What exactly is he supposed to be?
What exactly is he supposed to be?
Other urls found in this thread:
A nuclear badger
The best starter ever
Fucking Pissed apparently.
A bandicoot?
also this
A typhlosion
A honey Badger.
Hot musky boy
What is this supposed to be?
The worst starter ever.Even it's whole evolutionary line has shit porn.
Why does everyone like him when he has the EXACT SAME stats as charizard?
He's pretty much a shittier charizard that can't fly
a fucking leaf
a pear
sabe pa
A Pokemon
>Literally Charizard without the Flying-type
>Best starter
Starter Pokemons are for shitters, and all of them suck monkey balls.
this. there's never been a starter as good as cyndaquil
>Can't use flying type moves
>Has all of its weaknesses but none of its strengths
Charizard was the starter that retards picked because they thought dragons were cool
there's nothing wrong with keeping a starter.
Some kind of explosion typhoon.
> starters are shit
Blaziken always looked more like a digimon to me
Gen two starters>>the rest
Mah nigga
Look at that BENIS!
a non-stop truck of everloving fuck bend the hell over fuckboy were going in dry fireblasting this bitch into a low earth orbit yeah son
Feraligatr was the only good one.
>those buns
Man if Totodile wasn't rad, Gen 2 would be such a dud in terms of starters.
Now we need typhlosion venom snake hybrid
I want to haha inside Typhlosion
My fuckin' nigga.
wew lad
le ebin chinese rat
I don't like how in the 3D games the fire is only visible when it uses a special attack. That's not how I've been seeing it all these years.
Well, not some retarded mexican wrestler cat on steroids. Thats for sure.
Blazikin is the most spastic and edgy pokemon design ever created.
I bet you listen to skrillex and linkin park.
>Friend gives me egg in Moon.
>Hatches into Cyndaquil
>Has Quiet Nature
Christmas came early this year
Charizard doesn't get thunderpunch or Eruption and that alone is cool af
still love Zard but Typh is the cooler mon
Fucking this.
>high Hp
or they started with Charmander because they wanted hard mode
Bulbasaur = Easy (strong against the first 3 gyms
Squirtle = Medium (strong against the first gym)
Charmander = Hard (weak against the first 2 gyms)
Shitty clone of a better gen 1 mon.
Like everything in gen 2 that wasn't cut from gen 1 for being too shit.
Not nearly as spastic and edgy as your favorite
Pissed off badger on fire
Lilligant is best
The best pokemon design
I wonder whats under that tuft
Blaziken started the trend of fire/fighting starters and is an ugly piece of shit. It, Infernape, Emboar and Incineroar are trash
Lilligant is the purest grass type there is.
All others grass types are filthy whores.
But Incineroar isn't a Fire/ Fighting
>Ugly piece of shit Chicken that strated FIRE/FIGHTING and needed to be given a broken ass ability just to be good
I literally hate every Starter that Gamefreak bent over backwards to make good because they were popular
Charizard, Blaziken, and Greninja are the biggest cancers ever and Pokemon would be objectively better if they were eradicated
why is it that the greatest retards are always attracted to blaziken?
Incineroar isn't a Fighting type and the Fire/Fighting starters are a shitload better than the starters that preceded them. Delphox is also, for all intents and purposes, Typhlosion 2.0 and is a much better pokemon for it.
>all this shit taste in one thread
Have fun getting your shit Crunch'd faggots
>No STAB Crunch
Yeah, ok.
High damage potential
It's basically a Machoke with a Litten head stitched on, so it might as well be.
>the fire/fighting trio
>better than anything
That's wrong, so no
Typhlosion (Feraligatr is very close)
Greninja (Chesnaught is close)
Primarina (Very hard pick this gen)
Best starters.
>picking favorites through stats or how well they do in competitive pokemon
i think i played for like 10 hours straight when i first got my GBC and game atomic purple and gold master race
All of them are better than their predecessors mechanically and that alone makes them more worthwhile. It took Game Freak to brute force Charizard into relevance with its mega evolutions for it to not be a complete waste of time and while I don't hate the pokemon like I do Charizard, Blaziken has the same problem with it getting Speed Boost as what I feel was a heavy-handed apology for Game Freak releasing Infernape.
Great taste, I'd just change Torterra for Based Empoleon and Primarina for comfy owl.
>yfw first time setting foor in kanto
>Gamefreak can't make better fainting animation than a fucking N64 game
>not picking cyndaquil and blazing through the entire game 1 shotting everything at 1/3 health
also why doesn't he have his fire on in the 3d games? he has it when he follows you around in hg/ss
A volcano.
Best in gen 2, that's for sure.
Although, I only really like cyndaquil.
He's not supposed to have the fire out 24/7.
Greatest starter. Sceptilefags are jealous.
A pear is correct
Oops! That's a miss...
Charizard also doesn't have Burn-Up. They gave Arcanine Moltres and Typhlosion a new move in gen 7 that looks fucking great. I'm not sure how good it is though. How does a typeless pokemon even work?
Takes neutral damage from all attacks
Every move is regularly effective, I guess.
So you lose STAB?
84 base attack non stab thunderpunch isn't going to do shit to shit
>all this shit taste
make way for the king
The only monotype fire starter line. Too bad the shiny sprite is barely different from the base sprite.
>It removes all weaknesses in exchange for removing STAB.
That sounds fucking amazing, but I'm not sure if any its users have the bulk to fully use that.
>High special attack
>Thunderpunch to counter water and flying types
What's the issue here?
hope you kept the receipt cos your opinion is faulty as fuck.
user where did you get all this good taste
isn't thunder punch physical? you would probably do more using a fire attack even if it wasn't super effective
Electric type attacks rely on special attack/special stat in all the games that matter
yeah the king of shit taste lmao
It is. However, the move split only happened in Gen 4 I think, so it was still good before that.
Whoa a fire breathing dragon...how original.
It's still stupid. Bet my ass that they'll change it on Switch, claiming the 3ds wasn't powerful enough to handle the fire.
It's a simple cartoon dragon that actually looks cool, and it doesn't look like a retarded barney with wings. That doesn't happen as often as it should.