Have: Prince of Persia 2008 Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands X-COM: Complete pack The Talos Principle Battlefield 2 Half-Life: Blue Shift Rome: Total War Orcs Must Die 2 Portal The Orange Box Garry's Mod Divine Divinity
Want: Black Ops III Planet Coaster Dark Souls III Asperite Dying Light
> ITT russians, pinnoys and peruvians are trying to scam each other
Jose Wood
and yet here you are
Colton Nguyen
I got a shit ton of games. But I'm at work. Might just give them all away come Christmas. 8 got stuff like divinity collection, hitman collection, both castlevania and neptunia
Joseph King
post wishlist
Jayden Sanchez
Which Neptunia do you have?
Parker Robinson
gay sex thread
Daniel Clark
Elijah Sanchez
also sauce?
Angel Ortiz
You were kicked out of SteamTrades, and came here looking for idiots? Nice try!
Jaxon Hernandez
gay sex thread
Jordan Parker
Whoa there memelord, go play more of your meme games.
Daniel Kelly
If i'd stuff a live racoon in your asshole and fuck it, will it still be gay? I don't want to be gay :'(
Austin Edwards
gay sex thread
Christopher Howard
[H] Dark souls III Deluxe Edition [latin america] [W] One Piece Burning Blood and Attack on Titan
Charles Sullivan
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Galak-Z Lethal League The Bureau: XCOM Declassified Spec Ops: The Line Psychonauts Puzzle Agent Puzzle Agent 2 Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II Star Wars™: Dark Forces Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga™ Star Wars™ Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™ Star Wars™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II Hard Reset Extended Edition Mutant Mudds Deluxe Colin McRae Rally DiRT Showdown GRID 2 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Operation Flashpoint: Red River Overlord™ Chroma Squad WildStar Standard Edition War of the Roses: Kingmaker Potatoman Seeks the Troof
shit list, want shit stuff from my wishlist or shit you have to offer. I'll be gone for 2 hours, just add me or write in comment
Owen Carter
is that the $1 one copy you got from the glitch? nice
Anthony Gonzalez
what glitch?
Adrian Ortiz
Any specific bundled games you've missed and interested into? NOT from monthly, normal bundles
Jackson Martinez
user please, let us nor pretend DS3 deluxe was around 1.x$ in mexican peso upon release due to price error
I see these copies still being traded because nobody really cares much about latam games so people stuck with them
Eli Walker
I got it from a trade yesterday, didn't know nothing about it
Zachary Jones
oh god what did you trade for it
Dominic Gonzalez
>hey its me ur brother
Joseph Hughes
[H] Devil daggers code
[W] Swords & Soldiers HD Awesomenauts Overdrive Expansion Overlord 1 or 2
missed the sale
Brayden Martin
Jonathan Williams
Trading this
Brandon Mitchell
yrneh fuck off greedy jew
Levi Rivera
>that can't be refuted Established without proof, refuted without effort, bitch. What can´t be done is you actually making a point why, because if you could, faggot, you´d have done so.
Kevin Brown
I'll give you a double dragon for...well fuck you have nothing.
Jonathan Peterson
[H] Hero Siege [W] Literally anything
Evan Lee
I'll trade you Mafia 2 for G-Mod
Oliver Torres
Whadya want for it user :^)
Henry James
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Jaxson Gutierrez
Adrian Richardson
this page has been removed
Ayden Lee
Anyone want Amnesia: The Dark Descent?
Brody White
>trying to trade items for cards on scrap.tf >need the mobile authenticator for even that
really starting to hate steam, wont bat an eye at all when this shit service goes down
Parker Rogers
for free?
Josiah Miller
Eh, I have a spare Reus key If you want it and have something else in the same price range (or Grandia II), offer, I guess.
are you one of these jews who wants gold for bundled SOMA? >but but it is an expensive AAA game! kek I know your kind
Brandon Thompson
Offers all class unusual would be cool too
Matthew Peterson
Carson Watson
Yeah sorry, thnx but no thanks
Jackson Russell
stay mad :^) no one wants your free indiegala keys
Brayden Hernandez
i will play you in chess for x-com complete ill be on black lichess.org/cJzSl9ps
Blake Bennett
>ask for offers >user spergs out about jews
every time
Ryan Robinson
no trades so far
Xavier Mitchell
Jaxson Johnson
[W] nothing [H] nothing Being poor sucks. Being poor and wanting things sucks more.
I'm hooked on emulating old console games
Matthew Kelly
>tfw finished all good console games from prev era
Joshua Adams
[Have] steamcommunity.com/id/Jeppepeppe/inventory/#440 All of this I guess, since I don't intend to play TF2 again. Apparently it's """worth""" between $88-133 according to the site, but I could dump the entire shitload for a couple of the games I'd want to play or something.