I hate to be THAT guy, but I think we can all agree that starting with a fire-type is the way to go. Yes? Yes

I hate to be THAT guy, but I think we can all agree that starting with a fire-type is the way to go. Yes? Yes.

Fire-starters have always been the "hard" mode so yes.

They are literally all bad except charizard, and even then I choose blastoise over that dumb lizard

You are THAT guy. THAT faggot with shit taste.
Water starters are the best


Only hipsters pick grass and only idiots pick water since there's water types everywhere.

I mean, if I were autistic like you, I would love water pokemon. I mean, a fucking turtle with metal beams coming out of its shell is just.. so fucking cool.. right?

I can't even
Fury bait garbage

the only gen where starting with the fire type gave you a disadvantage was 1. fuck in Gen 7 is the super easy pick


This is THE list. If your list deviates by 1 choice, I'll allow it. Any more than that and you're a faggot.

>not putting your starter in the fridge

>Smogon: The Tier List

captcha: 3180 ou's

>literally "we want the edgy 13 year old audience"

Kek, go back to le reddit, nu-male cuck.

No, my man

oh, fuck off. I could shit in own mouth, and you'd somehow still have shittier taste.



I don't like Fire.

>calling the only one that looks like girl a "fury bait" Pokemon when both Charizard and Hitmonchicken have vastly more porn

I'm forever at a loss with you Sup Forums. It's because if it's a dude it gets a pass, right?

It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, we can all agree that Grass has had historically the weakest starter designs.

with the exception of snivy and rowlett, yes

bulbasaur alone is better than every other starter you fucker

only one that really stands out as bad is chikorita line

I just said you can't disagree with me. Delete these posts.

Incineroar is pretty edgy too. The only Non edgy one is the mermaid one

I disagree, I like venosaur, torterrra, sceptile and decidueye. Actually, most of my favorite starters are grass.

he shoulda been a quadruped


its a wrestler, its all an act
its pokedex entry is even pretty darn adorable

Being ironically edgy is still being edgy

Gen 1, the water type you first encounter is a fucking 1000 dollar Magikarp.

The correct order by gen is:

>1. Grass
>2. Fire
>3. Fire
>4. Fire
>5. Fire
>6. Water
>7. Water

Bulbasaur, in its Gen1 form, is literally the worst starter they'd ever made until they created the Popplio line. Ugliest line, completely useless in gameplay due to it not learning anything offensive for three levels longer than the other two, Poison subtype that made everything Psychic's bitch for the entire generation. It's even worse than the Chimchar and Tepig lines.

Certainly less bland than a giant lizard with wings that shoots flames.

Water is the best type of the three so how do you figure that exactly?

Nah the grass starter was the best this gen.

Nigger, its:


This is the champions list. Any other is retarded as shit

This. The perfect list.


Debate me, faggots.

>For Red, choose Charizard
>For Blue, choose Blastoise
>for Green, choose Venusaur
>for Yellow, get them all.

nope i never used a fire pokemon ever so worthless

Replace Torterra with Empoleon and pretty much spot on

I've literally never picked a fire starter because they are all gay shit. Water is best, but Grass is a close second or even better in some cases.

i agree if only that grass and water pokemon are so common while fire types are rare or endgame shit. look at all the shitters than got btfo by the grass totem cause of the lack of many fire pokemon by that point.

fun fact in gen 1, aside from magikarp, you cannot encounter a water type until fuchsia city (good rod and surf) or saffron city (lapras)

Why the fuck would you choose the worst of the three for each gen

Don't mind me, just the best starter passing through.


It's like you guys don't even WANT the coolest pokemon.

good thing Gyarados is one of the best water types in Gen 1

>Gen 1, Charmander was hell for a decent while
>Gen 2, no challenge
>Gen 3, no challenge
>Gen 4, don't remember
>Gen 5, game is easy
>Gen 6, 1st gym leader had water sport but other than that piss easy
>Gen 7, decent game finally

Nah, Fire was always easy mode because you can catch a grass pokemon or a water pokemon generally really easily in the games but fire pokemon usually always came later.

>never picked a fire starter
Then you can't give your fucking opinion, then. Jesus christ..

Electebuzz, Electrode, Magneton, Raichu all say hi.

Gen IV's starters don't even look like Pokemon. I know there isn't really a way a Pokemon should look, but damn that monkey is ugly as fuck. I'll also always hate Gen IV for being the gen that all of the sperglord 10 year olds on our shitty multi grade school bus played the hell out of.

When I think of Pokemon, I think of soccer moms, toting their only child back from practice in a current year minivan and that kid's playing a Pokemon game on the current year portable Nintendo console.

That bitch is so spoiled that he's turned color and started to mold.

The mom on the other hand is secretly fucking her neighbor, while the dad works hard to put upper middle class bread on the table, completely oblivious to the fact that is wife is being used as a cum rag.

>Using starters

Grass bros WW@

chikorita line is pretty shit though

Holy shit user, that is some pent up bitterness. Is there something you want to tell us about your childhood?

yeh, just saying, water types are hard to come by early in gen 1

easiest to replace is grass types (oddish or bellsprout as early as cerulean city)
fire types are a bit harder, only appearing right after lavender town

also forgot the first water type you can encounter is vaporeon (after magikarp)

still they're rare

This guy gets it

holy fuck I loved Infernape when I played Platinum. So fuckin awesome.

Chikorita line is shit, Snivy line is the worst Grass line period, other Grass starters are great.

My deviation is Venusaur but Charizard is probably in my top 10 favorites.

I never liked using the fire type starter, i don't know why

Your first starter is always special.

and Gyrados can learn Earthquake. a pokemon isn't bad because its counterable

I don't give a shit about Pikachu

>Playing Black 2
>Picked Tepig as a starter
>boxed him as soon as I could catch a Magby when I got to the town with the second gym

That was a fun run


>Really Torn between Primarina and Deidueye
>Leaning to go Decidueye pre-release because he looked fast as fuck
>Turns out he's slow as shit
>Had to reset twice before getting a female Popplio

>leaving out the one electric type that was actually used in gen 1

I'm sorry about your shit taste, user.


Jolteon was fast yes but lacking in oomph and squishy even for an electric type

Gen 5 was the "box your starter" gen. I've never done it before and I'll probably never do it again but Snivy broke my heart.

Luckily Lilligant kicked a fair amount of butt as a replacement.

ayyy this guy knows what's up!


Gyarados can also learn Rock Slide. or more likely i'd swap in for a ground type and you'd call the swap and switch a grass or water type in

>get the urge to see if my pokemon red version still works
>gameboy is out of power
>search for it's charger for 10 minutes before I realize how much of a retard I am

You mean the fact that my mom was a school janitor and my dad was a jobless bum who sat on his ass all day and watched Star Trek? Both of my "best" friends had Gameboys and Pokemon, and were greedy fuckers, because they were only children of parents who worked for the state, and were never taught the meaning of sharing.

>Oh hey user, wanna play some N64? Ha, yeah right, let's go bike riding, because I don't want you to touch my stuff, and I mean it.

The one kid got a new GB color and Pokemon Yellow for his birthday, but that wasn't good enough, he screamed his pissy little head off till his drove us to Fred Meyer's so he could get Silver, but no he wanted both versions and threw a bitch ass temper tantrum and he got both, then proceeded to mock me.

I tried to be a good kid, I always told my mom I didn't care if I got anything for Christmas, as long as I had family, and I never bitched about not getting nothing but a cake for my birthday every year, and I tried to be very polite to everyone I met.

And all of that humbleness and civility got me shit, while the pricks down the street got showered with gifts for being assholes. And I saw that very same type of attitude in every kid that I ever came across on that bus.

What do you think of Gen 7? Defidueye seems okay to me but I think that's mostly because I expected him to be awful.

Pretty much the same boat, when the third stages leaked I told myself "this is gen 5 all over again" and refused to get my expectations up. As it happens, Rowlett has proven to have a nicely diverse movepool and is far more bearable to use in game than Snivy was. It helps that Pokemon Refresh gives him a ton of personality.

Ha faggot.

Jesus right after 2nd gen you can just see the artistic quality drop like a rock

>playing past gen 3


and if that water or grass type is exeggutor or starmie you are now beyond fucked because gen 1 is psychic: the game

Well, user, I'm sorry about all that. I'm no fan of gen 4 either but dwelling on your shitty childhood isn't going to help. I hope you can come to terms with it.

>he actually thinks charizard is good

whats the problem?

That's because minus the spikes on Gatorman and the cum squirters on turtledude, they look vaguely like their real world animal counterparts. Gen 3 wasn't even trying, and to be honest, Gen 4 only used actual animal designs because they ran out of creative Pokemon ideas (Not that they ever had any creativity to begin with)

dohoho. i called your switch and i used Fire Blast/Thunder!

You mean during 2nd gen, which had objectively the worst designs in the franchise. Luckily things picked up again right after.

Sceptile was okay, but Blaziken and Swampert had excellent typing that outshined the pure Grass type


End of discussion, fire is GOAT overall

To be honest, if it were me I'd have Thunderpunch or something on my revenge killer. Or switch in a defensive Trace Gardevoir, Thunderwave your shit then set up on your ass.

Because I hate fighting Gyarados.

you switched to a ground type remember (aka golem)
it can't use thunder

but i guessed you would guess that i would switch to a ground type to block the electric attack, so i called your switch to a grass/water type to counter my ground type, so i instead used an attack that would harm the new pokemon!

we're getting to Iocaine Poison levels of deception here

Actually, it's

When they go low you go even lower. You should have broken all their shit.


Post your favorite mons

Despite the pure Grass type, Sceptile got good coverage, and had blazing fast speed no other Grass type could offer that let him sweep through a lot of in game foes without taking a hit. Plus he got False Swipe by level up to help with completing the Pokedex. He brought a lot to the table.

How do you do fellow bugbro?

Nah it's

>1. Grass
>2. Fire
>3. Water
>4. Grass
>5. Boxed
>6. Water
>7. Grass

This is correct