Perfect games don't exi--

Perfect games don't exi--

ds3 was shit



Not an argument.

DS and BB were better. Even DeS was better.

A perfect game would appeal to every single person in existence, have infinite playable content, never get boring, and be completely devoid of bugs and glitches.
Therefore, perfect games do not exist. The closest you'll ever get is a 9.9/10 game, and Dark Souls 3 certainly is not that game.

i thought it was pretty good.

>Therefore, perfect games do not exist.
I was about to say Tetris but that's a singleplayer game. Snafu, however, is a game that appeals to everyone in ways Tetris cannot, so your argument is null.

They fucked up the invasions. Gank squad all day


wrong game bro

>Need to grind chalice dungeons to PvP
>Even if you get the best possible gems, that just means wheels 2 shot you instead of 1 shot you

>R1 spam: the game

I may fucking love messing with twinblades/dex, but let's not get carried away here

Remember the days when Dex was shit, that was some good times.


DS3 is my favourite of the series but making rolling use so little stamina was a mistake

I also remember the days when faith was OP as shit for PvE

I still go back to DS1 for some of that Sunlight blade + Heal + Lightning spear funtimes

BB 10/10
DS2 7/10
DS1 9/10
Demon Souls 8/10
DS3 6/10

DaS3 is shit, as far as the others go.

Could be that I played it right after beating BB Old Hunters, so it just never reached the same heights ever.

It was perfect for the first playthrough
But then
You know
Every one after is the same
And it suffers from the same issues Bloodborne does in the builds department

>Slow, heavy weapons are now far less viable

you meant to post this game, OP.

It's ok, fix'd it for you

>bothering with PvP in the game that has the worst PvP

laugh at him

I'm tired of this meme.

DS3, nor probably any game ever will even compare to DS1 for what it did. And even that's not perfect at all. I just find it very hard to understand how anyone could think the second or third were anything compared to the first.

Where do you stand on Bloodborne?

Is R1 straight sword spam still automatically best for pve? I want to play it again but my autism won't allow me to play too suboptimally, and I don't want to do the straight sword thing again...

Come on anything but memeweapons are viable for pve. It's pvp against tryhards that's the problem.

>Want to replay and start a new build
>No master key hella shortcut
>No branching paths or options for what to beat first
>Hope you like mandatory undead burg and pitchforks!

Is this a jojo reference?

Haven't played yet, lack of PS4. But for the Lovecraftian influence I'm pretty sure I'll like it a lot. But even it can't really create the feeling of playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time. How many other games have emerged to change many modern gaming conventions, created a new form of storytelling, made a truly hard-but-fair -gameplay and literally helped thousands of people with their personal problems like depression and anxiety? It cannot really be recreated. Thematic elements in the latter games are nowhere near as strong, level design has gone downhill and they've just taken away so many things that made the game a great endurance round. Bonfire teleport from the start in of it's self makes the other games so much worse.

My nigger.

It's a dumb shallow R1 mashfest, more so than its predecessors. Like a beat em up without challenge or depth.

A complaint about the PvP meta in a game that has 8 million other elements going in it's favor does not somehow disprove the fact that BB is a damn fine game. Chalice dungeons and the blood gems are a minor blemish.

Dark Souls 3's more linear level design made it more fun.

I dunno, call me crazy, but From has way better level design when they aren't trying to interconnect everything. If they ever go back to DaS1 level design that's cool, but I think there's a reason they went back to the "teleport to the hub and choose where you want to go" method. These games feel much more focused when each of the areas function as levels rather than new areas.

now this has to be a jojo reference

Dark Souls 3 had a lot of bad influences from Dark Souls 2.

When developing Bloodborne, it's as if From had no knowledge of DaS2's existence. It's overall structure and design is akin to Demon's Souls and DaS1 much more than 2 and 3.

You'll enjoy it for sure. I'm not sure if as much as DaS1, but it's unanimously agreed to be very close to it as a Souls game, if not on par. It's my personal favorite in the series.

The game's pacing fucking dies at Road of Sacrifice, slows down even further at Farron Keep, and maintains that snail pace until you get to fucking Irithyll. That's a huge segment that feels completely subpart compared to the rest of the game.

I didn't play DeS but this looks right.

>DS2 7/10
>DS3 6/10

This is wrong.

I'd moist her main snail if you know what I mean.

Do people just hate this game because they're PvP shitters?

Nah it's pretty much spot on, Dark Souls 3 is the worst game in the series easily. The shitty spammy combat alone makes it a chore to play

>but I think there's a reason they went back to the "teleport to the hub and choose where you want to go" method.
But you can't even do that in DaS3. I'd make sense in DeS and DaS2.


It is like calling Devil May Cry part of the Resident Evil series just because it was based off of an early build of one of the games, or Destiny part of the Halo series just because they are both Sci-Fi FPS made by the same developer.

Got a problem with the Bloodborne combat?

Then you should seperate Dark Souls and Demon's Souls too because there is no such thing as a "Souls series" since Demon's and Dark are completely new IPs that have nothing to do with each other.

>I think there's a reason they went back to the "teleport to the hub and choose where you want to go"

Lothric Castle is the only choice you get until you can choose between the Cathedral of the Deep, Farron Keep, or the painting.

>shitty spammy combat

I don't understand what you mean by that.

Yup, it's shit in DS3

This meme again.

>same core gameplay mechanics
>same core controls
>level design
>recurring characters
>vague lore

It's Dark Souls with guns, werewolves, and Cthulhu. Stop being a faggot.

fuck you and your sh8 b8 m8

DeS = BB > DaS > DaS3 > DaS2

The game's all about getting a first hit in and then mashing R1 until the enemy's dead thanks to the fact that there's like 5 enemy types with poise in the entire damn game.

>lel memes xD
>pls buy a ps4!

The decision by game director Hidetaka Miyazaki to create a new intellectual property (IP) and not another Souls game was made because Miyazaki wanted to create something "different"; at the same time, Sony wanted a new IP to be made exclusively for the PlayStation 4.

This, Bloodborne and DS3's combat is shit

The problem is that you're treating Bloodborne like a Souls game when it's not. It's not even the same fucking IP. Souls games are the ones that are more fantasy, and they're the ones that, prior to DaS3, had a large variety of environment to them. DaS3 is the one that separated itself from the others that way, because "people like city areas the most so let's do it". Bloodborne did not separate from the others when it wasn't even a part of the others in the first place.

I've played every single Souls game and even I think DS3 sucked. Least replayability of all the games...yes, including 2.

Ok? Just because it's under a different name doesn't mean it doesn't have all the fundamentals of every other Souls game. The reason people compare the games to each other all the time is because of the exact similarities in GAMEPLAY, you fucking idiots.

> literally helped thousands of people with their personal problems like depression and anxiety

what the heck is this meme

I meant to reply to this guy, too:

>It's not even the same fucking IP
Neither is Demon's Souls. But if you think that it can be part of the "Souls series" whatever the fuck that is while Bloodborne cannot you're a hypocrite.

Seriously fuck this new meme and the retard who game up with it. It was that FF autist wasn't it?

It's been circulating the twittersphere for about a year now, how sheltered are you?

Linearity with just a few parcels of branching worked great though. I mean in the master key for 1 let you skip the 'tutorial' part of undead burg and the most annoying parts of sewers/blight. You can have a design that is meant to be traversed one way, but have interconnections and shortcuts for explorers and replayers. 2 had several optional paths but it's not like they were open world, they were each mostly-linear paths, that's the real asset I see in that game. 3's answer to linearity is the worst.

If I'm not mistaken BB is also bad at this, only just now playing it.

Also hey I respect your opinion and I hope your night's going well

>If I'm not mistaken BB is also bad at this, only just now playing it.

Don't let the Sony bronies ITT hear you say that!

*Actually BB does have some good, optional exploration that kinda starts from the cathedral ward and the first boss is skippable, I'll have a better idea of how this feels when I replay it.


>Just now playing it

I'm actually on NG+, and the amount of extra paths I missed in my first playthrough is pretty fucking mind-blowing, almost on the same level of DaS1.

>your social life


nothing in dark souls 3 is as engaging as sen's fortress, blighttown, undead burg, hell even the depths. if were counting dlc we dont see level design as good as ds2 dlc levels or old hunters either. it also made the default Milquetoast playstyle (straightsword and maybe greatsword) the best instead of how dark souls 1 made it the worst in the long run(aside from daggers I guess).

it was concerningly linear as well. moreso than any other souls game, bar none.

the combat isnt bad, but its worse than any other game aside from dark souls 2 (fucking shitty animations and adaptability. plus the directional imput is fucked up for some reason). it's as fast as bloodborne if not faster, and yet they forgot that rallying was intended to basically make up for bullshit damage you would take because of this. enemies can also be really shit. some attacks have light-speed startups, some with identical startup animations as other attacks they use. back from bloodborne is that absolutely stupid bullshit command grab thing enemies do, especially bad when the "tell" for this is "I'm running in your direction". the hitboxes in ds3 can actually be really fucking good, its the bullshit movesets that make everyone call them crap. also, attacking through walls is back and worse than ever. there's also specific complaints to be made, like the fucking teleporting dogs that walk through walls, but i think that the nuns in the dungeon get too much hate. theyre much more fair than their equivalent in des or BB.

>Thinking twitter is social interaction
ahahahahahahahahaaha you're funny user.

You mean being similar to Bloodborne. Throwing bunch of enemies with no health at you is a BB thing.


people at least like to highlight that it doesnt have "that bad part". a lost izalith, a stonefang, a nightmare frontier frenzyfest. that's because of how fucking safe they play it. this game is "21st century masters-Dark souls: Greatest hits". I'll admit, I dont like dark souls 2, but it added content to the series that was REMOVED for ds3. shit like dual-wielding and many spells. i would forgive this game if it was the pinnacle of the series. the same but objectively better. but in many ways, it isnt.

this part is if you care about the story. its just as derivative as the gameplay. the story in dark souls 1 was enough to support the game, but ONLY that game. the lore behind the main story right in front of you is barely anything unless youre a dropout english major reaching for views. the same fuckers who cried about dark souls 2 being fanfiction pissed their fucking pants when they saw andre and anor londo and gwyndolin and sieg""""""fried""""""". the story in these games isnt that great, and trying to build a franchise off of just one of them was destined for failure.

I will dislike dark souls 2 until the day I die. and I mean dislike, not just comparatively. they made several strange mistakes to the fundamental way the gameplay plays and i cant ever see past that, and if i did i would see scattershot level design up to the dlc and maybe the gutter/black gulch. it tried harder that dark souls 3. dark souls 3 just looks and feels tired. not counting expansions or new editions, they gave us 5 games in 7 years. I wouldnt mind if they ported the originals, but they need to take a break before coming back for more souls. for fromsoft fanboys out there, if it makes you feel better i blame bamco moreso than from, but the point remains that there was little reason for me to have bought dark souls 3 after playing the first 2, especially if i also played bloodborne. not bad but nothing to write home about.

if you have never heard the "exi--" joke then you clearly don't have any friends your age.

The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst is just a joke.

>gun does 50% health
>infinite stamina
>infinite ammo
>can heal
>Can get a lucky parry that is an insta kill

In fact, every hunter that you fight in this game (outside of bosses like Maria) our flat out, unfun and completely repetitive.

Is there a way to cheese this shit because i'm getting tired of grinding him out each playthrough.


Its good but until the remaster where they finally fixed the 30fps physics bug I wouldnt say it was 'perfect'

Final boss.

no one is disagreeing.

>the story in dark souls 1 was enough to support the game, but ONLY that game. the lore behind the main story right in front of you is barely anything unless youre a dropout english major reaching for views. the same fuckers who cried about dark souls 2 being fanfiction pissed their fucking pants when they saw andre and anor londo and gwyndolin and sieg""""""fried""""""". the story in these games isnt that great, and trying to build a franchise off of just one of them was destined for failure.

Explain more about this

>mfw beat bloody crow on my first try
>which was on ng+

Just time your shots and parry him, dummy. In other words, gitgud.

Bloodbornefags are the worst fanbase on Sup Forums

You can't even have a blatant bait thread about a different Souls game without them barging in and claiming that BB is perfect 10/10 masterpiece

Now that NVfags have finally settled down you're the new obnoxious cancer

aw i know. that's the only flaw.

bingo, they're too old to know hardly any internet culture.


BB > DaS >DaS3 > DeS > LotF > DaS2

You fags. Ds3 is GOTY therefore all of your opinions are invalid. Its literally the best game. BTFO

It will be the best if we see serpent/new londo again otherwise this is bullshit

Mad PCuck?

are you ready, Sup Forums?

Do you not know that you can dual wield in Ds3?

It will surpass Bloodborne's fedora-tier gameplay.


the scanario in dark souls one was almost completely setup in the opening cutscene. the major players and their roles are known. then it introduces you, and gives you an explanation and motivation to keep playing the game. throughout the game, youre exposed to the consequences of the prologue cutscenes, and learn some more details about the happenings of your setting (it starts out with characters like the crestfallen warrior, and ends with characters like the red qizard guy and kaathe), until you reach the end. unless you decide the winning move is not to play (if so, they your best bet is to hit the power button) you make it to the first flame, and take up the mantle of lord of cinder or ditch it to start a new era, depending on how you were exposed to the climate of this game.

that's the frank way of describing the story in dark souls 1, and its barely gripping as it is. the lord does NOT make up for a story not being good. it can support a story, but its akin to a commentary track.

"the cycle continues. youre the new undead, and you must seek the final boss." isnt a good story. both ds2 and 3 tried to build onto ds1 but there was so little to build onto they just come off as imitations. everyone from ds1 is mostly dead and most locations have changed, the terminology and mechanics of the plot points have been altered, so it cant function as a remake/re-imagining. and the new characters dont help. bloodborne had more memorable npcs. ds3 really took that "everyone in a dark souls game does the crazy laugh at the end of a rant" thing seriously.

dark souls' story didnt just need to get bigger and longer, it needed to improve. now theres just more mess on top of what is functionally a plain fantasy adventure 3+ times.

Maybe if they bring back the Alpha mechanics and balance.
Dual wielding in DS3 is very different to Power Stance.

the select weapons are not the same as power-stancing.


i dont know why thats still in there as "lord" i corrected it two fucking times

>Need to grind chalice dungeons to PvP
is this what people believe? i only did a few and i do fine in PvP. like, what would be the benefits? legitimately curious

>I will dislike dark souls 2 until the day I die.

what do you like about dark souls 2 and 3?

i was about to answer you, but considering what you quoted, did you mean to say "liked"?

because overall, in spite of how i feel about them i still enjoyed 3 enough but honestly cant recommend 2.