The most heartbreaking thing about all this is that all of their other IPs are going to suffor for it

The most heartbreaking thing about all this is that all of their other IPs are going to suffor for it.

>FFVII Remake's budget will probably get slightly smaller but not much because it's probably what they're pushing hardest next

>Kingdom Hearts 3's budget will get hit hard

>FFXIV, their main cash cow right now, will have their budget fucking nuked to make up for their loss

Tabata didn't just ruin one game. He ruined several for years to come.

Other urls found in this thread:

The 10m figure is wrong and out of context but to be fair the actual number should be around 6m, and FFXV wont sell 6m. Ever.

>Gravity Rush 2 and western release of Persona 5 were delayed because of this piece of shit game
Fuck you

>actually liking shit megami hentai

>all the other IPs are going to suffer
>two FF games and a KH game

The IPs which suffered are all the other Square properties which have been killed over the last 15 years to put more development time and money into Final Fantasy games. Including XIV and VII remake. I'm talking Chrono, Mana, SaGa, Musashi, etc.

Not to mention all the Enix properties which keep getting ignored in the west. Gotta save that million in advertising a half dozen DQ games to give a few 10 second commercials for FFXV!

Did you post on the wrong thread or something?

>and FFXV wont sell 6m. Ever.
I will likely sell more than 6 million in Burgerstan alone.

>Not to mention all the Enix properties which keep getting ignored in the west. Gotta save that million in advertising a half dozen DQ games to give a few 10 second commercials for FFXV!
It sells enough in Japan and you don't have to even advertise DQ games in Japan. They have an instinctual thing which unconsciously draws them towards stores for their release days.
The "west" is largely irrelevant to the DQ series. I know, something painful for American to accept but it's true.

No FF game has ever sold 6 million in any region. The best selling FF game, FFVII, sold 4 million in America, out of 9 million worldwide. This game isn't going to even break 3 million in America. And if the negative press keeps going on, it would even break 2 million.

SaGa is getting a new game though.

" 10 million is the studio's personal goal, not how many it needs to move to turn a profit. "

Don't be a faggot and spread lies.

>hur dur memes
Dragon Quest has huge advertising in Japan. The series pretty much invented the advertising methods other games use in Japan now. That is, using magazines and local events to develop word of mouth.

In the west however, these methods do not work. You have to resort to bulk advertising. And SquareEnix does bulk advertising for Final Fantasy, but not for Dragon Quest.

what the fuck is going on in this gif?

Jokes on you, XIV's budget can't get any smaller!


maybe they will learn that not everyone wants the shitty faux action RPG combat.

>XIV's budget can't get any smaller!
They could cut all development for the next expansion, kill updates and gradually close servers.

FFXIV is getting plenty of budget. More than it should given its massive drop in subs.

>learn from their mistakes

Then they wouldn't be Square anymore.

>the 10-year development hell was Tabata's fault

I don't give even a single fuck about SquareEnix's other IPs though

The people who like it know not to say on this board, and shitpost like everyone else. Sup Forums is just being the vocal minority again. Something something if Sup Forums hates it it's good.

nice conjecture but it's actually selling like hotcakes and will more than likely break even

Chrono is better off dead, it had a good game, didn't need a sequel

Do your part and buy a copy Sup Forums

>Mankind Divided was cut in half because of this shitty game

But I don't want another game like this one.

You mean it was...... divided?

Doesn't matter. Like OP said if this game fails then everything else does.

Also there wont be another one, this fucking game took 10 goddamn years to finally come out, its done.

>Kingdom Hearts 3's budget will get hit hard

Who gives a shit, they have dragged this shit on for so long does anyone even care if it gets released anymore?

Maybe finally this AAA trash will die

I might get a copy when it hits $20 in a couple of weeks

I do believe this was a misunderstanding.

10 million is their 'goal'

I think breaking even is much more than that.

It won't. But hopefully SquareEnix themselves will stop focusing on AAA games. For the amount they spent making just FFXV, they could have made 30 medium budget games.

AAA games dont even take as long as 15.
15 is just a huge cluster fuck.
hell it is not even FF15, it is FF13Vs at its core and it shows.

at least MGSV had the excuse of made a whole new engine.

Why did so many people want FF13Vs? I thought people didnt like FF13? I am new to the series so don't judge.

Hell, for the amount they spent on FFXV, they could have made 30 high budget games. Just high budget games with a decent time table.

It's astounding that big publishers still haven't figured out that inflated budgets are a death sentence.

I've watched about an hour of streams tonight and I've seen
>dress up
>dining out
>CD shopping
>car painting
>the worst load times I've ever seen (literally ever)
>shitty graphics
>shitty frame rates
>a fat ugly streamer dirty talk an npc

All of that and no combat. I was about to complain but then saw it. And holy fuck
>we're in the money
>retard jumping
>Take cover to recover HP and MP
>oh, hai there opening san~~
>bland as fuck environments

Please erase this franchise from my memory.

You dont know the ins and out of the final fanatsy series?..guize look at this guy he doesnt know ha ha

What we now know as FFXV was originally announced as Final Fantasy XIII Versus. And was specifically said to be a game set in another universe with no story ties to FFXIII.

But that doesn't mean it would have been good. FF fans basically did what they always did. FFXIII was bad so they convinced themselves that the next FF game, which at the time was the announced FFVersus, would be good enough to overtake FFXIII. Anyone who wasn't blinded by hype was weary that FFVersus would be just as bad as the previous FF games. And in the end, it turned out to be.

>Using streams to judge anything
Fucking retarded.

It was called Versus XIII because it was Nomura's idea of what FF XIII should be.

>Take cover to recover HP and MP
Even without that you can't die, when your HP hits zero you just walk slower and can't attack until a buddy of yours taps your shoulder.

Yeah much better off watching the trailers and reading developer interviews.

Oh right I'll just hit up some review sites, you stupid twat.

>FF13 comes out everyone is hyped about it
>it is shit railroad otaku/fujoshi idol worship pandering
>everyone else thinks it is shit
>SE still thinks it is popular so they make 2 sequels and say they are gonna make Vs from the villains point of view
>the sequels are blasted for being the same shit
>SE panics and turns 13Vs to 15

it was not so much people wanted it as SE did not say shit about after it was announced until they confirmed it was being converted to a new unconnected FF as FF15.

Squeenix needs to fucking die already along with almost every other Japanese developer. It's all the same shit coming from them
>play it safe with familiar titles and IPs
>add some gimmicks
>new successful series does well for a first game, but then the inevitable sequel(s) get worse and has too many typical hamfisted anime tropes

>Final Fantasy is the only SquareEnix IP
>all Japanese games are Final Fantasy
No, pretty much people like you just need to stop talking.

Good. Enix ruined FF and I hope it dies so that good RPGs can be made without having to worry about the shadow of this abomination and turn-based games can make a come back instead of action games being called RPGs.

Capcom does the same shit as well.

You're right that they're doing this with FF.

But not all japanese games are bad. Just like not all western games are good.

The issue is name recognition matters more than quality. It's why Fallout 4 sold a lot. It's why Skyrim was the best selling of the series. It's why People are still buying FF games even though they've completely changed genre.

Japan still makes some good games, but all their best game makers are old now.

please dont insult action games.
they play alot better. ARPGs combat never even comes close to Darksiders/God of War. not even gonna bring up DMC/Bayo/MGR

Maybe now well get an actual Final Fantasy game and not the shit we've gotten for the last 8 years.

13 and 15 are the WRONG direction to take, and I will not buy another one until they stop being shit.

Konami did it even worse. So much so that it killed itself. But still, not all Japanese companies are Konami and Square. And even the Enix side of SquareEnix doesn't do this stupid shit.

Other companies like Vanillaware, From Software and even Nintendo aren't using the Final Fantasy model.

>opinions opinions opinions

I didn't say action games were bad. I like turn based games better. Changing a genre of a game from one to the other is bad. Make a new IP if you don't want to make turn based games anyway.

Turn based games aren't popular because a huge amount of new consumers of video games are too ADD to play games that require thought and planning. The only games that sell well are "Push X fast to win!" or shooters.

>The issue is name recognition matters more than quality. It's why Fallout 4 sold a lot. It's why Skyrim was the best selling of the series.
but that is wrong.
you can make the argument for Fallout with 3/Nv being popular but they never got huge.
as for Elder Scrolls. no that was not popular before Skyrim. oh people knew it but it was known like DnD. most people thought it was boring nerd shit with slow crappy combat(because it is) and some people liked it. Skyrim sold well due the the marketing campaign. it was everywhere. it was pushed hard.

To be fair, the setting isn't the problem. Plenty of people like the scifi/futuristic setting. Final Fantasy VII is the biggest proof of this.

The problem is the stories, characters and gameplay are shit. And for the most part, they always have been. But back on the SNES and PS1, all you needed was flashy graphics to sell a game. Now the majority of games are all trying to go for the same gritty realism, so Final Fantasy doesn't stand out anymore.

As much as I love Musashi, nu-Square needs to keep him dead.

No, the previous Elder scrolls games slowly built up popularity of the series, and with fantasy settings being hip now thanks to things like Game of Thrones, people jumped onto the most popular WRPG they could, which they made way more casual than previous entries.

>The most heartbreaking thing about all this is that all of their other IPs are going to suffor for it.


but VII still managed to make it a styled setting, and went with a cyber-punk feel to it, with magic being a part of the setting, and influencing technology and society.

XV was just modern city with magic and monsters shoehorned in.

You people keep saying this. But you do realize that just ignoring good IPs because bad people currently work at the company is not the answer. The answer is get the people who made the good games of the past to come back to Square. No matter if they work on new IPs or the old ones, bringing back the good developers is what Square needs.

To a point. Most of the game was still just generic fantasy overworld with patches of steampunk and cyberpunk here and there. The only real overall cyberpunk area was Midgar, which you only see for 1/4 the game.

Later FF games actually had more consistent settings. But still focused on graphics and style over substance. And over time, people realized they were just buying a 40 hour FMV, not a game.

This is not the answer. The answer is time moves on and these things are dead, and any revivals are just cash grabs at best.

The creator of FF made Mistwalker and his games didn't sell well, even though the worst Mistalker games is better than almost everything SquarEnix has made.

if they brought him back, he wouldn't have full creative control, and would be forced into make a game with marketable gimmicks, like "open-world" and "cool cars".

What do you mean? Every city/town looked fit perfectly. The idea that Mako was newly discovered, and all these places were impacted by it. They did an amazing job of make the towns and areas look like fantasy settings altered by industrialization.

I think you're grasping at straws.

What is Capcom?
What is SEGA?
What is Nintendo?
What is From Software?
What is Arc System Works?
What is Sony?
What is NamcoBandai?
What is Nippon Ichi Software?
What is Platinum Games?

Dumb fucking idiot.

KH3 is already dead.

>and has too many typical hamfisted anime tropes

Yeah that fucking shit needs to stop.

Hell I can't even watch the FFVII:AC Complete version all the way through because of those annoying utterances that plague anime.

Do I really need to listen to dialogue every 30 seconds? Jesus fucking christ.

Um, FFXIV was already paying for FFXV.

If anything this does nothing but help XIV because it doesn't have XV sponging its income anymore.

that is just the bullshit SE spouts from focus groups.
if it were true Bravery Default would not have sold well and than you know fucking POKEMON is the largest RPG and sales extremely well world wide, and what do you know it uses turned based combat.

and maybe it is true but SE can not live up to the action game play standards. they go for a half step between RPG and action games from the PS1 era. if they came out with a Final Fantasy with as cast of characters who in combat all had a unique play style that incorporated the magic/summon/class abilities to flow smoothly during combat i would fucking love it.

>Character A plays like DMC3 Dante
>Character B plays like War from Darksiders
>Character C plays like Bayonetta
>Character D plays like Viewtiful Joe
>you can switch between the characters freely during the fight

What is Bioware?
What is Bethesda?
What is Blizzard?
What is Activision?
What is EA?

Yup. Its only limited to Japanese companies.

it had its fan base but most people would give it a try and think it was shit. just like DnD.

but as you said they made Skyrim super casual friendly.

VII remake was made for nostagliafags. Watch as it ends up derailing the original game. KH3 will not do that well. People been watching as long as fucking FXV for it. Most of the hype is dead. People who played it back in their teenage years are are workcucks or even married with kids. Only fans that follow the game still was edgelords, autisticfags, and furries. I expect KH3 to be a complete fuckfeast. Nomura has lost it and is now a complete hack like his BFF Kojima. Nomura's hatred was vented into KH3 by the way. So expect so real tryhard shit and watch the series goes complete retard. Tabata saved Square.
Also check em.

But the fact that the majority of areas in the game are simple villages means its not a cyberpunk setting. You have Midgar and Golden Saucer which look like they come from the advanced future, then everything else looks like a town from 1000 AD Chrono Trigger. A few towns having power lines and generators (or a space ship).

The game has an identity crisis when it comes to its setting. But people praise it as if it invented Cyberpunk. Final Fantasy VIII actually did a better job of consistency when it came to blending technology and villages. But people hate it because the 'technology' isn't the gritty cyberpunk they liked from FFVII.

Trying way to hard for a (You), you don't deserve it

>VII remake was made for nostagliafags.
Except its doing everything it can to anger established FFVII fans. And this actually shows to genius of Nomura. He knows that FFVII fanboys are the biggest fanboys in gaming. He could literally take a shit in a box and, just because it has the FFVII logo on it, people would buy it.

So when it comes to the FFVII remake, he's changing as much of it as he can to appeal to a new fanbase. The FFVII remake is being aimed at people who don't like Final Fantasy yet. And the FFVII fanboys will buy it anyway.

jesus christ, having taste this bad

Maybe Tabata wouldn't have gotten hold of it if Nomura wasn't fucking incompetent

nice clickbait

>so incompetent they gave him the get out jail free card to direct
Yeah man totally

I dislike Nomura. But incompitent isn't the word that describes him.

Nomura was taken off the FFVersus project because SquareEnix was making him work on half a dozen other games at the same time. Square is in the same fix Konami was a few years ago. They alienated all their other talent, so all they have left is one golden boy. In Konami's case, it was Kojima. And they expected him to not only make more MGS games but also revive Castlevania and Silent Hill and make an original IP. No matter how good you are at game development, one man cannot make 4 games at the same time. Well, except Yuji Horii or Tezuka.

You do know that Nomura doesn't run everything right? It wasn't even his decision to even make a VII Remake. It's the head.

>FFXIII was bad so they convinced themselves that the next FF game, which at the time was the announced FFVersus

That is the clear definition of Propaganda. Look at what Famitsu did a list of that was voted by the fans:

FF13 is considered the 4th best PS3 game by Japan, outbeating everything except for Dark Souls, The Last of Us and Demon Souls.

What does the producer who greenlit the project have to do with my comments about how Nomura is running the project? Which he is the head of the project (for now).

>Japan likes the Last of Us

Is there any country that doesn't have shit taste?

desu I think Nomura is one of the worst things about modern Square. He's an artist, not a storyteller, and all of his work shows it.

The only thing that can save FF is a serious shot of modesty. It has no fucking idea what it's doing anymore, it's become too big to contain itself. Does anyone see Dragon Quest suffering like this? No, because DQ knows exactly what it wants to be - JRPG comfort food for nostalgiafags. Nobody can even define what Final Fantasy is anymore.

>(201 votes)
You just answered why Famitsu polls are pointless. 2 million Japanese people bought FFXIII. 201 people out of 2 million is not an accurate sample. Its 200 extreme lightning fanboys who bothered to send a letter to a magazine company.

what kind of retard thinks FF7 is cyberpunk? Midgar is about as close as it gets but even than it is more post-post-apocalyptic. it does not have much cyberpunk to it. if it all took place in Midgar and was just about sticking it to Shinra(the man) while being focused solely on tech.

the FF7 world used to be a high tech world along LONG time ago but they fucked around with the lifestream energy too much. that is why the high tech areas in the game look like they are falling apart and they dont know how to keep shit working. everything else looks like small settlements or villages that are cobbling together relics from the past they dont fully understand.

atleast that is how i have always viewed FF7s world.

That's not how budgeting work

Hey, Naughty Dog was having a good year. Between TLoU and Uncharted 2, this is quite big for them

FF13 took 4th place and NEIR took 6th.

No, you can't just disregard that as 'it doesn't count' when you feel like you don't like it. The same can be said about every game on that list by your logic and I KNOW you don't think that. So fuck off with your beating around the bush. FF13 was massively successful and it's only a vocal minority like you who thinks otherwise.

Dragon Quest is doing fine since its had the same core team for its entire 30 year run. The minute Yuji Horii dies, you can bet that SquareEnix is going to milk the series to eternity. Making a dozen different teams working on a dozen different DQ games at the same time.

Which is why Final Fantasy is falling apart. Though to be fair, Final Fantasy had this problem even when Sakguchi was still there. They let it get out of control on the SNES.

>Kingdom Hearts
I don't fucking understand how any grownup cares about this garbage. I mean something like Pokemon has a point to it, there's a goal and challenge but Kingdom Hearts? It's a kid game. You jump around with Goofy, Dolan and some anime guy.

You can actually. If an enemy hits you for more than your Max HP, it's game over.

>Ravus has a 9999 attack
>at full HP (~8000)
>Fuck up my dodge
>Hits my entire party
>no Phoenix Downs

Those other subs are still giving a steady $15 a month.

>No, you can't just disregard that as 'it doesn't count' when you feel like you don't like it.
No, I can discount it because of the exact reason I specified. 200 people voting on a poll is not an accurate measurement of ANYTHING.

>The same can be said about every game on that list by your logic and I KNOW you don't think that.
I don't even know what you're trying to say here because my view doesn't change no matter what the game is. Its a horrible poll which does not speak for the general market. It only speaks for a small subset of people who read Famitsu. And not even the whole Famitsu audience.

oh sure it sold well.
that is how hype and nostalgia culture works.
it still does not change the fact that once it was in the peoples hands most people did not like it maybe not hate it but did not like it.

>there's a goal and challenge but Kingdom Hearts?
Just like in kingdom hearts

More like 14 1.0 failed miserably so they made 13-2 and -3 to recoup their losses.

And that's why SquareEnix hasn't killed it yet. But for the record, FFXIV has an atrocious turn over when it comes to subs. They lose almost as many subs as they gain each month. The game has sold over 6 million copies and up to 10 million if you count the free 30 day trial. But it varies between 250k-400k subs. That's a fucking 90% drop off in playerbase.

You know it is episodic right? Like if it is shitty people will stop buying it in the middle of the story and people have been waiting for this longer than they waited for XV so if it has any faults they will be magnified by the fans. If VII fails then I would consider SE dead AF.

Okay, you are seriously a troll, fuck off you faggot.

You are just trying to discredit Final Fantasy XIII by being a propaganda artist. Just fuck off and kill yourself faggot.

But that was the vote for the BEST PS3 GAMES by the fans. Sales don't equate to votes. And it DOES change the fact that the grand majority of people did like it and it's a vocal minority.