What are some games where I can kill myself? Intentionally dying to enemies doesn't count

What are some games where I can kill myself? Intentionally dying to enemies doesn't count.

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Messiah, Second Sight, Dishonored and various other games where you can possess enemies then destroy them.

Little big Planet, my man.

Though, I recommend the game of life.

Dungeon Keeper. Death by chicken


GTA V, at least in online

Prey, Dota, Borderlands 1/2

Dragon's Dogma when you get the Godsbane.

Actually, I think you get an achievement for doing so. It's also used as a quick reset.


Mass Effect 3 and Deus Ex Human Revolution


Karoshi, a puzzle/platformer whose objective is to kill yourself in each level.

Real life my boy, reality is all just a game and you will be back at the spawn point once you died.

God speed

The Darkness. Literally part of the story.

Crusader Kings 2

Dayz, and as a bonus the game will make you want to kill yourself IRL for buying it too.

Castlevania Order of ecclesia

Activate the dominus to kill yourself.


Nioh. I don't have the webm to prove it.

user, just remember
>ywn be Anthony Burch

dwarf fortress

Borderlands 2 had a sidequest where you had to kill yourself. Of course, you do get resurrected immediately afterwards

"Who's Your Daddy" is a game where half the time killing yourself is your sole purpose.

Dragons Dogma
It's all meaningful and deep

caberknight in tf2

No More Room In Hell has a suicide button. Works only with guns tho


>picks it up after firing
>Hasn't been used

At the end of planescape: torment if you've obtained enough wisdom boosts during the game you can unmake yourself rendering the most beautiful way to go for the dustmen, the "true death"

>that mission in BL2 where Handsome Jack pays you a decent amount of eridium to jump off a cliff
>mfw he gets you to do this AFTER you kill his daughter


if you jump off do you get paid for it?

You can kill yourself over and over in Planescape: Torment to prove your points. You HAVE to kill yourself over and over in The Secret World to advance through quests.


POSTAL 2 I guess

GTA Online. There is an option for it and your character will either shoot himself or take cyanide.

Didn't Adult Swim have a game where you played as a cubicle working employee who has to find a way to kill himself?

loved how you could sit there and never reload the game as you watched the world not give react to your death and kick your lifeless corpse around.

What are some games where I can lose my virginity?

Harvest Moon.

Receiver. If you aim directly at the ground, the bullet will ricochet right into your eyeball.


spec ops

does throwing a grenade at your feet count?

summer lesson VR

does typing "kill" in console count?

Consuming Shadow.

Planescape: Torment.

There are quite a few opportunities. Including breaking your own neck right in front of someone.

Does driving the eye needle into your skull in Dead Space 2 count? I did that on accident a few times.

>quick and painless
Have fun with that.

any game with a command console

OP whatever problems you have just be yourself dude. works for me.

Its quick if you tie it properly so it breaks your neck instead of choking you out, right? But yeah if you fuck it up its even worse than choking to death because all your weight is dragging you down and it hurts like fuck.

any game that has grenades. what kind of question is this?

Material and drop height are important factors too

Right, gotta drop far enough or the force won't be enough to break your neck.

in Space Pirate Trainer you can point a gun straight at your head and pull the trigger to kill yourself, it's pretty hilarious



>tfw my shitty guy killed himself
>get my brother, who have all the good traits

Sometimes, you need to die to give another family member the spotlight.


Hell, it's the game's main objective


Bushido Blade.

is this a good material for a noose?

Is it possible for suicide attempts to fail and leave you maimed? That would be hilarious.

>you have to kill yourself to proceed in the game

Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location
Dark Souls 3 (This one's mandatory)

tekken as yoshimitsu
dayz standalone