IGN confirms that all the cringy and linear, sucky parts in the game are leftovers from VERSUS by Nomura and all the good stuff in the game was implemented by TABATA!!



Other urls found in this thread:


What good stuff?



so why did they delete Stella from the game for Luna and then killed Luna

what kinda leftover was that

>there wouldn't really be space for Stella in the story

???? ok

The open world exploration aspects.

All the faggotry on rails shit and the piss poor story are leftovers from nomura that dragged tabata's vision down.


Who gives a shit about your faggy story.

Tabata was all about the open world and freedom aspects of the game.

Nomura was that deviantart-tier jacking off to muh darkness muh stella, muh luna.

Tabata's vision for the game was basically where the game shines.
When it gets dragged down its by retarded clown-ass setpiece moments that nobody enjoys and that are leftover material from versus.

>TFW Tabata was given a gameplan for the Versus parts and still fucked up

Also he was the director - he failed at implementing it.

>The whole dev team got replace
>The whole story got rewrite
>The character got rewrite
>Sub character redesign
>Redone the combat system because Tabby want one button combat
>Somehow HomoKing is to blame for everything wrong with the game


But user, FFXV-kun told me that when Nomura left Tabata changed and fixed everything

And it was for the best.
All the cringey webms are of parts that are salavged from Versus.
Versus was a vaporware cringe-ridden piece of shit and when FFXV goes lowest it's basically kingdom hearts without disney.
When it's best it's when you're exploring the open world on chocobos without any angsty narrative or poorly choreographed fights.

The second half of the game is basically versus with a few characters shuffled arround.
The entire open first part is all tabata's doing.
Dude didn't have unlimited time and budget like nomura to clown around.

So is this the latest narrative as to why FFXV is a trainwreck?

Just last year you fags were claiming that Nomura was the saviour

>you will never be a professional video game journalist

It just came out today. Final Fantasy games are like 80 hours long. How have you guys played enough to form an opinion on it?

Tabata actually just frontloaded the game with open world exploration and left the entire second half to be "true to nomura's vision" and the seconf half of the game is the one that gets all the hate for it's cringey dialog and cutscenes.

I finished the main story in 24 hours

I sincerely doubt this was the case, user.

Unless, of course, Nomura left detailed instructions, scripts, screenplays, animation boards, soundtracking, etc. Which obviously didn't happen considering Versus was absolutely nothing until 2011.

So, Uh, Basically everything has been redone in XV and when the game got bash for it...HomoKing is somehow to blame? At least come up with a better excuse, mate.

But then why beginning part of the game is good (Especially Kingsglaive), but second part is garbage shit like type-0?

Whatever gets you to sleep at night user.

because tabata

>I sincerely doubt this was the case, user.
IGN basically states it in the OP video.

Oh I see, you're trolling and misrepresenting information.

The second part of the game is basically all that was salvageable from versus.
The first half is all tabata's doing. The open world, the camping, the road trip.
The angsty setpieces about muh darkness are all from nomura's retarded stunted manchild brain.

versus was open world too

They flat out state it.
Also the second half of the game plays out like a kingdom farts game with it's linear setpiece nature and angsty story.

The beginning (Attack on Insomnia, design, fight system base) is good, but then it goes type-0 copypaste with rails and linear shit from tabata.
Isn't it?

You knows that Tabata himself said XV and V13 is a totally different game isn't it?

I want to marry Iris.

No, really, stop trolling.

>The open world, the camping, the road trip.
This was always Nomuras gameplan though

Get a job where you make more money, (not that difficult), and where you don't have to live in shitty LA or San Francisco, (also not difficult). Then play the video games that you want in you free time. You will probably have fewer opportunities to play vidya than a video game "journalist", but such is life.

I think xv-kun is damage controlling after he realized the game he's been defending for the past couple of years isn't all it's cracked up to be

V13 is also an open world, your point?

You are aware this totally speculation, correct?

This Openworld is shit. World and atmosphere is good. But world is from Tabata, right?

It never was.
It was linear setpieces.

But he doesn't say anything like that.

Also he was the director. He should have directed it better.

Nah, that was only implemented when tabata took over.
Nomura just jacked off to underage boys and made a bunch of setpieces that didnt even run on the ps4.

why lie, or just go look up the 2010 trailer

But there were trailers of Versus where its linearity was open nature was apparent.

We have like 3 screen shots of Versus, and they're all in large open areas using a mock up of the system seen in FFXV. Nomura was very upfront about the bro aspect and the road trip.

And up until last year, you fanboys were damage controlling to find any semblance of Nomuras vision remaining in tact.

Stop trolling

It was literally a concept that Nomura was shilling for years.

>And up until last year, you fanboys were damage controlling to find any semblance of Nomuras vision remaining in tact
Fucking this. Do the FFXV fags think we have short memories or something? We fucking waited for V13.

Butthurt much, XV-Kun? That your beloved Tabby is even more of a fucking hack than a homo like Nomura?

>open world

>Final Fantasy games are like 80 hours long
Most are actually around 30-40 hours. XV is pretty damn short and also many people have had it days early, not just Peruvians.

>And up until last year, you fanboys were damage controlling to find any semblance of Nomuras vision remaining in tact.
I don't understand. Why would they do this? What part of his vision isn't intact in the final game? There are changes, but not necessarily negative ones. The combat of V13 looked horrible, like Dirge of Cerberus bad.

nice meme

He doesn't confirm shit, he said it was his theory

>a homo like Nomura
Is there actual evidence that he's gay, or are you just meming?

so tabata is the one to blame for wasting my fucking time with this barren empty open world?

>What part of his vision isn't intact in the final game?
It's more like what parts (besides the main party) are still in

>IGN confirms
wow it's fucking nothing

Open world is a pretty good meme, in the same way that the success of an infectious disease is based off how much damage it causes.

No. He didnt even know if he would put a world map into VERSUS.

Who else?

>Final Fantasy XV: Why Open World is Superior
Nice of IGN to put their shit opinion right on title of the video so I'll know not to watch it.

>The big news, and most crucial to Final Fantasy fans, is that Versus will have a huge open field. According to Square Enix's Tetsuya Nomura, the game's horizon goes "really far" and it'll take quite a bit of walking to reach the end. It will be populated by monsters, some of which may be random encounters
Uhh... lol you people are delusional.

Take a shower
Hit the weights
Get a clue

>don't understand. Why would they do this? What part of his vision isn't intact in the final game?
The story and characters are completely different



>According to then-Technology Director Julien Merceron, the 'universal engine' Toriyama's team built couldn't handle Versus 13 anymore - because it had been so carefully designed to fit FF13's specifications, it now buckled under the vast open-world environments that had been designed for Versus 13 with technical specifications, making it virtually unusable.

>vast open-world environments that had been designed for Versus 13



You think you're ready for this level of shitposting?
Take a bump.

>open world
How can you say that after 2015?

Thanks for sharing what my link says. Not sure it was needed though

Why have a world map when the game was going to be open world you cuck

>blame your shitty game on Nomura despite directing it for four long years
This guy is done. He will never be allowed to touch another non-mobile game again. Now he's deflecting to a colleague which is considered shameful. He just fucked himself even harder.

What was the original story? Two characters were eliminated and the party doesn't escape from the city, but that's hardly making it completely different. The characters don't look that different from what we saw in the trailers.

OP absoLUTELY BTFO repeatedly and endlessly

>What part of his vision isn't intact in the final game?
Well, from what we knows Character and Story has been rewritten from the ground up confirm by Nojima and Tabata. Also, combat system is completely different so almost everything is changed except some character design, name and warp strike.

Actually, Tabata himself even said it's a completely different game and that's it.

No one knows, just that Tabata took a lot of liberties with the script and characters.

I can believe most of the story is still Nomura. Nobody would have an ending that retarded but him.

Have you played Type-0?

I've NEVER seen a fanbase cannibalize itself like th FFXV fanbase. Their game didn't review as well as they'd hoped and IMMEDIATELY shifting blame to a guy that was never really involved. And this happens all the fucking time.


>random encounters

Why does he dress like a fatherless 14 year old

Have you played 3rd birthday

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

Maybe there wasn't much of a game to be different from. I doubt they somehow made the game terrible just to appeal to Westerners.

He's a HomoKing, a goddamn manchild, look at him and you could tell.

I didn't say that, why post

>nomura fans calling other people cucks when their homosexual idol was cucked out of his game
Because nomura confirmed a world map you cuck.

Sorry for what?

Any sane person will blame Tabata and his incompetence at being game director.

Play any Tabata game

>All edgy
>All with downer endings
>All with terrible battle systems

If FFXV isn't a tabata game I don't know what is


Open world doesn't mean shit when there's nothing to do

>"Not everything is connected together, so the various areas have different levels of progress. However, you can fly across the world map in an air ship," confirms Nomura.




not a argument

>"Not everything is connected together, so the various areas have different levels of progress. However, you can fly across the world map in an air ship," confirms Nomura.

N O M U R A C U C K B T F O!

This. The signs were all there

I liked type 0's gameplay tbqh. Also liked having the large cast with different playstyles. That was about the only thing the game got right.

You're really that upset that tabata lied to you, aren't you xv-kun?

And it was a ps3 game at one point cuck

kek, you quoted me if as I give a shit in trying to attack or defend this game and not merely attacking using IGN's speculation as proof.

Also, how am I supposed to interpret this statement: as supporting or opposing IGN's speculation?

The real cuck here is you, because you were cucked out of your faggy little nomura simulator.