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That hit too close to home. I just seem to notice several meme things happening in real life, it's not my fault.

>fire in the hole!

Classic Bomberman line.


Why do I get the feeling that it's one of those articles someone just made up based on a pic.

What is that? A gamer girl for ants?

nice meme




I refuse to believe this. The urethra is so small many women are completely ignorant of it. You have to work, really work, to enlarge it to the point you can fit a penis in it.

At absolutely no part of that process would you miss the other, larger opening below it that clearly isn't the anus.

Maybe her husband has a micropenis and picked the hole that it fit better.

fucking dumbass animals can figure it out and these imbeciles are fucking each others urethras.



>fucking each others urethras

Is there more to the story I missed, where she fucked his in return?

If I ever come into possession of a large amount of money, I will sponsor the complete translation of all of Shakespeare's works into Ebonics


Fuck off gamergator.


i see them balls

This story and the "we can't call them cows because some woman got offended" story are the equivalent of ps3 has no games, it's just medical shitposting

Can Fox lick himself? Does he ever have to express his anal glands?



I have the book and I assure you every single page is like that.

The closest things to jokes are bad puns.

>I have the book
Who was held hostage?


what page

Why do you own a copy

It was five dollars on amazon and I needed $4 to get free shipping on a purchase.

Thanks doc

>His name is literally Gamer Cat
Jesus christ

Well he's a cat who is also gamer

How about a short story?


He lives in a house with an owner

Aeris and Leo aren't referred to as the VG Cats though.

Through continuity of the comic, his owner legitimately named him "Gamer Cat"




Story time?


>Fuck off gamergator.
we SJW tier now?

nice joke


user, don't do this to me again.




I-I'm not going to cry am I?

There are no breaks on this 'train'.

Retard rapes and kills loli, gets away with it because retard, based on true story


>I'll go back by myself


Greatest loving story every told

Is this Finnegan's Wake?


Oh, sweet child.
It is so much worse then that.

Holy fucking lol

Lovecraft versions when?


>Retard rapes and kills loli, gets away with it because retard, based on true story



Pidgen is so endearing.

I smiled when Hau said "da kine"

Everybody's genitals are different. Hers must have been messed up even before she took a dicking to the pisshole.

It's still an amazingly dumb mistake, but assuming that horrible mutant uretheas big enough for a dick to fit in don't exist is wishful thinking on your part.


>game about battling
>gets upset when game makes you battle

god damn it why'd you spoil it

Tell me Sup Forums, who took the bell?



>Did you hear about the player who walked in on two creepers
>He was destroyed


noun: meme; plural noun: memes

an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.

>They could be spreading memes by talking the image conveniently cuts out what's being said.
>reading a paper on a train is a cultural meme
>grieving at the burial rights of a person is a traditional meme

Do you like my meme arrows? :^)

haaaaahahaahahaahahahaahahaaahaahahaahahahaahahaaahaaahaaahahaaahaahaaahahahahahahahaahaahaahahahahaaaaahaaaahahahahahahahahaahaaaaahahahahahaaahahahaaahahaaahaahahahahaaaahaahaahahahahahahaahahaaaahaahaahahaaahaahaahahahaahahahahaaaahaahah *inhales* troo send help hahahaahaahaaaahaahahahahaahahahaahahah *bill cosby noises* I'm dying send help aahahahahaahahah *orgasms* haaahahahaaahaaaahaaaaahahahahaahaah *inhales* I'm dying haaahahahaahaaaahahahaahahahaaaahahaah *bill cosby noises* *inhales* *crazy frog sound* *inhales* *inhales* *bill cosby noises* send help this shit right here holy fuck I can't even haahahaahaaaahaaaahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaahahaaahahahahaaaahah *rubs nipples* *4 or 8 years of maniacal laughter* omfg I can't even send help I'm dying haahahahah *orgasms* *inhales* ahaahahahahaaahahaahahahahahah *inhales* aahaahaaahahahaaahah *4 or 8 years of maniacal laughter* hahaahahaahahahahahahaaah *rubs nipples* ahahaahaahaaahahahahahahahahahaaaahaahaaahaahaaahaahaaaaahaahaahahahaahaahahaahahahahahaahahahahaaahahaahahahahaahahaahaaahahahahaaaaahahahahaaahaah *steals 40 keks then eats them* ahaahaahaaaahahaahaaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaaahaaahahahah *4 or 8 years of maniacal laughter* *crazy frog sound* aahaahahaaahaaahahahahah *4 or 8 years of maniacal laughter* holy fuck send help holy fuck omfg this shit right here omfg omfg I can't even I can't even I'm dying omfg send help hahahaahahaahaaahahahaaahahaaahahahahaahahaaahahahaahaahahaahahahaaahaaahahahahaahahahaaaahaaahahahaahaahaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaahaahahahah *steals 40 keks then eats them* *steals 40 keks then eats them* ahaaahahahahahaaahaahaahahah *steals 40 keks then eats them* haaahahahaah *wheeze* omfg omfg




Jojo reference?


leave before this get ugly

The end. I hope you all learned a valuable lesson about not judging people by their looks.

this fucking book, i read the whole thing and it was supposed to be ER mysteries and instead half of it was this kind of shit

I remember one where like, some woman found a potato in her vagina

and another one where there was this purple shit leaking out of it and she couldn't figure out why. fuck

The dark times are on the way...

Holy shit, is that Brendan Fraser? Is he okay?

you don't fuck with people like this
I thought things were going to get dark...

Thanks Doc

See everything was fine. A classic mangka

>the end

What a happy ending!


You better fucking stop here you sick fuck.

>they are buying it
This is why game quality is going down the drain
People will buy anything these days

>The End

>You better fucking stop here you sick fuck.
t-there's more?
what is it?
is it really rape?
please don't let it be


Uh huh suuuuuure

Nah, it's just a meme