Wasn't expecting THIS at all from Pokemon

>wasn't expecting THIS at all from Pokemon.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jesus fuck, how did Sun/Moon end up so sexual and depressing?

>my husband sent machamp back into its ball at the moment of the crash
>sent machamp back

Why didn't the megamuscle four armed superhuman stop crash?

>stopping a crash from inside a car

Are there fucking cars in Pokemon? Since when

It is implied through the choice of machamp as that trainers pokemon alongside the common knowledge that they are superhumanly strong that the man may have had a moment similar to one which supermans' late father had in man of steel to be honest

the truck in vermilion city

Since mew went under the truck.

there's cars all over the first town
there's a fucking bus going to the 4th trial

since the first game