This or the original?
This or the original?
Original's better unless you can't get used to the gameplay
The original, the remake is good but they removed some of the planets and the relationship between the two is garbage compared.
>"We're best friends now"
Everything about the original but add in strafe and the graphics of the remake and you have the best Rachet game of all time.
The Original has more planets, weapons, and better characterization. The remake has all the improvements the series had, but stuck with the same old weapons of the PS3 era games we've had 5 times by now.
Haven't played the remake but the original had some serious flaws, like most of the weapons being literally useless.
I assume you're talking about the remake, but you've posted an image of tools of destruction, I'm confused pls help
I'd say both - play the original for the full experience w/ better music/writing/pacing, then play the remake for more Future-styled gameplay, amazing grafics and fun jetpack/Clank sections.
The remake does reuse a lot of geometry from the original game though, so playing both back to back won't probably be as fun. I would suggest playing the OG R&C now, and perhaps pick up the remake later when it's (even more) dirt cheap.
Some examples being? Playing through the game again I saw a pattern- new weapons are most useful on the planet they're introduced. Some fully retain their utility after that, others are kind of gimmicky but still work in most situations, but aside from the provoker thingy none of them end up being literally useless.
In fact, due to the RPG-lite level-up system being absent, I'd argue it's the one game where weapons never really get obsolete, as endgame enemies don't have nor need inflated HP or hitstun immunities.
>but stuck with the same old weapons of the PS3 era games we've had 5 times by now.
This has been a problem for the series ever since it went HD.
There was weapon re-usage in every game, but it was always just like 2-3 of the best weapons from the previous games. Every since ToD every game's arsenal is like half ToD weapons
Why did you post ToD art you fuck
Pretty much the only useless weapons are the taunter and walloper.
If you're complaining about the early weapons being weak later in the game then that's intentional design to get players to change weapons.
Really the only glaring flaw the original had was a lack of any real aiming system.
OP here. my bad. i will commit sudoku now
I can assure you that you can beat the whole game with only that machinegun-like gun, the rocket launcher and the PDA for the final boss.
From GC onwards, you needed a lot of weapons, because enemies became stronger, therefore you needed more guns and ammo, but in the first game there aren't rpg elements so you don't need a huge arsenal.
Only those floating mines are worth buying for Orxon, those mutant crabs are a pain in the ass.
What the fuck are you talking about, the only legit "useless" weapons were the taunter (although it's required to get a gold bolt) and arguably the mine glove.
Then go through them all. 3 is joint favourite with A Crack in Time but there are some gems in the franchise. It's one of the best platformers still around
I prefer original.
But remake isn't bad.
The mine glove is alright.
It's not terribly strong but you can just use it like a more powerful bomb glove.
Just go watch the movie instead.
>I class myself as a die hard Ratchet and Clank fan
>I still haven't seen the movie
>Wanted to see it when it was released but I'd look like an actual pedo
Original is better in everything but gameplay.
That said if you have access to something that can play the original you can play the 2nd or 3rd, both of which are better than the Remake in every area.