Where do you hide your consoles if you don't need them at the moment?
Where do you hide your consoles if you don't need them at the moment?
>240p game
>flatscreen TV
I want that setup. Worried about heat though.
i have that 5.1
>he didnt hdmi mod his nes
In the closet where all the games are kept
i'd really like a setup like the trophy room in ssbm
If those are all connected to the TV, I can't imagine the cable clusterfuck behind that thing. Goddamn purdy tho
This. I have 3 consoles hooked up to my bedroom tv and shit is like a giant tumbleweed of cables back there.
I just realized a setup like this is nearly impossible for me.
And now I'm looking for alternatives and ideas.
Do you think modern consoles should always be visible?
I also have a table I don't use much.
>putting your TV that far up
Nostalgiafaggots are so stupid.
is there a special hdmi adapter that allows all of them to be plugged in at the same time?
t. guy that just bought a $200 43" with only 2xhdmi but has 4 devices to connect
If I'm going to put a particular console away for a while I dust it off, box it, and then put said box in a closed plastic bin. Batteries get removed if the device has them.
If I'm not using the console it might as well stay in good shape.
fuck I miss cross country and track
>tfw trying to hide boner in lycra short shorts
Manlet detected.
what a snob worthless waste of space
I don't have anywhere to hide my consoles yet
I have a filing cabinet for all games and controllers though
In the emulators folder.
Jelous much poorfag?
Fucking nigger.
Hows that Xbox folder coming along bitch
HAHAHAAHSHAH fucking pc cucks are pathetic
>waste thousands on video game players
>call others poor and jealous
In all honesty I smash them up and throw them away.
Panasonic gamecubs, 2 normal gamecubes, 3 dreamcasts, 1 ps2, 2 xbox360s, a 3do, nes, super nes, megadrive, amiga 500, amiga cd32.
>implying he cares about xbox
>In all honesty I smash them up and throw them away.
Are you poor? No money to blow? Sucks.
Nice rhetorical qustion there, mujahed.
Sucks bro. Ill paypal you some cash so you can eat tonite.
Sent ;)
There are plenty of HDMI switchers on places like Amazon. I have a two port switch that uses no power and only cost me $20, but bigger switchers, especially ones with remotes, will require power.
In a container in my closet.
I can only have access to about 7 at a time and I feel like I need a hell of a lot of consoles to display them all without looking tacky.
Boxes in my closet.
looks comfy desu
i put my older games down in the basement in a sort of retro game room, it needs work but is pretty comfy when i do spend time down there.
I have steel batallion with all the shit cause i found it for cheap. Never played it. One day...