Would you take D.va on a date?
Would you take D.va on a date?
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She's korean so no.
I'd take Junkrat on a date though.
>going on a date with a Korean girl
I wanna take her you heard it
I don't know where you take girls on dates
On an anal date.
book store only
Well "She" isnt real.
so . . . no.
wow, thanks for the insight user
Next youre gonna tell me she comes from a videogame!
>white woman have to compete with this level of feminine woman
No, she's not my waifu and I'm not abandoning my waifu.
They cant compete
Korean girls meme is done. Everyone knows they are even more vain and materialistic than other girls.
Kazakh girls are the new meme.
They sure know how to complain about t at least.
No. She seems like a bitch
>Kazakh girls
It's like mongolia or something?
Pretty much.
That doesn't make any sense.
You wouldn't date her because she's catty, but then what happens if she's catty all the time? Do you just pretend like it's not there or try and ignore people who are bitchy? It's confusing.
I guess you're supposed to replace the person with someone less bitchy, it just seems weird and confusing to isolate yourself from any and all conflict.
>obvious Tiffany style
I approve, and yes I would
disgusting. obviously worst asians
How did you escape your handlers?
Go home, homo.
The same way I escaped high school.
Good grades.
Listen to any of her Overwatch dialogue or her SC2 announcer dialogue. Everything she says sounds fake as hell.
She's the apex of fake gamer girl, which is probably why so many cosplayers latch on to her.
No, koreans are sub-human
>even worse, a chink that has drawn, or whatever, 4 triangles on her cheeks for some reason
>Kazakh girls are the new meme.
LMAO! Is this a Kazakh guy forcing this, or a lonely black kid developing a fetish, because everybody shits on the shit slingers and cattle herders that are kazakhs
you're giving me butterflies and an asshole erection
What a cutie
I thought it was because of the skintight suit. It will attract them more attention.
>model white woman
>give her brown-reddish hair
>call her Korean
Tiffany and her fucking tea. The perfect combination
Why is her face so fucked up?
>left: import asian
>right: native kazak
Do you think she likes to be the boss?
I like that, take this asshole mommy.
I bey your waifu is boring as shit, maybe an affair with D.va is what you need
when does she make that face in game?
Shes basically a child soldier man, her gaming gurl persona is just a way for her to cope with her reality
>dating trannies
How would Gendo react?
Korean girls' breath, sweat, and farts smell like kimchi and bok choy and all those other repulsive excuses for food Koreans eat, so no.
"Masculinity is so frail."
why are roasties so shit
koreans are the worst fucking people
they are like asia's canadians
I wanna go on a date with mommy!
Happily married. If i wasn't married she'd too young for me to date. Not too young to fuck though.
Yes, I bet you scored very high on the autism spectrum.
Kazaks are basically just mongolians bro
The fakeness is off the roof
Literally what
Tell her she's cute, for fuck off!
dont derail
Derail what?
my fucking D.va thread you Mercyfag
exhentai link?
ITT: gay nerds arguing over which cartoon character they like to jerk off to
I doubt he'd care at all. So long as they GET IN THE ROBOT
Star Butterfly desu
Mainland Chinese are way worse you dipshit.
I would pay good money to suck anwet kimchi fart from D.Va's asshole
yeah sure i wouldnt even think about it.
coffees, shopping, nightclubs, shower together etc
romantic stuff is nice and its the little things in life that matter
fuck you
>coffees, shopping, nightclubs, shower together etc
wheres the sex though
Do you think people shower together just to clean the parts their hands can't reach?
Probably laughing emote
she´s not really my type :/
>flatter than a flyover state
trim waist, good stuff
Probably be happy since dva is more of a man than that shit stain is
"I thought what I'd do was pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes."
>She's a bitch
>Better not date her and plug my ears.
i'd fuck the shit outta her ass
Is there any straight man who wouldn--
Nope. Not a straight man who wouldn't.
I just know my waifu would be very sad with me if I abandoned her, and since my waifu is the cutest and fluffiest ball of happiness and love I cannot abandon her.
Sorry, I'm spoken for.
And those poor excuses for boobs seals the deal.
Yeah, Korean girls love black men.
I'll take Mei on a date tho
>its a boy
fuck, i was hoping for some new mother/daughter shit
The real question is would she go on a date with you?
The question isn't 'would you', it's 'can you'.
D.Va is a slut, so yeah probably
>Korean women fell for the thicc meme
why wasn't I born black?
>Make her look and act like a Jap
Korean women are superior to shitty nip women.
Its another emote, her laughing emote is not a happy smile, its "youre such a loser" smile
Not real.
She looks white almost
its time to take your autism medication, saucy
I wish D.Va would make fun of me.