Is this an example of good card design?
Is this an example of good card design?
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Yeti is good card design.
It's fun. Not every card has to be created with the intent of being played competitively.
what's Blizzard's obsession with random effects?
it kinda made sense in GvG because hahaha whacky gnomes and goblins they are so crazy but now they have just gone too far
Not really, but it looks fun. Looking forward to getting absolutely fucked whenever I play it in arena and for it to win my opponent the game every time
What does that even mean?
It's all right for 4 mana
It'll be good for some meme youtube highlights which is more than what can be said about the entire of One Night in Development
its a 9 mana do nothing
it'll never get played
>xd so RANDUMB lmao
might as well flip a coin ten times, that's all """"competitive""""" HS is nowadays
This is literally a Meme Card
All it does it provide Highlight stuff for people to share.
It means if you select your monster to attack you can't control what it attacks. Maybe it hits the enemy monster, your other monsters, the enemy hero, your hero, or itself.
RNG is filler when it comes to most video games
but personally i prefer RNG on my gear than on combat or stats
>9 mana for not even meaningful RNG
what's the point
this shit even even good for jokes, who the fuck would play this at turn 9
It's literally just a cock-block against Freeze Mage.
You think that's a meme card, what about the 1/1 weasel with the deathrattle that puts it in your opponents deck
>playing a late-game control game
>It's turn9 and you have 5hp left against an aggro shitter opponent
>you should stabilized with five guys left on the board, but next turn they're going to kill you with a direct Fireball spell or Call of The Wild + hunter hero power
>You play Noggenfogger
>Fireball misses because the target is randomized and hits your minion instead
>Call of The Wild fails because he does summon the three companion beasts and the 4/2 charger misses your face and hits your minion
>you proceed to win next turn.
>meanwhile superior card game is getting a good expansion with idolwaifus in it
I pity you, blizzdrones
more like noggenfogger hits you next turn and you lose
I think that's a good card. I love cards that fuck with an opponent's hand/deck.
Is that situation common enough to include him in your deck just for that?
My guess is probably not
at least it cant fuck yourself over instantly
and most times even if your opponent draws it you may never notice
Is that Shadowverse? Because if so they are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel.
>Guts stayed on a fucking boat 200 years because of these chinese 2D pictures.
Sure, but it's clearly just highlight bait even more than Noggenfogger.
At least he has a practical use in very rare situations
i dont get it
wouldnt the mana cost be lower than normal because it has the drawback of not attacking what you want it to?
Why is it 9 mana?
It's just laughably bad. For stream highlights only
Weasel has a practical use - it has the beast tag and it dilutes your opponent's deck. I'm fairly sure that it will see play.
This card reminds me of how Yogg was back when he was revealed: Crazy meme card that will never see play in actual serious decks
And yet I was so wrong
It's not fun, nobody will play it. If you want to play bad cards for fun goofy effects play Yogg or Nozdormu.
It works on everything, your opponent's shit as well
Yogg has a chance for an immediate boardwipe
Noggenfogger is mostly for stalling the game
its a shit tier arena pick mate
turn 9 arena you want to play legendaries like soggoth or rafaam if possible
Because it's tough to kill. With anything. SO many cards can target almost anything, so it can be difficult to kill it with either a minion attack, or a spell.
bitch please
It gives your opponent a chance for a bad draw, but that's it. What deck would you play that in? It's too slow for aggro and midrange, counterintuitive to mill and fatigue (which jade idol also breaks), so it's control only, and it's definitely not worth a slot there
Dragonfire potion ;)
Putting 2 of these in all my decks just to piss off opponents. Don't even care if it loses me some games, I love this card
this card could see experimental use in zoo warlock or swarm paladin, but in the end it is simply too expensive. Can be interesting when it occasionally comes up from evolve
I hope you're also including N'zoth
Yeah, I kind of forgot about the fuckton of AoE's that got released this expansion. That'll help a lot
>1 drop
>give your opponent a dead draw
Probably one of the best 1 drops in the game desu
Yes, and Rivendare
Jade idol is only gonna be played in jade golem Druid and auctioneer meme Druid, so unless jade golems are really popular it won't completely kill fatigue decks.
Not when Mana Wyrm, Tunnel Trogg, Flame Imp etc exist. Also keep in mind they can give it back to you for a dead draw.
If you're playing wild, you might as well go full meme and play reincarnate, ancestral spirit, and KT
Literally every other legend is a better pick, I can't sseriously think of a worse legendary in arena, literally paying 9 mana for 9 stats that can fuck you with the wrong RNG
Jade golem decks are going to be absolutely fucking insane
2 of in Wild Egg Druid
Also good for Rivendare + Ancestral Spirit + Reincarnate + Moat lurker memes
>Opponents deck is 90% weasel
>Playing them only fuels the weasel even more
I like it
>Hard counters all fatigue decks on it's own
jade golem decks are going to be pretty good, but too slow. meta is too fast paced and druid does not have enough removal, and the other jade golem cards for other classes are eh
Yeah talk about limiting design space
>Get a dead drop to give t hem a dead drop
No its just bad.
Lorewalker Cho + both Nats are probably worse
Get ready to eat those words user. Jade golem decks are going to be dominant
What is this game and would it be good for someone that plays MTG?
Is this an example of good card design?
Yes if you don't mind it being less complicated most of the time. Big upside is never getting mana screwed/flooded
Lorewarker Cho definitely, both pagles, I would argue.
>Nats are probably worse
Plain Nat, AT WORST is a turn 2, 4 health taunt, because your opponent is going to focus it.
>Druids don't have enough removal
Druids have plenty of decent removal for Aggro counter. They just don't have removal as undeniably good as Mage or Warrior.
Interdasting. I don't have anyone to play MTG with anymore so I might check it out.
yea and that is shit you idiot
Just stick to MtG. You can borrow decks in MtG until you can build something tier 1 that's yours. In HS, you start off really far behind and you can only close the gap by grinding.
Post favorite card sounds
but is it more shit than ? And in some cases it's going to net you a card, in which case it's definitely better.
So at worst it's a double-cost one drop?
Yeah, sounds terrible senpai
one class becomes immune to fatigue. i for one welcome the new control metal
i get the feeling that the new meta will be 3+ silences, at least 10 removals and then whatever your deck
>Fat warrior with 40+ armor
>Drop this
>Shieldslam minion
>Hit face
Yeah although that's just a portrait/card-back pack, they did the same with Rage of Bahamut.
I'm excited to see the new cards and for Forest and Haven to be gutted
I still don't think silence is good enough to play except for maybe that priest 5 drop. It's not going to stop the Jade Golem rape train.
I think basically the whole meta is going to be set by Jade Golem decks, because you're going to have to take them out before they get going. If you don't, you are probably just fucked 9/10 times because everything they do summons a giant fuck off minion
Ok, why 9 mana for that statline? That doesn't even make sense. Because it can go through taunts? But it can also attack your own face. Does that really justify the insane mana cost?
Funnelcakes! Get your funnelcakes here!
who else kazakus reno mage here?
its a 'your opponent hits a fucking wall because his freeze combo can now hit him'
you'd need an indiscriminate board clear to get rid of him, like Flamestrike or Holy Nova, or pray
"Kazakus Reno + something else" is going to be the entirety of the ranked ladder until Blizzard cycles out League of Explorers
>play alex against him
>buffs him up to 15 health
probably not how it works but would be hilarious
Also good if your opponent has a large board because the chance of him hitting you or your minion is quite small
>play a destroy x
>targets opponent
Doubt they allow to hit targets not normally allowed.
problem is that while it can have some use against a few decks, against others its just plain horrible
true, I suppose it is a %chance to almost fully clear your opponent's board, during their own turn
its a class card that's literally worse than a neutral
god dammit blizzard
>Didn't at least make him a 3/8 or something so he won't get btfo by most aoe
that's a fake card
THIS is the real one
No, but this is.
not how the card works, since shield slam only targets minions, it'll only randomly target another minion.
I know
its still worse than a vanilla neutral common
That shit is unbelievably bad
Like it's almost insulting they printed this card
Is that confirmed?
Was reading somewhere that it bypassed restrictions like those.
Like Icehowl can hit face with Mogor
The company does it to all their games; they frequently use art to cross promote.
5/1 with stealth is useful, since it kills all 3, 4 and most 5 drops and only a few classes can ping a stealthed minion.
its not a bad pick for arena