Would you buy a console with zero exclusives

would you buy a console with zero exclusives

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>would you buy a console

Because it has exclusives

I bought an Xbone S for $250 at Target during Black Friday because
>free $40 gift card
>came with Battlefield 1, which I sold to my brother for $25
>Rare Rapelay
>Sunset Overmeme
>Gaylo: The Master Chef HD Pack
>Raiden V
>Backwards Compatibility
>decent D-Pad to use for certain backwards compatible games
>games that would make me install Windows 10 to get them on PC (Scalebound, Phantom Dust/Voodoo Vince HD, Sea of Thieves, ReCore, etc.)
>physical copies
>4K Blu Rays/Games (just in case I fall for the 4K meme)
Only downside is paying for online, but I don't mind as long as I don't have to keep the subscription to play the free 360 games.

I have an xbone, but I got it before they announced that everything they had going forward was going to be on pc too.

If I knew that I wouldn't have bought it. I haven't turned it on in at least 4-5 months.

The only saving grace is that it can play lost odyssey, so now I don't have to worry about my 360 red ringing for the 3rd time.


Xbox has better performance

Would you buy a gamimg PC with zero exclusives?

It literally only has one, sunset overdrive, everything else can be played on pc where it will look and run better
>Xbox one
>it only has one game
The absolute madmen

when did exclusives start mattering?

When they became the only real way to differentiate most consoles from each other about 17 years ago.

Halo 5 and Masterchief Collection

would you buy a bear with zero exclusives

Hey gotta play em somewhere.

Port collection doesn't count since all of those games are already available on pc and it's only a matter of time til 5 is released
Poor little console cucks has no games to play, master race wins yet again

The only people who care about exclusives are buttmad PC cucks anyway.

I bought an s a few weeks ago and I don't regret it at all, however I wish I could play yakuza but il probably get a switch as well which might port over a few web games. I like the s but really I could of just got as much enjoyment out of a ps4

Technically, Halo 2 Anniversary is what's exclusive to the collection. You could also say that Halo:CE Anniversary is exclusive, but to consoles.
Pic related.

Halo 5 should count.

MCC was a disgrace that 343 should never be allowed to live down.

>would you buy a console with zero exclusives
Yes, but not one from Microsoft or Nintendo.
Out of principle.
SEGA is fine.

>gets btfo
>b-but reddit though
Console cucks really are retarded

I hope you're not assuming the Switch will get decent third party support out of the gate.
When you buy a Nintendo console, assume you'll only get Nintendo games and nothing else.
If a game comes to it that you're actually looking forward to, it's just a little bit of icing on the cake. It can happen, but don't count on it.
How did I get blown the fuck out? Explain, please.

xbox is on nogames status right now.


>I was btfo by you posting the obvious fact that my toy has no games to play
Live in denial console cuck, is your xbox good for anything at all that a PC cant do better

When did I say that? Can you show me, please?

So you just want to play retarded then and pretend there are games on the xbox, that's nice

MCC is great, what chu talking about?

Remove Cybersleuth, Persona 5, Tearaway, World of Final Fantasy, Gundam Breaker 3, and Dragon Quest Builders

What makes you think that? Can you tell me why you think this, please?

why do sonyggers start so much shit?

>Only downside is paying for online, but I don't mind as long as I don't have to keep the subscription to play the free 360 games.

You do

The game launched in a broken non-functional state, and after more than half a year of patching it 343 abandoned fixing some of the remaining issues in favor of focusing on halo 5.

It was highly publicized at the time of its launch.

>implying OP isnt an xbox falseflagger

No. It's only required for Xbone games.
Before I bought Live again, I was still able to play the games I got from the subscription, such as Dead Space.

Xbox fanboys don't exist on Sup Forums, Mr. Reddit Frog.
Anyone who owns an Xbone on Sup Forums is most likely an idort.

Not for the 360 games, you don't.

you do for the xbone ones though

Hell yeah, God bless Capitalism!


it's actually hilarious that now every single game that comes out for the xbox is now "windows exclusive", not xbox exclusive.

They don't make their servers cross platform, either, so they fucked it, in that respect.

Campaigns have always been perfect though

Doesn't W10 have shitty spyware or something?
Why wouldn't you just get an Xbone so you don't have to upgrade?

I bought mine back in October for $250, and it came with Halo 5, Halo MCC, and Forza Horizon 3. I've been enjoying the shit out of it so far.

Too bad campaign was only a portion of the game and a huge amount of people play halo specifically for multiplayer.

>dat slick Ori physical copy
Fuck Microsoft for releasing that MONTHS after it came out digitally.

*MONTHS after Definitive Edition came out digitally.

Got it for $10 after using a $5 MS Store coupon on Black Friday. It comes with both the original version and the DE on the disc, and has a separate soundtrack CD too.

Probably some of the best $10 I've spent.

>tfw Meme Overdrive could have been an underrated gem if the writing wasn't so terrible
Literally every "joke" was a reference with no context there's a part where make reference to reddit for no fucking reason other than to say HA HA REDDIT IS A THING THAT EXISTS. It's like someone telling you a shitty joke, pissing his pants laughing at his own joke, and then going into detail about why you should be laughing.

The cheap shot they took at EA and FUSE was the only bit that got a smirk out of me.

Well fuck. I wish I knew about that.
Also, is the original game worth playing if you've already played the DE?

Fuck if I know, I just started playing the DE today.

>Halo 5

>Sunset Overdrive
>Rare Replay
>the good version of Forza 6 and Forza Horizon 3
>the good version of Forza Horizon 2

>good version

>the good version of Forza Horizon 3

Xbone got a patch so you can play it at 60FPS 1440p/4k now?

Forza 6 Apex lacks content compared to the Xbone full version, and Forza Horizon 3 is literally the Xbone version trying (poorly) to run on regular PCs, since it's optimized for the Xbone's weird RAM situation.

Forza Horizon 2 is also on Xbox 360 but has a lot less content and a smaller map.

>all of those games are available on PC
I fucking wish

Not him but Forza Motorsport 6 Apex for PC is just a lite demo that is not the same thing as Forza Motorsport 6 in the same sense that Half-Life Uplink was not Half-Life 1.

Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox 360 was a severely gutted version made by Sumo Digital and really doesn't have much to do with the real Horizon 2 for Xbox One, made by Playground Games. The Xbox 360 had different and/or missing content.

>not getting it off dell.com for same price

Came with battlefield 1, gears 4, and a second controller

I have an xbone, and a ps4 also. Ps4 gets most of the playtime but xbone still has 'exclusives' i wanna play, most recently forza horizon 3 and recore.

nothing wrong with the console, except maybe the slight, yet noticeably lower resolution.

holy shit

how did this happen?

who gives a fuck. Some games are just more enjoyable on consoles, and the xbone online store had a better fall sale than steam did.