28 year old kissless virgin

28 year old kissless virgin

I'm almost there

7 years past you

git gud

That's me.

What exactly is this thread about? Religious games?

would you let an average guy suck your dick?
just for laughs haha

It's not about any game in particular, but what our beloved hobby can do to us.

Feels bad man

Does that make you sad?


/r9k/ faggots posting in Sup Forums

30 here

get on my level fag

I haven't been outside since last January

>23 year old virgin except for kisses
>first kiss was my cousin

nice meme


I don't remember ordering any sausage.

I wonder what that sticky saliva mixed with my precum smells like haha


I know a girl like that, she's sad.

Was she cute, at least?

29 almost 30 here
I have to fuck somethig before 30.

I was 4 at the time and she was 12, she was ugly as all sin. Molested me and kissed me.

It won't happen, you're going to be a wizard.

it has to smell weird right? haha
i wonder how it tastes



Why are you such a gay retard?

29, 2 months til wizard
>first and only gf so far last year
>not kissless anymore
you can do it too, user. i was born with bladder exstrophy (dont look it up for your own sake) but even i got a gf at some point

Nice blog,faggot.

Yesterday I took a shit twice as big your head.This is as relevant as the thread you made.



30 year old kissless virgin

Why the fuck do any of you even care about this useless shit

Nice trips, man, but I fail to see how that is connected to playing games.

I like how it's traditionally the same image at the start of furry dickgirl dumps pretty much every time.

God built me this way.

>living with a crippled and mentally retarded 28 year old sister
>retired 62 yo dad
>58 yo mom who had two spinal disc hernia surgeries in this year who can't even bend over to pick up shit or lift anything at all
>88 yo alzeimer grandma

>trying to play online vidya uninterrupted

I'm about to fuck this guy in my college.



kill yourself, please. do the world a favor.

Gay sex doesn't count.


are you a virgin?

Playing videogames is a supplement for normal activities that would get you further in life.

It's the primary reason you don't have a girlfriend, or a well paying job, or feelings of satisfaction.

I've been meaning to change it but I don't know. It feels like I'd be turning my back on tradition if I did.

Name 12 games with protagonist like that.

Sadly no
I'll need to see the rest of him to decide...

wizard here

furry dick girls are disgusting, get some real taste in porn and post ryona

25 kissless here. 5 more years!

shut the fuck up Aqua you are the worst girl

I will fuck YOU if I have to.

How do I become a passable trap?
I like wearing skirts and pink clothes

What's so sad about being kissless virgin? Why do you think you need to have relationships and similar shit to be a human being?
inb4 sour grapes