Buy brand new GPU

>buy brand new GPU
>get more RAM so I have 16gb
>still have micro stuttering in all my games

PC was a mistake

No, you're the only mistake here, famo

Did you try turning it off and on again?

Mine stopped stuttering when I cleaned the dust out of my case. You could try rolling back your drivers

Works fine on my machine

PC is the biggest fucking meme you will ever get suckered into, yes it's good, yes there are lots of options, yes you can get pretty as fuck graphics

But do not let anybody deceive you into thinking that having some top tier parts are going to give you no stuttering, 100% buttery smooth with no flaws experience, because it is a god damned lie and you are a fucking faggot for proselytizing to know-nothings.

You will ALWAYS experience problems and it will NEVER be as smooth as you want it, and there will ALWAYS be problems that no amount of PC hardware will fix in games

More and more I'm starting to think the PC cult is just feeling bad about wasting your money so you try and get other people to do it so you don't feel so bad about wasting yours.

these threads get more hilarious every day.

Fell for the memes bro. While games nowadays are so bloated that you actually do need 16 gigs for some, it's not going to improve the jerkiness of old games one bit. RAM speed is even a bigger meme, those high RAM speeds you see are the 'safe overclock' speeds, and are you going to overclock your RAM? Fuck no, you aren't, what a waste of time. That means all DD4 ram runs at the same fucking speed, no matter what you pay for it.

Here is the real kicker: your storage device is always going to be the bottleneck. You can overclock your ram to a billion gigahurts and stuff will never load quicker. The upshot of this is your shit hot gaming rig that can run D44m at a consistant 200FPS will still run Fallout: New Vegas just as stuttery and shit as your old toaster did.


Set priority realtime

thank me later.


you'll get the best experience, eventually...after finagling with all the settings becasue there's always that one thing that stops the game or something from working. even something as dumb as a resolution mismatch from your tv to PC. had to refund a bunch of games becasue of dumb shit the devs never fixed. and I didn't feel like trying to fix it by scouring the net for a solution.



>Going from two little R7 240 GPUs to a single GTX 1070 Windforce 8GB
I feel like I'm being an idiot here, but I'm not sure. The R7 240s had a bad crossfire going on where having it on actually made the system run worse. Am I fucking up by going to the 1070?

were you trying to insult me or turn me on?


>phenom ii
>can't play dishonored 2

Your CPU is probably choking performance since you upgraded the rest. But it's easier to talk shit than know anything

>has a shitty cpu
>has a rusty mechanical drive
>complains about stuttering

I never have any problems running games.

I'm not anal about stuttering, though. 45 fps with the occasional hiccup is fine.

People who complain about that shit never grew up poor.

so are all new games going to require sse4.1 now or is it just dishonored 2

no, AMD is a meme and multi GPU is an even bigger meme

You guys are probably right, it's an old i5 2320

>4gb is now minimum, 8 is optimal
holy shit i remember 512mb/64mb, but what the fuck is this 16gb/8gb vram bullshit. they ship games with textures as layered .psd or fucking what? my current pc is the last pc i built, i swear.

your CPU is like 5 years old user, what games are you trying to run and getting microstuttering in?

There ya go. Now fuck off and never shitpost again.


>and are you going to overclock your RAM? Fuck no, you aren't, what a waste of time.
I remember when gaming communities didn't say things like this.

>Free online
>Better controller with support for official and aftermarket pads
>Huge library of games

Sometimes is the software that is stuttery as shit.
And you can't escape it by going console, just ask FFXV.

the user going on about 8 being optimal is talking about RAM, not VRAM

Is the doujin name in there?

Microstutter is caused by two gpus. Do you have two gpus? If you don't, then what ever you have is not microstutter. It's pretty much impossible to tell from your vague whining what's wrong, so have fun suffering I guess.

>Upgrade rig
>Get screen tearing
>Find out that sometimes it is absolutely impossible to remove no matter your specs

My dude. Just last year I finally upgraded to a 750 ti and saving for that took 6 weeks because poor and california rent meme.

No matter your technical prowess or hardware you are, in the end, at the mercy of devs

just force vsync retard

>micro stuttering

Maybe ps4 is more up your alley. Full on stutter with no bullshit.

How does Sup Forums sit around obsessing over gaming technology and still manage to be so damn clueless about it?

because poorfags think they can pair a graphics card with an cheap amd cpu and get the same fps that are in those benchmark videos when those GPUs are paired with $400 processors

little fun fact: when a cpu is maxed out, you can end up with massive stuttering unlike a gpu where you will just get dropped from rates.

a very cpu dependent game like GTA V is not going to play well on a cheap cpu, especially when ypu have everything set to at least high

>b-but more core's clocked at higher framerates!

post motherboard

>when a game is made specifically made for 4 powerful cores
>no more, no less


Also the "cheaper than console" is more a total lie than a myth. Never fall to that shit, either.

PM'd you the fix :)

>want to play games at >60fps
>have to buy $200 144hz monitor
>then have to buy $500 GPU
fuck this gay meme

when are diminishing returns going to kick into overdrive so we can get cheap GPUs running modern games at 144fps

That seems like a shit ton of baseless assumptions, user. Where did OP or anyone in this thread state they were on "AMD CPU's"?

>when they compare console hardware to pc hardware
>they don't know anything about console optimization

if scorpio can actually hit 6tflops or whatever it is, then that will be a seriously powerful console, we might be returning to the OG xbox days

or shitty pentium CPUs or older one
still the same

>tfw I have amd a8 5500
>I also bought a 1060 6gb
>ended up 400$ with installation and better power supply
well lads , whats a good cpu and mother board. Im going all the way. Im guessing an i5 or i7 but what about mb

Pretty sure I5-4690's and shit aren't that bad, user, and I know lots of people who use them and have stutter issues.

it's always either a bottleneck OR op is playing a shit port

you can have fucking two Titan X's with 32GB's of RAM and some octo-core crazy processor and the shittiest ports will still run like ass

Unlike CPUs, video cards aren't going to get diminishing returns any time soon. Even AMD being good again would only bring prices down moderately. You'd need a 3rd competitor in the market to really see prices come down. In other words, you're screwed.

I use a 6600 and gta v still maxes out my cpu

i meant diminishing returns in the realm of graphics fidelity, so that system requirements stop increasing so much

good lord do people really just use presets and do not fuck around with settings?

For those of you having speed problems, have you tried settings your power mode to High Performance?

Maybe because they were bigger suckers then than now. Overclocking RAM is the biggest meme of them all. No benefit whatsoever during normal game use, loaded from a storage device.

it's not just the cost of entry though. games are dirt cheap during steam sales and year round on sites likes g2a/cdkeys, you don't need a subscription to play online, and you can pirate shit if you don't want to pay for it or if you're unsure that you'll like it.

you could've built an i3-6100 + RX 470 rig for ~$400 on Black Friday which would destroy the original PS4 and Xbone and probably match or beat the PS4 Pro in most games since it doesn't have a shitty tablet processor from 2013 holding it back.

I do agree with most of the stuff posted ITT though. I rarely have flawless experiences but they're definitely not nonexistent. Dark Souls 3 for example ran like a dream for me, never crashed a single time and I beat it start to finish capped at 60fps on the highest settings without so much as a hiccup. Same with Dragon's Dogma and EDF4.1 and most recently Watch Dogs 2 which I'm still playing to name some stuff from this year alone.

but then there's shit like VTMB where you have to patch it yourself to fix it or Dishonored 2 which runs like shit even on high end hardware. for every Dark Souls 2 you get a Fallout 4, for every GTA V there's an Arkham Knight. PC isn't perfect but it's not like the consoles are, either. there's quite a few games that use dynamic resolution scaling so they don't even run at 1080p all the time and even more games that flat out fail to hit the 30fps mark. except with consoles you can't tweak an .ini or change some graphics settings or update some drivers to try to remedy the issue, you just have to deal with it.