Splatoon thread!

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Sque que

you're shit now

Fuck off with your shitty may mays faggot.


you're a big guy now

Nin toddler

>Hurr durr go and play a really realistic gaem liek carlos duty or baterfil 1

Why is Callie so stupid?

What is up with these shitposters?
This game is fun and all of you loved talking about this game for quite awhile.

Sup Forums is full of contrarians who like to hate good games they never played or sucked at

plus, nintendo made it


This game has little replay value once you buy up everything.

>little replay value
>he doesn't splat japs for his country

>Annie's hoodie will never become a real
>she wont be real either

maybe someday

I don't play splatoon or even own a wii u but I like those webms of them dancing.

post em

>Carlos duty
Wall builder simulator?

I have a real itch to play some Splat Zones, but I should probably finish XCX before I play anything else on my Wii U.


game for barneyfags

Alright, so I need to get to S rank at least before the Switch version comes out and I haven't played for fucking months

I think I left off at A-/A, what broken weapons/skills do I need to boost myself through A all the way to S?

Oh, I forgot this game even existed.



96 deco. Has splash wall and kraken, so just play defensive and you should be fine

.96 deco
Tentatek Splattershot
E-Liter (only if you can snipe)


Thanks boyz, might get back on tonight.

It's still all japs on ranked yeah? I'm looking forward to getting back in there.

You're a meme now!

I'm convinced that I'm literally the only non-nip that still plays this game.

I bought a friend the Callie and Marie amiibos for xmas.

There's just very few non nips on higher ranks, lower ranks have a bunch of terrible english players.

That's nice of you.

>ear touching

You've gone too lewd user.

same as any other competitive shooter imo.

Every match is the same thing and the only thing to keep you playing is stuff arbitrarily locked behind exp gates to pace out the content

Are there no adult inklings?


I hope not, adult supervision would get in the way of all those wild teen Inkling orgies

I think Callie & Marie are actually adults

Why are they called the Squid Sisters if they're cousins?

They've got jobs, and are constantly on the clock.

I think I remember someone saying that the soundtrack references Marie to be at least 17. But I can't cite my sources. They're the closest thing to squilfs we've got, either way.

>tfw live in Digiridooland
>tfw the Splatoon Amiibos come out and nobody buys them because I'm one of the 10 people who bought a Wii U in this country.
>All the Splatoon Amiibos are worth pennies in the bargain bin because nobody buys them.
>I get the OG three and the Marie and Callie day one for no money.

Squids die shortly after mating.

I read that they're supposed to be 17.
which begs the questions: when Spla2 comes out, are new Idols going to replace them? Will they appear more grown up? Will they age?

Cool blog fag-chan @.@

Why are their eyes different from the rest of the squids, including Cuttlefish, who's not only another adult, but related to them?

Cool emoticon faces fellow Sup Forumsdweller! OwO


There were adults but they're kids now.

anyone know the lyrics to the main theme?

hes the missing link.

You mean the missing _ink_

I miss splatoon threads

>tfw Best Girl won the Great Waifu War

Anyone else playing again because of Chuggaaconroy's lets play?

Fuck you Carlos

Nintendo sure loves their squids...

>Love the aesthetics of Splatoon
>Bought the artbook
>Bought all the amiibos
>Have only played the game for like 4 hours since owning it.

I feel so guilty. This is the first game where i care more about the art than the, well, game

>This game is fun
It's still shit. though.

Dont be. Enjoying the art is also perfectly fine.
I dont even have a WiiU and love Splatoon

>tower control
>luna blaster neo
>stealth jump and quick respawn
easy road to S and possibly even S+

It happens user. Don't feel bad.

There's an artbook? Is it only in Nip?

>tfw more peoples took bitch which were abused by her parents and childs in school, and she grew to SJW bitch who want to show how smart and independed she is by rosting her best and last friend, instead of happy, funny, cheerful, beautifull girl.

God, peoples are just dont know.


i got thousands of hours out of quake live and it has no experience system


im basically the same

i wish they would make a social, animal crossing type game where you decorate your flat and meet up in the plaza

Luckily they actually did have the Splatoon amiibos function in animal crossing so it wasn't a huge waste for me to buy them

I don't own any console, thus I don't have Splatoon, but I love the fuck out of the world.
I pretty much lurk every Splatoon threads I come accross.

I do wish I had the game though, it looked fun as fuck.

>tfw Splatoon represents the sexually charged youth fantasy you never got to experience.
>you'll never be a squid getting all worked up shooting ink in turf wars until you tear off your clothes and have a team orgy.
>tfw the idea that I'll never live this fantasy legitimately bothers me for reasons I can't fully explain

Okay, enough about waifus. Unleash your inner /k/ and post your weapon-fu.

Not much of a fighter, so I tend to play support and go full Kracken to push the objective.

evaluate your life

>tfw CallieCucks are still this mad that they lost

squids getting it on must be the hottest thing ever.

this isn't a sex game by any means, but it has an absurd amount of elements that you can use in that context anyway

user I just want to be molested by Marie.

I wanna be violently raped by Marie.
Is the squid sisters amiibo pack any good? I've never bothered with amiibo but I want them.

>tfw the kraken will never be full power ever again

They're probably the highest quality amiibos, but that's not really saying much.

In splatoon they get you private concerts and in Animal crossing you can meet Callie and Marie cosplayers

old as hell

before the permanent inkbrush came out

then that became 4th real quick before I stopped playing

So should I just wait and hope that they get nendoroids, cu-poche or something else?

why dont you play online son


>God tier
Dual Squelcher
Jet Squelcher

>High tier
Hydra Splatling
Ink Brush
Splattershot Pro
Sloshing Machine
Nozzlenose H and L 3

>Mid tier
Heavy Splatling
Rapid Blaster
Dynamo Roller
Splat Charger/Scope

>Low tier
Mini Splatling
Range Blaster
Rapid Blaster Pro
Splat Roller
Splattershot Jr.
.96 Gal

>Go fuck yourself tier
Luna Blaster
Dynamo Roller
.52 Gal

>Burn in hell tier
Luna Blaster
On Tower Control

>You will never experience the test fires and launch of splatoon ever again
This hurts more than it should

Anyone just rewatch the Splatoon reveal trailer and marvel at how far we've come?


>>God tier
>Dual Squelcher
>Jet Squelcher

how to spot a scrub 101

he probably just jacks off to the design

They're great weapons, just extremely hard to use, and thus honest.

I want to like this thing because it matches the Iku Musume dress, but the whole short-charge short-firing thing is super akward to use.

He's right though, if you aren't familiar with the term "honest" it's used to describe things that require skill. So the opposite of honest would be something like the Luna Blaster. The squelchers require good game sense and spacing.

not really, they've been buffed several times now


Dual Squelcher just got increased strafing speed and light special depletion with the special depletion update.

They haven't changed all that much since release.


Only the Jet Squelcher was really buffed. It got an extra 50% faster walking speed while shooting, ink usage down, and light special depletion.

I don't see how any of that makes it less honest.

dual squelcher is average and isn't particularly hard to use

>>Go fuck yourself tier

I don't understand. You actually have to aim and get close to use that weapon. Its honestly on of the least nooby weapons in the game.

Custom Dual Squelcher is one of the most used weapons in competitive Splatoon*

*Based off of Japanese tournament

It has like a 5 - 10% usage rate, which is impressive, considering the only other shooters commonly used are the .52 and .96 Gals.