Equip item :Fedora

>equip item :Fedora
>+6 INT

Other urls found in this thread:


What is it with betas where they're fuck ugly but still take billions of pictures of themselves. They must go along with social normie trends

Also this guys hair looks like a rough fedora. Thats dedication.

betas don't understand the social ladder outright enough to reject it. that's for the gammas, who don't have social media and don't take many pictures of themselves.

>What is it with betas where they're fuck ugly but still take billions of pictures of themselves
They aren't low self esteem losers like you

At least it's +6 INT instead of +6 CHA

>Banana Blast

does he like shave everything but the neck or something because whats there is pretty thick, cant imagine it doesn't grow that well all over.

fucking faggot for wasting good beard genes on that shit

>Equip accessories
>They never increase stats, but can greatly lower your charisma
>"It takes guts to wear that!"

>Fedora = Pre-War Hat
>Pre-War Hat gives +1 PER
>Therefore, Fedora gives +1 PER
Enough [Perception] points to see how much of a cuck this guy is.
I bet he chose Legion just to be contrarian.

>somehow it became the norm to publish your pictures and real credentials on the internet

Would you have believed this shit in the late 90s/early 00s

this guy's stupid fucking face is pissing me off. Just looking at it annoys me.

You're joking but this can happen in NetHack

Who exactly is this guy?

No need to project here.

I chose Legion because of post apocalyptic Romans, fuck you.

I wonder if he realizes that style actually works for him and he'll keep it.

why is Sup Forums so obsessed with this guy

What stats does this increases?

I'm not sure it's Sup Forums

just delusional, i guess.

because Sup Forums is full of beta/fedoras.

now they can point out that this guy is even worse than them, thus they get to feel good.

Who the fuck is this guy, and why are there so many pictures of him?


These. I see this guy posted all the time recently. Why? Is he some eceleb?

who makes this shit?
who buys this shit?
who dresses their kids in this shit?

People that made nerd culture into a normie act

>own nintendo products
>end up like this

Don't you remember the 90s? Kids were wearing stupid T-shirts then as well.

Is this guy on OP's pic?

not vidya

That's just a generalization and you should know because you're one


If your beard doesn't include a moustache, just kill yourself.

dumb jimmy nutron poster

I must admit that's a pretty good shirt

What if i already maxed it by grinding for the past 20 years?

Fuck off with this guy already

>Enter a mall for the first time in years
>See merchandise like this in stores
>Vow never to return

bearded manchildren need to die

This guy isn't even a "nu-male." He's just some goofy guy. There have been "goofy" guys since the dawn of Man.

i'd ask the same question to that shit to

>something something i'm not mean, just more intelligent bullshit.

AUT is one of the few stats that are not hard-locked. Some people just have internal limiters, but loot like can turn them off

Seriously though who is this guy

how long will nu-Sup Forums force reddit memes?

how is that a good shirt?

5 bucks says he uses a straightener on his beard

>I look like a faggot ironically XD

Who the fuck is this guy, really? I know people call him Jimmy Nu-tron or Jimmy Numale, but no one seems to know his actual name, even though new pictures seem to show up weekly.

Who is this meme master Sup Forums keeps posting?


It drives me crazy when people don't spell Gandhi right.

That's the only acceptable reason to choose legion, good job user.

If I see this Nu-Fag ONE more time..

Someone posted his real name in the last thread I saw, as well as a tumblr post begging for money.


Thanks lad

>nu-male likes overwatch and nu-Sup Forums likes both

really makes you think

the D being mirrored and it being a tie die makes it extra retarded

>Item: Fedora
>"Increases your Intelligence stat by 6"
>doesn't actually increase anything, only fakes giving you the stat

How it is not, shit's whacky as fuck. You're not really supposed to wear this shit seriously, so, no, it's not for the job interviews or serious social gatherings. If you dress well along with it, not obese and don't have a look of someone who hasn't left a house in half a year it would look pretty good for those moments where you want some special attention

>why would you want attention, you attention seeking faggot
It's natural to think and wanting to look better than the others. That's why you look after yourself and your wardrobe

He also like Fallout 4

he really needs to learn to either shave or keep the beard short. With a face shape like that you don't want to continue bring attention to it.

Honestly I'd just keep the sideburns and leave them bushy but neat.

Nice autism

He has a gf

jesus fuck

He's just some goofy guy.

Who finds this shit, and decides to post it?

that doesn't surprise or impress me.

What would he do if someone grabbed her pussy in front of him?

fucking christ, now I know im a fucking loser.

that's not his "girlfriend", they're "just friends"
he's a "nice guy"

>throw a few Latin terms in and dress them up vaguely like Romans
>this appeals to autistic

>if you punch him for grabbing your gf's pussy, he wins

I-I'm sure it's a photoshop!
It has to be!


And it's still better than NCR, House, and Yes Man. How autistic are you that the fact someone picked a faction you don't like causes your asshole to itch and burn?

*BBC approaches and spanks his gf's ass*
now wat dat pussc bich ass whity gon do???

That's not true though. If you look at her social media she calls him her boyfriend.


this thread reeks of fat cuck jealousy

>has one girl in pics
>has more than 1 girl then Sup Forums will ever have
Really gets the ol neurons firing

How the fuck do you know?

>wow how dare you like a certain aesthetic you must be fucking autistic

Is that Jimmy Nutron?


>equip accessory :vape pen
>-50 VIT

Holy shit he lives 3 hours away from me.

>implying that isn't a fire ass shirt



>Upgrade to PC master race
>Passive 10% intelligence buff

>this is the face of a man who singlehandedly BTFO an entire board without doing anything at all


He actually looks normal here.

Anybody have the chart?

>frogposter complains about reddit
Oh the irony.

what purpose does it serve to put his face in that picture?

>ugly glasses
>ugly face metal

no thanks

just in case people forgot what he looks like

because they glorify themselves to the point normies dont bash it, they band together and fit in

The stupid obsessions this board has developed with random irrelevant people over the years. Will never get it.

fuck this life

Those bannanas would be perfect up my fuckin ass u fuckin bitch