FF15 flopped, this series is finished. It can't even manage an 8.8

FF15 flopped, this series is finished. It can't even manage an 8.8

The user review is really sad. I bet over 90% of the positive reviews came from people who haven't even yet finished the game.

Finalfantasy XV is GREAT get off your high horse and actually play and experience it before you write it off

i currently enjoy this game very much, predicted 8,5 and thats what i got :)

Fuck off and play other FF games, you will understand.

>implying the negatives have

It's certainly better than X and XIII

>I bet over 90% of the positive reviews came from people who haven't even yet finished the game.
And I would bet you 90% of the negative reviews are 0's from people who don't even own it.

Metacritic user reviews are a fucking joke.

didn't Sup Forums review bomb it?

More than likely, Sup Forumseddit's gotta get that next TORtanic somehow.


Besides the absolutely cringy story, X-2 is actually a good game. One of the best job systems in the series.

I love how this is the new meme reply anytime a grossly overhyped piece of shit deservedly bombs.

And FFXV STILL manages to have a worse story than X-2.

FFX-2 did the world travelling thing better than FFXV if I'm going to be honest. It definitely handled the tone shifts better.

Sitting back and realising that Noctis just learned his dad died and the Niffs have invaded a day before going on a faux date with Iris was striking.

>implying x2 was bad

>neo Sup Forums strikes again

Even in my old grandpas age, I can remember when Sup Forums liked things. Neo Sup Forums is dildos.

>Every Dark Souls - 80s
>Xcom 2 - 80s
>Witcher 1/2 - 80s
>Saints Row 3/4 - 80s
>Titanfall 1/2 - 80s
>Motherfucking DOOM - 80s

I actually really liked X-2 and XV. I also enjoyed Witcher III and Bloodborne and all the Dark Souls games.

Feels good, man.

>FFX-2 did the world travelling thing better than FFXV
That's because it isn't open world. When it's open world, it doesn't feel like it's a world. It feels like it's a single large region.

All objectively shit games.

and what IS a good game to you, newfag?

The irony of your "oldfag" post is that you clearly don't realize that OP was referring to Twilight Princess's 8.8 debacle. Meaning you're actually the neo-Sup Forums.

>all shit

Thanks, I appreciate the gratification of my point being proven. Episode IV: Neo/v/ strikes back

>shitter cucks back to shitposting like the cancerous faggots they are
>eerily silent when the game actually launches and not a single thread because they are busy watching eceleb play it for them

So...SE and Sony are the first people to the table with sales updates.

Where's the "WE SOLD 3 MILLION COPIES IN ONE DAY!" pr update?

>It's certainly better than X
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

>thinking that he still doesn't also think the game is bad
>thinking that anyone in the thread actually would care about that point and won't just jump the bait to hate on it

That's a good one. You're innocence is showing neo/v/.

You do realize that literally NOBODY uses words like "newfag", "neo Sup Forums", or "nu Sup Forums" except people who have been on Sup Forums for less than a year. Clearly because you keep parroting the word, you're trying to give the illusion that you're not new. It's alright man, we all have to start sometime. It's just that my sometime was around 9 years ago and yours was last year.

Not him, but X was shit.
The characters were almost as bad as 8's and the story is worse than anything I could imagine
>tidus is a fake memory lovechild
>yuna goes from one of the most respected professions in the world (summoner) and a member of its dominant religion on the planet to the most famous J-pop singer in the world in the span of a few years.
>goes from hardcore mage summoner to lara fucking croft in said same span of time
>makes tidus real
>tidus gets his head blown off by kicking a blitzball thats actually a bomb and blows up and yuna fucks his corpse
Sorry buddy. X was pretty bad.
But each FF has its positive and negatives.

We're in the Gamergate timeline. Who here cares about reviews now?

Only one of these complaints is directed at X, the first ocomplaint, and even then it's a description of backstory, not characterization. Are you underage?

The fact you hate 8 as well suggests immediately that you're a IX fag.

Are you somehow pretending that X2 and the book dont exist? because thats part of X, just like XIII's sequels also are apart of XIII's everything

>mfw haters are nintendrones and pc cucks

90% of this has nothing to do with X.

And yet it manages to have better character development and story than FFXV

X-2 is not part of X and XIII's sequels are not part of XIII.

This. Where's the gloating? Where's the general smugness?

hahaha ha no senor~ i have seniority over both of you? I have been here for twenty plus one decades ago~ !

because of this

your opinion has rendered invalid

maybe ff can't manage an 8.8 but i can

Where FFX is a 6, FFXV is a 5. Somehow manages to be worse than X was

The corner of Sup Forums that can't even afford a good gaming PC and a PS4. Those are the people that complain about every fucking console game.

Mario Galaxy
Zelda OCT

so its X-2 you dont like. most people dont. we are talking about X

>I actually really liked X-2 and XV. I also enjoyed Witcher III and Bloodborne and all the Dark Souls games.
t. tasteless faggot


It's funny, the lore behind X is actually pretty well written; the world is an interesting place, and it has a pretty good soundtrack too.
The problem lies in the characters and the story. When the protagonist is a boring cunt, the hero is an annoying cunt, the antagonist is a retarded cunt, the supporting cast are useless cunts, and the narrative is batshit retarded, no amount of worldbuilding and sweet tunes will salvage the fucking shambles that is your game.

A story about Auron/Braska/Jecht's sojourn to Yunalesca would have been infinitely better plot. Cut out the boilerplate JRPG angst/melodrama that surrounded everything about Teedus, replace it with the morally grey existentialist themes that underpin the summoner's journey and make the story mainly about unconvering the truth behind the Yevon church.

I have never played X

Nah, X had flaws but I loved it. Way better than XV.

And XIII, god, don't even post a picture from XIII ironically

>hurr everything's shit durr

Very much this.
The world is interesting, the setting is amazing and the setup and introduction was top notch.
But the actual story is only ok. It would have been elevated by good characters and a strong script, but it really had neither. That drug it down heavily.

The gameplay was, for the most part, standard FF combat up until that point. It was tried and true, so I wont really count that as a positive or negative.

X is way to over with the fans. In an odd fucking way, its become the VII to some core fans like VII is to normies.

I actually dont like 9 and I think 8 was great in its own way. But I wont deny that most of the characters are bad. I applaud them for trying something new. It didnt work out that well with the fans, but atleast they tried.
