This is my wife Sup Forums. Say something nice about her!

This is my wife Sup Forums. Say something nice about her!

Other urls found in this thread:

You got cucked

I masturbate to her every night

best girl imo, great choice OP, love you and your decision making hope you have a great day as well! :)

Jokes on you, I masturbate to her every hour!
Thank you user you also have a good day

>This is my wife
>Clearly a pre-render or a non-excisting woman

explain please

Abandon your husband. Your royal Egyptian lineage belongs to this BWC right here.

your legendary skins are being used to fellate nerds at conventions

the accumulated semen is worth several hundred dollars USD.

you won't see a penny of it, but your work is appreciated.

If she's not real how do I have this pic of her?

why do people like this man-faced shitskin?

That's nice.

She'/ cute

That's not Mei

>Ass shown to camera
>Clearly doesn't have an ass to show


How do people like SFM when it makes everyone look like they are made of glossy plastic?

Absolute trash, would not fap to.

She looks like my sister

>he doesnt jerk off to plastic wrap

this thread right now

just buy condoms

Fuck off nigger.

Pics pls

She's a cocksucking fuckpig.

this a thousand times

depends on whoever made them user, after exporting the models I think they don't come with a shadowmap (? I think that's what it's called) and everyone has to try and see what looks better. Most of people just use the shiny thing you see everytime, but others can get really close to how it looks in-game.

pics now

she's a lesbian confirmed by blizzard
fucking moron

Pharrah/Mercy is the new Korra/Asami.


Old Korra is great!

Because you got it off of Google images you creepy stalker.


This is my wife

phongmap gives fake reflections.

This is mommy

more like having common sense

It really is becoming one of the biggest causes for stagnant CG porn. I'm really getting tired of seeing the same giant dick slapped onto every single video game character.

Post lewd version


upload nsfw on imgur

Don't listen to the shill. Blizz only confirmed that one of the characters is gay.


say please :^)

seriously you think zarya is going to be the lesbian? that'll be too easy for it to actually be a surprise

When will we get nude/lewd mods?!

I just want something like pic related

Did you really censored nipples by yourself?

This is my mistress. Please give me her lewds

Kill yourself.

Pease uproad

>Still no SFM of Ana and Pharah double teaming Mercy

ass to ass

Make it yourself. It's not hard.

LI'm only really concerned about Mei.

These are some things I want to do to her:

Your ult sucks and is the easiest to counter

>game is literally choke full of stereotypes-the-character heroes
>not expecting the masculine weightlifting dykehair wearing woman to be the gay one


ow my ears also my boss heard that

Why is she so fine?

From the second I saw pink hair and muscles, I knew it had a mental illness.

What kind of faggotry is this?

Because she's tall, brown, and could look like anything under the power armor

PharahxMercy shippers are absolute cretins, and her existence made them show themselves.

>russian lesbian in a stereotype
ok bud

should've replied

youre my son in law.

Seriously, stop posting these stupid pictures of her. Totally noncanon shit.

>could look like anything under the power armor
implying she's not fit as fuck
look at that hip to waste ratio

>why do people like what I don't like?

>The ultra-conservative anti-omnic russian is going to be gay.

I'm not even a fan of overwatch, but you don't know anything about Zarya.

She's strong because she was forced into the military after omnics destroyed her home.

She wears her hair short because that's what the military demands

She dyes her hair pink, and paints her nails because she desperately wants to appear more feminine.

McCree is going to be the token gay, mark these words

well no shit
also, not liking a smiling Pharah

Well anything applies to tit, leg, ass shape and amount of muscle definition

>these shit materials on the right
i wish cucks would stop using source film maker and get a real 3d software that allows to make any materials to fit blizzard rendering.


I'm betting all my Money on Lucio. He is Brazilian after all.

let us not also forget her mom, which she probably got a lot of features from

to be fair she does sort of look like malcolm from nostalgia critic in this pic you posted


>''Why haven't you given me grandkids already, user?''


Would you settle for another daughter?

>Skins don't have voice over helmet/mask rasps
>Young Ana has the same voice as Grandma Ana
>Skin Icon appears on (you)'re UI, but not the scoreboard

Eat shit, Blizzard.

Getting fake tits any day now.

>''No, be at home at 10, i'll take Fareeha with me, we'll work something out...''


No, even if she's hot.

Anyone has the blueberry mountains pic?

>Height: 5'11

Come on blizzard, fix the servers already so I can take her for another spin

She does look cute with smile but not in your pictures

you're waifu a shit

Pharah is nice.

How can Pharah even compete?

What are you afraid of? Tainting your oh so shit genes? You're probably an ugly beta mother fucker to begin with.

She does.

Tell her to invite me when she is doing Mercy so I can watch.

superior animation coming through

>She's a cocksucking fuckpig.

>glossy lips
Overwatch team has sme nice fetishes

Just one more fucking day. Then I won't have to play this quickplay cancer any longer.

>all these kebab lovers

Right looks better. Her eyes are too wide on the left and she has bigger lips on the right.