What's the shortest JRPG you've ever played?
What's the shortest JRPG you've ever played?
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That's just embarrassing.
Think I got about that much out of Koudelka.
did you just rush the main story line? Theres at least 50 hours of other shit to do
>Theres at least 50 hours of other shit to do
barely 40
beat FFIV 100% on PSP in like 13 hours, but dat auto battle feature which speeds up the animations probably helped with that number
Probably Dragon Quest in about 8 hours. But it still has more content than FFXV.
what a disaster
>people are complaining about 50 hour game
i fucking hate this site
Legend of legaia?
They really put a huge emphasis on the car. Does it go to the afterlife also? They should have added it to the logo a few seconds after noctis pops up on it.
Well XBC was 50 hours to prison island
God they look like fucking FAGGOTS
What were they thinking
I spent 150+ hours on that, good times.
Man, 10 hours is crazy long, I don't know why people are giving the game so much shit
You can beat some WRPG "Masterpieces" in less than 5 minutes
This game was LITERALLY released today and it's already been beaten, content explored.. maybe you should rethink your comment.
That game is all about the mods.
Panzer Dragoon Saga is pretty short at 20 hours
Also Dragon Warrior
Hi XV-kun, I still see you're crying about how bad Sup Forums is yet you have nowhere else to fuck off to, because you've been banned everywhere else.
Final Fantasy VIII was 50 hours before leaving Balamb Island.
This game is around 15 hours long. 20+ if you 100% it.
When the creators spent 8 years saying they were adding open world to make the game have a huge amount of content, then the final game is just a typical linear FF game with a lot of ground to drive through, its perfectly acceptable to call them out on it.
It also shows a big problem when previous 2D FF games have more to do than a game that took 10 years to make. And the 2D FF games are still really weak in content compared to most JRPGs.
A game isnt finished until you caught every fish in the game
It's short, but still manages to be padded as fuck.
>Travel time between key points can be at least 15-20 minutes real time with virtually fuck all worth stopping for in between
>You can drive manually, but it's basically on rails and anything other than holding RT the whole time makes the car spazz out, so you're better off using autodrive
I miss the times when you could circumnavigate the planet with your airship in a few seconds. Those were good days.
Maybe you should rethink yours. People have no-lifed games to completion in one day for ages. Fucking Persona 5 had spoilers the DAY it came out.
>promised well over 100 hours of content
>main game is just over 10 hours maybe 15
>just over 50 hours to fucking 100%
>wonder why people complain
Please buy the DLC for the other 50 hours of content!
holy fuck now thats a joke game. You're telling me one of the PC's absolute masterpieces can be beaten in about as much time as an NES game?
Makes me want to play XCX
Lightning returns, proof that girth>length
Chrono trigger which is about as long as that
In both ways.
Of all the autistic shut to complain about XV, time completion isn't one.
> before release
72 hours to beat a boss? What a disaster!!!!! Conan San let me suck your fucking cock!
> game can be 100% in 50-60 hours
What a disaster! They had ten years to make this fucking game! I'm still down to guzzle Conan's dick though.
Seriously, Fallout 4, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 90% of one hundred hour games including "GOTYAY" Witcher 3 got to their 100 hour mark through ridiculous boring and redundant repetition.
I don't know what my verdict of XV is yet, but you bitches complaining about time should just play a fucking mmo if all you shits care about is a fucking time sink.
> I don't have THREE WHOLE DAYS to play a video game now!
Jesus, You Hypocritical cunts.
>time completion isn't one
Illusion of Gaia
6 hours
>I don't know what my verdict of XV is yet
Maybe play it and find out how bad it is before sperging out like XV-kun.
I'd actually buy it if an average playtime was that short.
I hate the length of jrpgs. There's a difference between getting your money's worth and getting your time wasted.
Or you are just a normalfag
Read you dickless faggot.
> the man who lingers on video game PR
Same shot everyday. Either this board is so fun stupid they treat every game trailer and PR statement a blood oath or are never interested in playing the game to begin with.
So do you want to admit Tabata was your lord and savior or you're just dicing around with a series you never cared for? Can't tell which.
Those type of speed runs are about exploits brah.
calm down you fucking retard you haven't even finished the shitty game yet
>tfw got over 100 hours of play out of mgsv and had more fun with it too even though the world was just as empty
Mgsv doesn't deserve the hate it got but XV does
Half-Minute Hero.
Meanwhile I got 120 hours out of Xenoblade 1 doing everything and 150 hours out of XCX without doing everything.
Crisis core
MGS V for 100% need 150 hours, how many need FF XV for 100%?
The shortest, the feeling "that's the closest to a FFT2 you will ever get" made me reach this playtime on a single year.
You what?
This was with plenty of side quests and fucking around. Last save before Dickson.
Xenoblade X is garbage.
Why do people care? Longer games tend to overstay their welcome and you end up just wanting it to end. Ni No Kuni was too fucking long for example, as was Xenoblade X.
Xenoblade X was terrible and just padded everything out with awful quests and mandatory affinity grinding.
Funny enough it suffers from the same problems as 15. Shitty characters and story.
>at endgame in 44 minutes
>world record speedrun is 3.5 hours, and they do it in NG+ to trivialize the combat with Monado III
Xenoblade X had more problems.
Like playing like shit, having too many forced grinding segments, awful voice acting, a dead world, terrible quest composition, awful animation all around, terrible music, and just being a padded out mess
Chrono Trigger
Are you retarded?
Wrong. GOOD, long games do not overstay their welcome. Whereas bad, long games do.
FFXV is neither good, nor long. It's shit.
I actually liked Xenoblade Chronicles X' story and characters. The way the story progresses doesn't do it much good though. Neither does an entirely open ending. Regardless, the concept of the world is intriguing on it's own. The story supports it, but not strongly. Not to mention, sidequests/mains were amazing. I just wish I could have used that Ma'non that joined BLADE in my party.
I doubt FFXV has an equally interesting concept and even more bland characters.
What's an example of a good, long game?
I can think of the Witcher 3.
Did you beat FF15? What's your PSN?
15 hours at best even if you do all the sidequests. At least they were good 15 hours, with no padding or bullshit.
Even jrpg games that are known for being short take longer like DQ3, Chrono Trigger and Shadow Hearts 1. Not only that their better games than XV.
Dragon Quest series is pretty shit though. That's a bad example.
I wouldn't mind the game being short if you know it was actually good with it's story and gameplay which XV has neither.
So wait, why is FF15 so bad? You keep saying it, but have you played it?
many classic RPGs, especially Wizardry 6, 7, and 8. Gothic 2 is a more recent example of a long, good game. These games will take roufhly 60 hours to beat, and remain good from start to end. I'm not posting my PSN here.
Witcher 3 is garbage, by the way.
Wizardry is dry as fuck. Gothic 2 isnt even that long, and it gets repetitive fast.
Those are pretty poor examples.
So you haven't played FF15 I guess, got it. I guess you can't trust everyone who's too much of a pussy to share a username.
Nah, you either have shit taste or played the wrong DQ games. Even the FF series took longer to get good starting with FF6 you could argue FF4 was good but not really. DQ got good with DQ 3.
Why are they dressed like even bigger faggots than usual?
>I've never played a DQ game beyond fighting slimes
>10 hours
Thank god. I'm in.
Seriously I have been playing XIII for about four years now and I haven't hit the open world yet.
Dragon Quest is so vanilla, boring and poorly written and plays super slow. I have tried playing a few of them, there is a reason they are only popular in Japan. THey are just boring timesinks that amount to awful plots. They are only popular for their artstyle.
Gonna be fun when even nier is longer than this.
>Expecting miracles from capcom
It's a surprising solid game otherwise
Ah, yes. Like I'll fall for that. I don't believe for one second that someone who enjoyed Witcher 3 could think the games that I listed were bad. If you're serious then there's obviously something wrong with you.
When you're high you see through every bodies posts and they look so fucking stupid. So fucking dumb. I think I'm starting to get too old for this place, 22 is way past the age to still be vicious about your opinion and opinions on other games.
>1 hour of playtime for every year of development time
>released today
Jokes on you, buddy, been playing this games since saturday and i'm liking it.
>hurf durf I'm so old at 22 man my back is giving out back in my day
Literally kill yourself. You're a child.
Yep, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Just look at these fucking man children and their vicious mimicking attitudes. It's fucking disgusting. Who even acts this way? It's got to be satire.
Your dick.
Like pottery.
This is fake, right? Even World of Final Fantasy was 40 hours.
If you skip cutscenes, you can run it pretty quick
Hi there newfriend!
Hello user! Welcome to Sup Forums! Here's a gift basket to make you more welcome :)
My recent thought is that they're developing 16 already, kinda like 8 and 9.
13 Versus was in the works and they changed the name to 15 so that they could squeeze out some more sales, but 16 is something different that's they've been working on.
How do I git gud in this game and FFT? I suck at this kind of game
It leaked last week, faggot.
I seriously can't stop laughing. Are you welcoming me or is that the same monotonous post every "person" needs to regurgitate whenever somebody makes a general fact on this places atmosphere which gets ironically mistaken for not acting the same as everybody else? I've been here a while, but please tell me this is all a ruse. You really are the bottom of the barrels.
You mongoloids do realize that FFXV completely blew its storrage capacity, right? They literally couldn't fit more on the damn disk.
All that clutter for something so shallow
>DQ is so shit!
>you know, from the few I've tried to play...begrudgingly...against my will.....and only for an hour
>taking the bait
Just stop responding already. That's their fucking goal idiot.
Did he trigger you?
Wow dude. Who pissed in your corn flakes?
These threads are retarded, not an ff fan but there's always a speedrun. Yes, you can finish fallout in an hour, no i will never finish fallout in under 60.
It's just shitposting.