Are you ready for another hectic season of Overwatch comp?

Are you ready for another hectic season of Overwatch comp?

yep. interested in seeing how sombra does

i dont play casual games

so no

They still havent fixed roadhogs hooks through walls and stairs

Literally fuck you blizzard that shit makes me so mad

looking forward to that sombra/hanzo/widow instapick in comp

>e "sports"

i don't ever have this happen to me

>playing overshit

asuka thread?


Wait.. people actually play this shit, instead of just masturbating to porn of it?

HAHA, kids today, fucking hell.

>popular game
>"lol do people play it?"

I don't think you realize how stupid you sound.

I hear you brother, kids just aren't sophisticated today like we were, haha. 'tis sad to see, really blows my fedora off

>tfw always get pulled through walls by the hook
>when I play Roadhog people manage to get caught on shit
It's just not fair.


nah playing League way better desu.

She's a bit under powered but has the potential to shine at high level organized play

I have 27 hours on D.Va, and I plan on using her most of the time this comp season. Why do people claim she's bad? Are they fucking shitters or what?

I also predict I will be using Sombra a lot this season, she's very useful once you get the hang of it.

This weeks with comp. down has been suffering.

Glad to get rid of those genji/hanzo/widow mains of quickplay.

No. OW is boring as hell.

Dhe used to be bad, two buffs later she's toppest of tiers.

Sombra is fun and useful but underpowered

post more girls in's jumpsuit

>there are people who unironically play this garbade instead of mastrubating to the porn


I think esports are gay and I like competitive overwatch

I'll main roadhog/ana as usual. Hopefully my grandmaster friends wont ditch me after one day forcing me to solo my way above 3k. They fucking play 12 hours a day while I have to go to work

shes not bad at all, shes cancerous as fuck

>not doing both at the same time
What are you some sort of casual?

haha, found the blizzard bitch boys

you are my little casual gamers now, want someone HARDCORE to look after you?

Didn't play the last season, any tips?

do it faggot

>literally playing and eating garbage

>you start screaming when your team is shit
>your waifu starts screaming when I fuck her


The LoL of FPS games

>your waifu
>not having multiple waifus
I knew you were a filthy casual, never respond to me again you normie.

Quit the game shortly after Eichenwalde. Shit was too boring, even with friends. I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who still plays Metawatch and enjoys it unironically.

Im playing Reinhardt a lot lately, im sick of playing solo support for angry queue assholes that only play DPS and force you to solo tank or solo heal.

How do I get good with Symmetra? I don't care for her main weapon but I like the shields and turrets.

Y-yes daddy :3

Wait until her rework is patched in

She's getting a rework

You wait for her rework.

>having multiple waifus
Reddit is that way, my man.

Oh shit, cool. Thanks for letting me know

>multiple waifus
will ruin your laifu

Block key roads and rooms with the turrets, protect the teleporter or shield generator with your life because its your only contribution to the team


>not being a neet chad and having multiple waifus



How come I'm the only person on the team to bother switching heroes to counter enemy picks and yet the same hanzo insta lock shitter continues with an ineffective method, this applies to most people not just hanzo players. hero limit ruined quick play and yes I know about arcade modes

>neet Chad
How often do you contemplate suicide?

Because I'm often stuck playing support. I like to, but I also guess I'm not sure how to counter supports as one (I usually play Zen)

If someone else on my team switches to heal/support, I usually switch to Zarya or Rein to help them out.

>counter picking
>in quick play


I only started playing about last week and most of my time is in as Mercy just because nobody else would play support.

If you change character, you lose all those delicious medal points you've accumulated on one character. Who wants to play a game without instant GOLD MEDAL WOO gratification?

I'm so lucky I've always enjoyed being a healslut.

to be fair the extent of "counter picking" in overwatch goes is like reaper to winston and so on. It isn't brain scratching made me really think kind of shit.

Would implementing some kind of leaderboard/scoreboard system like in most fps games have to see who the shit player is and who has medals in what make the game even more cancerous?

in quick play you can play literally whatever and do well unless you're a plat shitter or below.

I've never played ranked ::^))))


Who is this cutie?

>Don't enjoy comp overwatch
>will still probably play a bit of it anyways

Shit's just not fun to play in any serious sort of way.