Guilty Gear Revelator

>after 1 1/2 years since Revelator was released on console, it is now coming out for PC on December 14
Who is hyped?

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Has Revelator really been on consoles for 1 1/2 years? Time flies

Anyway its a shitty downgrade version there aren't even any lobbies, I'm not paying full price for a tiny upgrade and a dead playerbase

This is actually wrong, it has been half a year not a year and a half.

Next you'll say "Oh crap, my bad. I was thinking of arcade release instead."

There are clearly lobbies in the videos.

so there are, I dunno where I heard that rumour then.

Anyway if it's anymore than £20 to upgrade it's not worth it, no crossplay and the playerbase is already dead or happy on console

the problem with fighting games on PC is that the vast majority of fighting game players are black or mexican and they dont own or know how to operate computers

>Lobby function is not supported. Please access the Rank Match and Player Match functions directly via the Network Mode.


So no fishing nor being able to battle people at cabs?