Playstation 2 Thread

hey Sup Forums, let's discuss one of the greatest consoles of all time. what were your favorite games? any good memories? was it too good of a console? the ps3 and ps4 seem far too lacking when compared to this

Other urls found in this thread: & Playstation 2 - Accessories-_-9SIAASP40M2929&gclid=Cj0KEQiA6_TBBRDInaPjhcelt5oBEiQApPeTFzWa6NOk5M822bfNcWwosDmdIA0ICOt5O9BcJ_qXAckaAhS88P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds



ATV Off-road Fury
War of The Monsters
Mr Mosquito
Katamari Damacy

My favorite system

War of the Monsters is still one the best multiplayer games ever made

that is all

It might just be nostalgia, but even with the flaws I still prefer Shadow of Rome to other gladiator games of the time.

>ATV Off-Road Fury
My nigger.

Free roam on the train level. Hours of fun.

I bought one for pennies in 2012, FreeMcBooted it up and had a romp through the library to see what the fuss was about

95% is weebshit. Actual good games are few and far between. SOTC, that boxing game was bomb, Okami was KIND OF neat I liked ace combats

the rest, weebshit and shit for kids

Probably the most overrated console ever. Oh and MGS 3 is a huge steaming pile of fucking shit if you ever praised its writing or Kojima you're a fat fedora wearing neckbeard and should neck yourself

>greatest consoles of all time

underage detected.

with it having one of the largest libraries of games, there's definitely room for shit. what do you consider weeb shit though? i really only consider weeb stuff being an issue on the most recently released consoles. senran kagura on vita/ps4, persona 4 golden and all its spinoffs, tokyo mirage sessions on wii u, games like that. never thought it was an issue for the ps2

>Actual good games
At least you're consistent in your shit taste.

agreed, it really is my least favorite 6th gen console.

It was a solid console, but it didn't have the releases for me. San Andreas, MGS Snake Eater were 2 stand out titles for it, possibly FF10, but outside of that I can't remember many others that blew me away.

Compared to PS1 which had all the original Tomb Raider games, Tekkens, FF7, 8, 9 etc. it was a much bigger step forward in gaming industry at the time.

I'd even class the PS3 above it, as that also had a list of incredible titles that I kept my ps3 so I can still play today.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and that's fine if you disagree but I want you to know that you're wrong if you don't agree with what I'm saying and I think you're a f***cking stupid cunt as well if you disagree. People always seem to wanna argue with me and tell me im wrong well im telling you this time that m not wrong, i know ewhat om saying is right, so why dont you keep your stupid f***cking opinions to yourself before you start criticising my choice in games! I like what I like and that's it, it's not for you to tell me wat I should and shouldnt play, andI dont even know why you're bothered, if I like it then that's it, so please dont start trying to argue with me please.

Why don't you just piss off with your stupid self-righteous opinions.

> 6th gen
> look how cool I am referring to consoles in that way

Fuck off you little dick head, why don't you learn to like good things.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion and that's fine if you disagree but I want you to know that you're wrong if you don't agree with what I'm saying and I think you're a f***cking stupid cunt as well if you disagree. People always seem to wanna argue with me and tell me im wrong well im telling you this time that m not wrong, i know ewhat om saying is right, so why dont you keep your stupid f***cking opinions to yourself before you start criticising my choice in games! I like what I like and that's it, it's not for you to tell me wat I should and shouldnt play, andI dont even know why you're bothered, if I like it then that's it, so please dont start trying to argue with me please.

Welp that was fun while it lasted

next time dont say the ps2 "is one of the greatest console of all time" or else you will trigger some autists

play more video games, jon

The Xenosaga Trilogy was far and away some of my favorite games of that era. I still have them. Then there was The first God of War, Devil May Cry...FFXII, God the PS2 was a fantastic console that had something for everyone.

What's with Sup Forumsirgins and the sudden hate for the PS2?

Has the Sony boogieman meme gone too far?

>What's with Sup Forumsirgins and the sudden hate for my favorite console?


>What's with Sup Forumsirgins and the sudden hate for my favorite console?
I dont see people hating the SNES in this thread

weebshit aside

Silent Hill 2/3/4
Fatal Frame series
Medal of Honor Frontline
Jak series
Sly series
Ape Escape series
Gran Turismo 3/4
WRC for rally racing
Splinter Cell games
Champions of Norrath and Baldurs Gate 1 and 2
DMC series
Goblin Commander
Ace Combat series
Tekken 5 alongside all the other great fighting games like Fight Night, Soul Calibur, DOA and KOF

etc etc.

>fighting games
>hack and slash coop comfyness
say no more senpai

There, no weebshit rpgs or shovelware kiddo stuff. And that's what I just remembered off the top of my mind. PS2 was after ps1 the best console of all time, only edgy neo-nu/v/ contrarians and salty gamecube owners who had to play the same dozen or so games think otherwise.

Gou cannot detect yourself user.

Still have mine with modchip and a shitload of copied games I rented way back from Blockbuster that I've yet to play. Last count about 100 games. Worked at Walmart back then and couldn't afford to buy like I do now.

I really need to play "Rule of Rose". Lists $200-$300 on eBay and was extremely controversial (why they didn't make many). Too bad mine is copied or I'd eBay it in a hearbeat.


I remember getting the black box in 2002... Good shit. That was a long time ago and you cant always tell a stupid teen not to sell all his games... I am currently revisiting it. My current collection in so far (DMC and MGS are on my PS3 as HD collections)

I think imo, if someone, with NO knowldge of vidya wanted just ONE console to give them a timless awesome experince with games, i would recommend the PS2. I just feel it is so balanced. And has the entire PS1 library at its disposal too.

Chrrently splitting my time between GTA3 and Persona 4.

>what were your favorite games?
SH 2-3
Fatal Frame 1-3
ZOE 1-2
SOS: The final escape
Xenosaga 1-3

>for the ps2

kill yourself

Fucking perfect collection, then suddenly Hairy Potter? Why?

Also where's Persona 3?

>95% is weebshit

Bullshit - the PS2 has a lot of support from both Western/Japanese developers spanning many genres, because it sold so fucking well here in the U.S.
There was a lot of good western titles like:
>Def Jam Fight for NY
>Battlefront II
>Need for Speed
>Burnout 3
>all the GTA games, including VCS & LCS
>Jak & Daxter
>Ratchet & Clank


>on that god awful NGC or even worse, xboxhueg controller


lol manlet detected

Most of those games aren't even multiplat, and some like GTA were timed exclusives.
Fuck off with your blind hate, the PS2 was pretty fucking good

>he didn't have the controller s

Wow dude. Xbox was a pretty beast machine. While the exclusives weren't that amazing it certainly was the best of the three for most multiplats.

Xbox had better framerate and often better textures and lighting, but not by a whole fucking bunch.

>its okay when i list multiplats in a ps2 thread but not in a ps4 thread

get fucked nostaligafag

my nigger. I don't know how many hours I wasted with my friends just fucking around in that game.

Yeah but if you have a choice those things really do add up. But you can also do a lot more with your OG xbox than you can with the ps2 too.

While I def agree, in terms of sheer library, ps2 is certainly king.

Holy shit, I remember when I was at a cousins house we were playing on the train level and we discovered that when you went out of bounds and hit the invisible wall it would launch you all the way across the map. We stayed up the entire night laughing our asses off getting launched across the level.

>Sup Forums is one person
What the fuck are you even going on about?
I think the multiplats are fine on PS4 - they have the most online players and the performance is better than Xbox

of course it is

Because nostalgia user. I was 12 when that got released and for a licenced game it was ebin.

Also i have never ever played SMT or persona games ever. So many people raved about 4 and i saw it on a shelf for like £20 a week or so ago. I suck at RPGs but i am addicted to these characters atm. So money/time well spent.

Xbox had its own share of very underrated, hidden gem exclusives that Sup Forums never even talks about. I got my ps2 in like 2009 and have been catching up ever since. Xboxes that are used now are in terrible condition, and are very expensive alongside games for it.

PS2 is a natural choice because its exclusives are honestly far better.

Erm sorry but that wasme who posted that in the first place so don't now start stealing my comments because you know that im right. Flattery is the best form of imitation so ill take it as a compliment you idiot lol. Firstly playstation 2 wasn't even the best console at the time weven though I play playstation and only playstation i accept that the x box was probably better than it at the time because it had other games that were probably better. It was only when the playstation 3 came out that they started to sdominate over the xbox 360 so it shoews you dont even know wtf you are even talking about. Your the one whos arguing with me for no reason when all I wanted to do was come on here and talk to people about games without having my words taken from my mouth and used against me to try and make me look stupid in front of evreryone, well im not having it and we're not in a schoolyard playground, so you can stop tryingto pretend youre a bully because you know for a fact you wouldnt say anything to me face to face. Thats not to say id fight with you, fighting is for stupid people, i would talk you down with fact and reason and rational points that you wouldnt know howto overcome and youd end up losing and probably saying sorry(ive had 3 people say sorry to me this MONTH alone from debates ive had with them when they knew I was right in the end). Look i dont want to argue with you mate but if you dont like ps3 then that's up to you but your basically wrong if you think ps2 is better than ps3 because ps3 is obviously better because of the games - also ps3 had a blu ray drive and this was at a time that blu ray dvd players were being sold for alomst the same price as ps3s so it just shows how huge a purchase it was at the time. It also expanded the amount of data each game could have because blu rays hold more storage memory than standard dvd discs.

Look im not arguing with you so you please dont argue with me if you do i will report your comments.

This. But gamecube was and always will be n64 of its own generation. System aside is mediocre as fuck with mediocre and quantity-wise very subpar library. But oh boy did it yield some entitlement among its users.

OutRun 2006 will never come on the PlayStation Store... ;_;

PC nigger.

my names not even Jon, it's mike and you spell John with an H in it, unless your an idiot or your parents cant even spell lol

>missed out on the ps2 era because I fell for the pc meme

It's impossible to buy a new ps2 or even second hand ps2 in my country.

>hurrff durff just emulate
Its not the same.

>Xboxes that are used now are in terrible condition
You have to buy them from basketball americans and niggers, shit is the worst.
The Xbox also has issues with its clock capacitor and disc tray.
I'm sure that since its so similar to a PC, you're going to have shit like harddrive problems in xboxes

and how she lacks,lacking like no other,may the the lack been gone,but its soo lackless.

>Xboxes that are used now are in terrible condition, and are very expensive alongside games for it.

Xbox collecting is actually very good if you're not going for Stubbs and Metal Wolf Chaos. Shenmue 2 had a bump in price but it's not 200 dollars disc only tier yet. I've built up almost all the Xbox main games and a good chunk of the hidden gems with games costing 75 cents to maybe 6 bucks max.

Xbox versions of games also have have the lowest price compared to ps2 and the most expensive being gamecube versions.

I dunno man, you gotta check out secondhand stores. The only real games you need for xbox are one of the three that you can use to softmod and those tend to be cheap as shit.

It's a tad more involved to softmod a ps2 for instance. But not terribly much and you're right in the sense most ps2's are dirt cheap.

What country are you from?
The Playstation 2 is the most sold video game platform of all time, I can't see how it would be rare to find one, even these days.

.scsid dvd dradnats naht yromem egarots erom dloh syar ulb esuaceb evah dluoc emag hcae atad fo tnuoma eht dednapxe osla tI .emit eht ta saw ti esahcrup a eguh woh swohs tsuj ti os s3sp sa ecirp emas eht tsmola rof dlos gnieb erew sreyalp dvd yar ulb taht emit a ta saw siht dna evird yar ulb a dah 3sp osla - semag eht fo esuaceb retteb ylsuoivbo si 3sp esuaceb 3sp naht retteb si 2sp kniht uoy fi gnorw yllacisab ruoy tub uoy ot pu s'taht neht 3sp ekil tnod uoy fi tub etam uoy htiw eugra ot tnaw tnod i kooL .)dne eht ni thgir saw I wenk yeht nehw meht htiw dah evi setabed morf enola HTNOM siht em ot yrros yas elpoep 3 dah evi(yrros gniyas ylbaborp dna gnisol pu dne duoy dna emocrevo otwoh wonk tndluow uoy taht stniop lanoitar dna nosaer dna tcaf htiw nwod uoy klat dluow i ,elpoep diputs rof si gnithgif ,uoy htiw thgif di yas ot ton stahT .ecaf ot ecaf em ot gnihtyna yas tndluow uoy tcaf a rof wonk uoy esuaceb yllub a eruoy dneterp otgniyrt pots nac uoy os ,dnuorgyalp drayloohcs a ni ton er'ew dna ti gnivah ton mi llew ,enoyrerve fo tnorf ni diputs kool em ekam dna yrt ot em tsniaga desu dna htuom ym morf nekat sdrow ym gnivah tuohtiw semag tuoba elpoep ot klat dna ereh no emoc saw od ot detnaw I lla nehw nosaer on rof em htiw gniugra sohw eno eht ruoY .tuoba gniklat neve era uoy ftw wonk neve tnod uoy sweohs ti os 063 xobx eht revo etanimods ot detrats yeht taht tuo emac 3 noitatsyalp eht nehw ylno saw tI .retteb ylbaborp erew taht semag rehto dah ti esuaceb emit eht ta ti naht retteb ylbaborp saw xob x eht taht tpecca i noitatsyalp ylno dna noitatsyalp yalp I hguoht nevew emit eht ta elosnoc tseb eht neve t'nsaw 2 noitatsyalp yltsriF .lol toidi uoy tnemilpmoc a sa ti ekat lli os noitatimi fo mrof tseb eht si yrettalF .thgir mi taht wonk uoy esuaceb stnemmoc ym gnilaets trats won t'nod os ecalp tsrif eht ni taht detsop ohw emsaw taht tub yrros mrE

I remember I got Okage Shadow King when I got my first PS2, and that was the first proper JRPG I ever owned. I still have it to this day, and no matter how shitty it is, it holds a special place in my heart :'^)

>It's a tad more involved to softmod a ps2 for instance.

You can literally order softmodded ps2 memcards off ebay, at the price of a regular memcard. Doesnt get more retard friendly.

But I like doing things myself but again, can't argue that.

They do have FMCB through USB to memory card & Playstation 2 - Accessories-_-9SIAASP40M2929&gclid=Cj0KEQiA6_TBBRDInaPjhcelt5oBEiQApPeTFzWa6NOk5M822bfNcWwosDmdIA0ICOt5O9BcJ_qXAckaAhS88P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

That's how I did mine but I had the official sony adapter

>Xboxes that are used now are in terrible condition, and are very expensive alongside games for it.

Why I can't wait to sell mine along with the ton of games I got for it. And it's in mint condition.

No dust in any of the 4 gajillion crevices?

Sure, let's discuss the SNES. My favorite game on it was Super Mario World.

beepbeep ps2 shelf coming thru


Funny, I thought I was alone in this. I liked PS3 better as well. I thought its games were more worthwhile than PS2's. Never really could get the excitement surrounding it.

>not mario world+all stars
It's like you want a shit luigi sprite.

how do ps2 gta games run compared to pc? I only played them ever on pc and since I got a softmodded ps2 I am considering it for the comfy factor.

>was it too good of a console?
Nah, it did have hardware problems. I know people that owned 4 fucking PS2's. My favorite game is shadow of the colossus and re4

But what if I like green Mario sprite?

I prefer playing GTA, Saints Row, etc with keyboard/mouse, but my first experience with GTA was on ps2. They run perfectly fine, but the pc versions are better.

They run okay. They are sub 30 fps, but in san andreas case, the lighting is much better than unmodded SA on PC. Plus, if you were a shit, SA lost the license for a few tracks on steam, so you have to mod it to put them back in if you get it recently.

>I liked PS3 better as well. I thought its games were more worthwhile than PS2's.

not an argument.

Just laughing at someone's terrible taste in gaming. If you want to actually start a discussion, bring up an actual point and reinforce them with arguments so people can respond to them.

>this game never got a sequel
>never get a VR version

still not an argument.

also dark cloud

>people still post this inaccurate image

rec me hidden gems lads


I still have (and play on) mine.
In fact I didn't bought any newer console and I'm perfectly fine.

Now I'm replaying Re:CoM because I really like the combat system and plan on playing Mark of Kri

Neither is yours.

man as good as the ps2 was it had a terrible launch in terms of games. timesplitters is the only good game in that list

No U

still no argument.


>not good

get some taste

yeah, no none of these games are good. even the dreamcast american launch blows it out of the water.

When I lost my job Rule of Rose (last game I preordered) paid for 1 months mortgage.

I do miss the game though.

Just like PS4

You really have no taste.

its a sony tradition to have no games at launch, i guess

stay mad

Resident Evil Outbreak was the game that made me buy a PS2.

The Resident Evil Outbreak fansever that the see absolute madmen actually managed to make (after the shutdown) made me mod that same PS2.

Also this still get my Johanas Jumbled:

PS2- free online XBOX - $50
PS3- free online XBOX360 - $50
PS4- $50 XBOX ONE (1) - $60


>used ps2 section
>500 copies of Madden 04 and Ford vs Chevy

The PS2 was pretty bland overall but at least it had Shattered Soldier. A true 9.9/10 game.

>was it too good of a console? the ps3 and ps4 seem far too lacking when compared to this

It's simple. The Japanese gaming market was still largely home console oriented and much larger than it is now. It's why we got so many quality exclusives and multiplatform games on the PS2 like Monster Hunter and Gitaroo Man. The other consoles got their share of good Japanese games as well, with timed exclusives for Gamecube like RE4 and Viewtiful Joe and exclusives for Xbox like Jet Set Radio Future and Phantom Dust. However, the PS2 got the most support simply by having the largest market share. Afterwards. the scene moved to handheld devices with a lot of support for the DS, PSP, 3DS, PSV, and mobile gaming and much less for PS3 and now PS4. The blame can partially be put on the high development costs for these HD consoles and more lucrative opportunities on handheld devices. Whatever the case, the decline in support of the Japanese gaming scene for home consoles has led to a drastic decline in quality console games and though the Western gaming scene has grown a lot since the PS2 days, it has insufficiently been able to fill in the gap.

>champions of norrath
my nugget