homo games at all!
>woops, you wanted to explore that cave? Better not fall in any water or slimes will camp out the edges so you can't climb out without taking damage and falling back in

This is the state of modern gamers.

Modern nugamer kids and their fucking ADD. Go see a doctor.

Only in Expert Mode, and actually less so if you're an actual fucking expert at the game.

Before 1.3 hit, it was common practice to skip the Eye of Cthulhu entirely and the ore tiers entirely, and just go over and fuck up the Eater of Worlds.

>grind and grind and grind
u wot m8

How exactly does grinding even enter the mix unless you're building a specifically-made mob spawning location for really-really-rare-but-ultimately-unnecessary drops? You should be making armour as a benefit of progression. You don't go looking specifically for ores, you go looking for chests and shit for the loot and get ores along the way. You kill bosses which yield enough materials to make full sets in like one or two kills.

You should be avoiding most hits like a madman, not trying to tank them.

Are people retarded or do they need "real" arenas for some reason? We built our "arena" by just literally making a 100 long wood platform in the sky for eye on expert. Then for brain we didn't even do any thing just killed in that area. Killed bee in her hive without digging it out too.

We are working our way to skeleton but so far we haven't had to make a real arena for shit

Well you gotta use that nifty new armor and weapon for something when you get it against something to test your skills, don't you agree? Like, say you got 200+ HP and a full set of armor from the best minerals you can find along with a gun you may have picked up in a chest, and all the normal enemies are starting to get a bit too easily beaten. Why not use these items against something that actually takes some effort to kill, like the Eye of Cthulhu. Note that I mentioned guns earlier, since using melee weapons against bosses is useless, especially in the early game, so use something magic or ranged instead, since you are way less likely to get killed from collision damage with the boss.

>yeah I will make the boss fight by my rules, on my terms, on my arena where I have the upper hand!
user, you are the boss.

You really don't for expert either, maybe if you're playing alone, but with a couple buds, expert is the only way to play the game anymore

Defence is useless for strong hits. It's only useful for reducing the pain of spammed weaker hits, like those from weaker mobs.

Pro tip: Use Palladium over Titanium if you need to survive. As long as you keep hitting within a period of 5 seconds, you keep up a buff where you're always regenerating 15 health every 5 seconds, which is far more potent than being able to dodge a single attack every 30 seconds. Your damage reduction will be lower but you'll be able to tank it better regardless. The real hurt is that your damage output will be lower.

This is, of course, assuming you're not a summoner.

I'm surprised nobody even mentioned fishing, or how OP it can be in both early and late game.

>open crates and get boots that let you run fast (before you ever even descend into a cave)
>ore as well
>save 50 or so crates for hardmode
>instant adamantium/mythril/etc

Seriously, the game isn't intuitive whatsoever

>you need to make a wooden hammer to move your workbench

that literally makes no sense, and they give you zero direction

Works on my machine :)

But you don't. You can just pickaxe the damn workbench. Also the guide isn't just there for show. Talk with him.

>make a hammer to move a bench

user you can do that with your pick. Are you retarded lmao

Slapping down some platforms and flattening the ground is generally what people mean by arena. Generally arenas just allow you to have basic mobility, you don't have to go overboard and build a death machine or make a fight one sided.

Terraria is not a fun game to build in, very much so in the early game. I'm adventure dude, I generally avoid building in most games the idea of building in order to keep going through my adventure is odd as hell.

I have played more MMOs than you have hair between your legs. I can focus but dear god what I'm focusing on has to be a tiny bit fun.

>no yoyo

>using melee against bosses is useless
Not necessarily. Eater of Worlds and Brain of Cthulhu are both massive chumps for melee, more than any early game ranged or magic you have access to.

>not going through all of expert mode without building an arena
It's literally no fun if you fight the Eater of Worlds in some proper arena garbage. The whole point is you have to fight him on his home turf, the corruption's fucked up chasm system. Same goes for most other bosses, arenas are cancer (unless you make it a sick but impractical greek coliseum or otherwise just do it for the aesthetics).

I think we're talking from the perspective of a retard who needs his hand held like OP
People wouldn't know that crates auto-upgrade if unopened unless they were told, or that the Reaver exists, though that could be found certainly by luck

That's not really OP, given the time and set up and pre-existing knowledge it requires to be viable.

It's an alternate progression, that's about it.

>crates auto-upgrade if unopened
This is new to me and i've been playing since the """leaked""" alpha on Sup Forums.

also how do I remove walls? They won't disassemble

EoW is easier in the tunnels on Expert, though
The whole point of his laser spam is to punish above-ground fighting


Use the hammer you fucking retard holy shit

You hammer background items, like walls. Hammers are super slow in the beginning.
You pickaxe foreground items, like furniture and blocks.
Hammer can be used to shift blocks into half-blocks or slopes.

I see fishing as a mercy, like the dev's going "here's a skip pre/early hardmode button, press it if you like", since new updates tend to be mostly heavy at the end of hard mode, it's understandable if someone wants to blitz through earlymode asap

I'm a fucking retard and I somehow missed talking to him, thanks

Eh, I find it easier to beat the WoF with the minishark with meteor bullets or just spamming beenades at it until it goes down, though those methods may be a bit TOO easy. The Meteor Armor with the Space Gun is also pretty good if you want something more balanced against it. I haven't exactly tried a melee build against WoF, so I wouldn't know exactly what would work besides yoyos and boomerangs.

>Not using the best weapons in the game

Yoyo, dark lance MAYBE. Truth is, you're kind of fucked with melee against the Expert WoF until there's some kind of buff to flails.

>mfw getting all the OP stuff in the thorium mod
>instantly lose all interest in continuing to play because I can kill expert moonlord in 20 seconds with the gear

This power doesn't make me feel happy. Why?

I wish Primitive technology uploaded more, I know it takes time to do these videos but damn man, the wait inbetween videos blows.


There's no satisfaction to cheating.

>farming fucking slimes for a stupid summoning staff for your summoner playthrough

>making the game easier than it needs to be

too much power for the time is never fun, you want to feel at odds with the game to have fun, overpowering it is lame.

>this faggot didn't beat Eater of Worlds in 2012 by placing floating blocks everywhere and only using the grappling hook to move around

Shit, I miss early Terraria.

I wasn't using the stuff labeled "cheat weapons". I wasn't even using Mjolnir. I was able to kill expert Moonlord AND Ragnarok with the stuff you get after Ragnarok in normal mode.

It actually made me want to turn off the mod altogether, just so I'd feel in danger again. And lo and behold, it made me feel better. I had a rematch with the Moonlord using a Vortex Beater.

Well user, with that logic you might as well not use any weapon but a copper shortsword.

wait stone armor?

I will be 100% honest and admit that I just started the game blind while completely drunk and thinking it was just 2d minecraft.
I just found out it had bosses and shit and it blew my mind

Bloat mods are never the answer. Gameplay mods, on the other hand...

Try Prefixes for Enemies. Pyrophobic enemies will take extra damage from On Fire! Colossal enemies will be HUEG. Voodoo enemies will reflect debuffs back onto you. Rare enemies will drop tokens that can be opened up into new weapons, such as parrying rapiers, charging greatbows (with a perfect draw), charge-based magic rings with no magic cost but needing time to replenish, and so on.

Another mod that pairs especially well with this is the Class Based RPG Mod. Some classes (Angel, Demon, Harpy, Moth) come with wings built-in, but you have shit flight early on until you beat some bosses, and something like Angel has reduced maximum capacity for health. Some classes (Blood Knight, Tainted Elf) can make their relevant biome enemies docile towards them by beating their early game bosses, but are weaker outside of their home biomes. All classes come with a unique active-use ability, some toggled, some simply used.


Then you're lucky
Playing current Terraria blind is a fucking fantastic experience;
the game has so damn much in it

They should add in stats or perks alongside with experience points. It feels weird determining what your build will be via gear only. Just my thought.

>Infinite teleportation potions as Explorer

That shit is OP

Check both sides in your proximity. Theres usually iron or tin (your world can only have one of these two). Then make a better pickaxe and mine away at the cave. At night, simply stack some dirt/wood blocks and lock yourself up. Monsters cant get through. You should be able to build a house soonenough

I would say that's part of the charm of terraria, you can just swap to any class without having to go through the grind of levelling a whole character again

I've always preferred gear-defined games over stat-grind-defined games. Otherworld will feel odd in that regard.

I disagree, although there are mods to do that
It's a gear-based progression game, taking its influence from Metroidvanias
Not every game needs level-based progression as well, and the game was built from top to bottom without it

You're 'leveling up' as you find new and better shit

Shucks user, that sounds amazingly fun. But I cant get addicted back into Terraria. I've already sunk 1000 hours into it.