Will you be playing on the returning PvE/PvP servers with your old characters...

Will you be playing on the returning PvE/PvP servers with your old characters, or will you be playing the "Fresh start" server?

What are you rolling?

Other urls found in this thread:


Might roll a healer for the first time (probably Priest or Paladin)
I've had my fill of DPS

Probably a healer.
Never really played a pally before so I might go with that, but I don't know if I want to be stuck playing Alliance.

So when is this coming back? What's the website?

Final stress test will be done this coming sunday, and after it, they will reveal the official release date.


For fun while I wait for the fresh server
Simply to have fun

Fresh server when it comes out


orc warr

Fresh Dorf Priest for that fear ward.

I want to get into this but I fear Blizzard will kill it again and all my time will go down the drain



I'm interested in the fresh start server, but we all know where the majority of the players are going to and that's where I want to go.

Two hand fury orc warrior.
First forty levels suck, but you are greatly rewarded for your effort.

Undead rogue

I would like reaffirm that paladins are the best casual class in the game for having fun.

>High survivability
>Stress free PvE leveling
>Capable of openworld pvp
>Lol bubblehearth

Hi everyone Madti here, just a reminder that me and my friend Puddi will be leading the /vg/ Alliance guild on Nostalrius without help from the /wpsg/ and /nosg/ greats of old.

attentionwhores, healsluts, "ERP friendly" anons and "girls" will not be tolerated so don't worry about anything. Loot structure has not been decided other than it will not be loot council because you can exploit that

add us for a discord invite (80 people right now)

I wanted to play during the Legion month, but now I just don't give a shit about WoW again.


Yes you do. You may not want to play the game itself but something tells me that you miss the very social experience that is vanilla.
Sup Forums guilds never raid at the top level.

would someone who never played wow enjoy this? everyone was always going on about how vanilla wow was so good. I wanted to play an mmo that wasn't shit and/or korean and this is going to be free so why not



You'll fucking HATE it if you don't know how to communicate with other players or team up with others to accomplish goals. Vanilla is a very social game. Definitely worth a play though IMO.

Definitely fresh start.

I'm kind of hoping to see and participate in battlegrounds for lower level brackets than 60.

>playing vidya
>time not going down the drain anyway

Are you retarded?

Paladin here, plan on making a RP-ish guild that raids and does a lot of world PVP. Just want my dear Ashbringer.

More like capable of running around trying desperately to hit someone

troll or UD mage

free food/portals/aoe grinding

pop all CDs and become a pvp powerhouse